NURS656 Week 3 Table and Summary of HIT Gaps

NURS656 Week 3 Table and Summary of HIT Gaps

NURS656 Week 3 Table and Summary of HIT Gaps

This assignment builds on assignments 1 and 2. The purpose is to synthesize critical gap analysis by proposing creative solutions for the health informatics/information technology issue.


Based on the literature review and major gap(s) identified in your HIT project for the first two assignments, propose a creative solution(s) that would resolve the gap(s) and ensure the inclusion of evidence-based practices in the solution.

Sources for a proposed solution(s) may include the general media, online literature searches using the university library and/or Google Scholar, interviews of health practitioners, developers, computer scientists, technology experts, and the general public.

  • Summarize the solution(s) regarding this topic in a table.


  • The information integrated from the literature will be presented via a tabular column similar to the one shown. Distinct columns will name the discovered gaps, state the evidence-based practice from the literature, and possible solutions based on this information.
  • You will also write a two-paragraph summary below the table stating important takeaways based on the table for your informatics project.
  • Provide a list of references in the current APA style.
  • Identified gap EBP from the literature Possible Solution