Food Groups 4 Calories 6 Vitamins and Fiber 7 Serving Sizes 9 Sample Menu 12


Grading Criteria 15 Submitting Online 15 Submitting by Mail 16


C o n t e n t s

C o n t e n t s


P r o je

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P r o je

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Menu Project


This project contains two parts. First, you’ll research and discuss food safety, including sanitation requirements, food storage, preparation, and proper food handling, as well as presentations that make food appetizing for children. Second, you’ll be required to create a one-week menu, including snacks, for your selected age group following the food guide now known as “Choose My Plate.” We’ve included images of the traditional food pyramid and the new “Choose My Plate” plan for you to use as a reference, but you may wish to refer to the Web site for more detailed information.


Food safety sanitation requirements, storage, preparation, proper food handling, and presentation are the first steps in ensuring proper diet and nutrition for a child’s health and welfare. Using the Internet, research proper methods for each of these areas for your chosen age group and then write a 400–500 word essay about what you’ve learned. Make sure you’ve used your own words or used proper citations, if quoting directly. Include a Works Cited page for any Web sites you’ve consulted. Name your file using your student information, like this: student number_exam number_ last name_ first name. The exam number for this project is 405030.


For this part of your project, you’ll select an age group for which you’ll plan a week’s menu that includes three meals a day, plus snacks. See Figures 1 and 2, which illustrate the older food guide pyramid and the simpler Choose My Plate food guide, which shows the proportions of a child’s plate to be filled with each food group.

Graded Project2

FIGURE 1—The USDA food pyramid shows the propor- tion of foods from each food group to be eaten daily. From left, the sections represent grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and protein.

FIGURE 2—Choose My Plate simplifies choosing the right proportions of foods by showing that half of the daily diet should comprise vegetables and fruit and the other half grains and protein, with the emphasis on vegeta- bles and grains. The circle represents milk or other dairy products.

Graded Project 3

On your submission, be sure to clearly identify the age group you’ve selected. The age groups for this project are

• Children 1–2 years old

• Children 3–5 years old

After carefully reviewing the nutritional information included in this booklet, you’ll use the menu template provided to create a five-day menu for your chosen age group. Take into account the nutritional needs (calories, recommended dietary intake, and food sources for vitamins, minerals, and nutrients) for the age group you’re working with. We’ve included a sample menu with one day’s menu completed to show you how it should look.


When you’ve completed your essay and planned your menu for all five days in the age group you’ve chosen, you’ll transfer your menu information onto the menu template. To do so, go to your student portal and locate the Word file titled “Menu Project Template.” Copy and paste the menu template into the same document as your Part 1 essay. Title the menu “Part 2: Creating a Menu.” Using the sample menu as a guide, complete your menu and save your file.

When you’ve completed both the essay and the menu, check them carefully for errors. Run the spell check and grammar check, and pay attention to the red and green lines that mark possible errors. However, you must also proofread for errors that the computer doesn’t pick up, such as mistakes in grammar and missing or misused words or punctuation.

Note: If you can’t copy the menu template from the Word file, you may photocopy the template included in this project booklet and mail your project to the school. Make sure your menu is neat and legible.

Graded Project4

Food Groups To make knowledgeable selections, you need to know what’s included in each food group. Here are the basic components of each food group, although you may find additional options during your research.


Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. Some protein foods are highly allergenic; find out if children in your group have allergies.

Note: Take special care with children who are allergic to eggs, nuts, or other foods.

The following protein foods may be used as part of a health- ful menu:

• Beef

• Poultry

• Fish

• Eggs

• Nuts and seeds

• Beans and peas (black beans, split peas)

• Lentils

• Tofu

• Veggie burgers