Nursing Research & Discussion

Nursing Research & Discussion

Nursing Research & Discussion: Read instructions:  Write a discussion word message 300 words .Write for each question down below 100 words. Please write related to the questions below. you will see attached all the information you need to write about. Must used reading from chapter that i provided it attached. Thank you.

1.Examine early issues of Nursing Research (1950s and 1960s) and determine whether theories or theoretical frameworks were used as a basis for research. What types of theories were used? Review current issues to analyze how this has changed.

2.Examine early issues of American Journal of Nursing (1900–1950). Determine if and how theories were used in nursing practice. What types of theories were used? Review current issues to analyze how this has changed.

3.Find reports that present middle range or practice theories in the nursing literature. Identify if these theories are descriptive, explanatory, predictive, or prescriptive in nature.


Nursing Research & Discussion

Leadership Implications

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”

— Ronald Reagan

U.S. President (1981-1989)

Leadership is a critical role for advanced practice nurses. In order to be an effective leader, one must examine his or her role as an advanced practice nurse, and use his or her knowledge, and leadership skills to address issues related to his or her specialty area. There is a saying that one must know when to follow and when to lead. In order to be a good leader, you must also learn how to follow. As you transition from student to practicing NP, seek opportunities for mentorship to develop your leadership skills. Recognizing when to lead and when to follow is an interchangeable process that requires experience and preparation. The future for Americans in health care is unpredictable. This week it is important to focus on the complex and advanced leadership role that is needed to make effective change in a dynamic and demanding health care system.