NURS540 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 latest

NURS540 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 latest

NURS540 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 latest

DQ 1

When you develop a research project, you need to have a reliable and valid method of measurement in your study. Using your anticipated research proposal, how will you address the issues of reliability and validity? What concerns do you have over reliability and validity in your study and how will you overcome these concerns? Next, read two of your classmates’ posts and analyze how they addressed reliability and validity in their studies. Do you have any recommendations for improving reliability and validity?

DQ 2

Appropriate sampling is a critical component in developing a good research project. Using your approved research questions and research topic, explain your anticipated sampling method and why this is appropriate for your research proposal. What is your sample size? Next, read and review two of your classmates’ posts and analyze their sampling approach. Are their sampling approaches appropriate? Why or why not?


Week 3 Research Proposal Project Literature Review

This week, you will receive feedback from your instructor on your rough draft assignment. You will edit, revise, and add any additional information to your literature review based on your instructor feedback and additional research and reading. This submission should be more polished than your previous version. As you continue to read about your chosen research topic, feel free to add to your literature review and make it even more meaningful for your research proposal.

The following requirements should be met in your literature review:

Include a minimum of six scholarly sources

Organize in logical sections

Include an overview of the literature

Be unbiased in your presentation of information

Include sources and content relevant to your research questions and hypothesis; state the relevance in your literature review

Include a critical assessment of the sources. Do not simply include a summary of what you have read

A strong introduction and conclusion, including further questions for research

Proper APA formatting, citations, and references.

Week 4 discussion

DQ 1

Appropriate data collection is a critical component in obtaining useful data for your research. Using your proposed research topic and research questions, explain your plan for data collection. Discuss potential issues in your data collection plan and your plans to overcome these challenges. Then, respond to at least two or your classmates’ posts and analyze their plan for data collection. Are their plans appropriate for their research project? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

DQ 2

Watch the interactive video on ethical research from the nurse’s perspective using the directions below. (Detailed directions on accessing the research interactive scenario are included in the course.) Conducting research with strong ethical principles is a critical component of being an effective nurse researcher. What did you learn from participating in the interactive lessons on ethical principles in research? Are ethics in research clear cut, or do you think there are some gray areas? Explain your answer. How will you ensure that your research is conducted in an ethical manner? What potential challenges might you face?

Week 4 Research Proposal Project Design (Sampling, Reliability, Validity)


For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will focus on the sampling, reliability, and validity of your research proposal. This section will include information on sampling, reliability, and validity.

The following components should be addressed in your paper this week:

Information on your sample

Sampling basic information (age, gender, criteria, etc.)

Sample size

Explain why your sample is appropriate for your study


Explain how your data collection process is consistent and reliable

Explain why your measurement tool is reliable


Explain how you will ensure you have a valid sample

Explain how you tested the validity of your measurement tool

APA formatting, references, and citations are required.

Your research project design should be included as part of your final submission for your research proposal project in week 7 and your research proposal presentation in week 8. Use the feedback you receive from your instructor on your design to modify and improve before submission of your final project in weeks 7 and 8.