NURSING 2234 Eating and Sleeping Disorders

NURSING 2234 Eating and Sleeping Disorders

NURSING 2234 Eating and Sleeping Disorders

Chapter 23: Eating and Sleeping Disorders

Chapter 23: Eating and Sleeping Disorders


  1. Trends that have contributed to the recent increase in eating disorders in the United States include a(n):

a. More competitive workplace

b. Increase in the number of divorces

c. Focus on being thin as a measure of attractiveness

d. Increase in the number of nonnutritional foods consumed


In most modern societies, a high value is placed on a slim body.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 261 OBJ: 1

TOP: Eating Disorders KEY: Nursing Process Step: Assessment

MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity

  1. What is the main issue for adolescents with anorexia?

a. Anxiety

b. Control

c. Body image

d. Appropriate behavior


  1. Which disorder is associated with persons with a body weight that is normal or even slightly above average?

a. Pica

b. Bulimia

c. Obesity

d. Anorexia nervosa


  1. The persistent eating of nonfood items such as clay, laundry starch, insects, leaves, or pebbles that lasts for longer than 1 month is called:

a. Pica

b. Bulimia

c. Rumination

d. Regurgitation


  1. The main focus of medical management for anorexia is to:

a. Encourage rapid weight gain.

b. Encourage the client to eat voluntarily.

c. Teach more appropriate food choices.

d. Keep the client from developing additional problems.


  1. Although all age groups can be affected, sleep disorders occur most frequently in:

a. Adolescence

b. Later childhood

c. Older adulthood

d. Middle adulthood


  1. The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep is called:

a. Insomnia

b. Narcolepsy

c. Hypersomnia

d. Nocturnal myoclonus

NURSING 2234 Eating and Sleeping Disorders

  1. A disorder that interrupts normal sleep patterns and is characterized by repeated, brief jerks of the arms and legs that occur every 20 to 60 seconds during the beginning of sleep is called:

a. Insomnia

b. Narcolepsy

c. Hypersomnia

d. Nocturnal myoclonus


  1. Sleep disorders that are characterized by abnormal behavioral or physical events during sleep are called:

a. Insomnia

b. Dyssomnias

c. Hypersomnia

d. Parasomnias


  1. Sleep terrors usually occur only once a night, during stages 3 and 4 of NREM sleep. They are often accompanied by which physical sign?

a. Intense stress

b. Sexual arousal

c. Physical strength

d. Intense motor activity


  1. The first step in the treatment of sleep disorders is to:

a. Teach prevention.

b. Give hypnotics for sleep.

c. Evaluate sleeping patterns.

d. Teach clients to retire early.


  1. The collection of perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that relate to ones size and appearance is called:

a. Body image

b. Self-esteem

c. Self-concept

d. Body parameters


  1. The average age for onset of anorexia nervosa is _____ years old.

a. 13

b. 17

c. 33

d. 40


  1. The nurse who is caring for a 23-year-old client with bulimia knows that the most common method of purging to monitor this client for is:

a. Vomiting

b. Starvation

c. Excessive enema use

d. Use of syrup of ipecac


  1. The nurse who works in a sleep clinic knows that approximately _____% of adults suffer from insomnia.

a. 10 to 20

b. 30 to 40

c. 50 to 60

d. 70 to 80

NURSING 2234 Eating and Sleeping Disorders

  1. During an episode of binge eating, what type of food is usually taken in large amounts?

a. Fruits

b. Red meat

c. Fried or high fat content foods

d. Cakes, donuts, or sweets


  1. A client with a diagnosis of anorexia is admitted to an inpatient setting. Which therapeutic intervention is used with caution prior to stabilization and weight gain?

a. Establish rapport and trust

b. IV or tube feeding

c. Administering antidepressants

d. Daily weights


  1. Which of the following persons is most likely a candidate for primary hypersomnia?

a. A 50-year-old who has wakeful periods during the night and naps during the day following the death of her husband

b. A 6-year-old who wakes up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare and is tired the next day

c. An obese 40-year-old who has snoring and periods of apnea at night and is tired the next day

d. An 18-year-old college student whose mother complains he sleeps all night and still naps during the day


  1. A police officer complains of feeling tired and not able to sleep for an extended period of time after being assigned to work the night shift. He is most likely suffering from:

a. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder

b. Primary hypersomnia

c. Narcolepsy

d. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome



  1. Which of the following conditions are eating disorders? (Select all that apply.)

a. Pica

b. Purging

c. Cataplexy

d. Binge eating

e. Hypersomnia

f. Nocturnal myoclonus


  1. Which are key features of anorexia nervosa? (Select all that apply.)

a. Excessive laxative use

b. Purging

c. Severe weight loss

d. Introverted personality

e. Hunger is denied


  1. What are the criteria for the diagnosis of bulimia? (Select all that apply.)

a. Occasional episodes of binge eating

b. Refusal to maintain body weight that is more than 15% below normal

c. Excessive emphasis placed on body shape and weight

d. Eating binges at least twice per week for at least 3 months


  1. The death rate from anorexia is higher than any other mental illness. Death usually results from: (Select all that apply.)

a. Dehydration

b. Loss of critical muscle mass

c. Diabetes

d. Electrolyte imbalances

e. Suicide



  1. The medical term for a sleep test is a __________.