Nursing Research on Transnational Marriages

Nursing Research on Transnational Marriages

Nursing Research on Transnational Marriages


Study 2: Health empowerment among immigrant women in transnational marriages in Taiwan.

Brief Description of the method Employed:  Participatory Action research was adopted in this study for developing, implementing and also evaluating an intervention for increased empowerment of women in Taiwan.  A choice of 68 women participants was chosen to conduct the theory based research. To conduct the research a choice of eight based workshops were chosen to identify key issues on health empowerment for women.  The use of participatory action based intervention would benefit the research by increasing health literacy and also ensuring that an informed health policy was established.


Nursing Research on Transnational Marriages

Data Collection Steps

Study 2: Health empowerment among immigrant women in transnational marriages in Taiwan.


Task 1

Observations about the setting arrangement

The researchers identified the settings and the immigrant women were invited for the study

Task 2

Participant Observations

A thorough monitoring of the participants for their health literacy was conducted

Task 3

Group dynamics observations

Increasing monitoring of the participants was conducted to evaluate the reasons for a low empowerment on health

Task 4

Observations based on interactions with the community

The participants of the research were also observed on their reactions with the community and recorded

Task 5

Conducting of interviews

Interviews of more than 60 minutes were also conducted to ensure that the research was effective.

Conclusion:  From the study, it was clear that a participatory action research (PAR) accompanied with in depth intervenes was helpful to increasing health literacy, social health and psychological policies that improve one’s wellbeing. It is clear that community health nurses can employ PAR policies and strategies to plan for adoption of health intervention programs that might be helpful to promotion of a health program. The use of in depth interviews in action research is one of the best strategies that can be adopted.


Yang, Y., Wang, H., Lee, F., Lin, M., & Lin, P. (2014). Health Empowerment Among Immigrant Women in Transnational Marriages in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 135-142. doi:10.1111/jnu.12110


Studies regarding immigrant women are so beneficial. What are your thoughts on the eight workshops that were chosen for this study? Do you feel there should have been more or less? Should the workshops lasted longer or been more spread out? What are your thoughts on this and what is your reasoning? Thank you for your post!