NURS 656 Weekly Discussions Latest

NURS 656 Weekly Discussions Latest

NURS 656 Weekly Discussions Latest

Week 1 Discussion

Prompt 1

Review the major tenets of the HIMSS position paper Transforming Nursing Practice Through Technology and Informatics by clicking on the link here or in the required resources for this week. Contrast it to a healthcare setting familiar to you. Describe your organization’s status regarding the position paper.

Prompt 2

Nursing informatics is dynamic and continues to evolve over time. What information technology (e.g., barcoding, EHR, mobile devices) have you witnessed that positively affected and supported safe patient care? Share specific examples and explain why and how you feel they have supported patient safety.

Week 2 Discussion

Prompt 1

How are organizational culture and the SIPOC tool utilized in project planning? Describe the importance of understanding the strategic vision and alignment of the organization where the system change occurs and how this affects information technology implementation.

Prompt 2

State two major theories and models underpinning informatics and apply one of the theories to a clinical system problem in a healthcare organization. Justify your choice of this theory for the selected problem.

Week 3 Discussion

Prompt 1

Think about the Systems Life Cycle Scenario Activity you completed. Describe how clinical nurse experts assigned to an IT team selecting and implementing an EHR for a healthcare organization might address the issues of user experience and usability. Explain the importance of usability testing in adopting health information technology (HIT) and provide an example of HIT best practices.

Prompt 2

Select a usability questionnaire from the web link below, and measure your interaction with the newest HIT system or device in your clinical practice. Are you surprised by this usability score? Why or why not? NURS 656 Full Course Work latest 2018

Week 4 Discussion

Prompt 1

Discuss an example of a project that did not have a clear problem statement, and include information on how the problem statement could have been more effective. (You can refer to projects you have observed in committees and performance improvement projects if you do not have personal experience.)

Prompt 2

Identify the policy and standards of a healthcare organization, and identify the governing licensing and accrediting bodies and their judicial relationship with that healthcare organization. Describe legitimate consequences and/or negative actions if the healthcare organization does not accomplish these policies and standards.

Remember to consider external licensing and accreditation organizations and the standing healthcare organization’s own internal policies.

Week 5 Discussion

Prompt 1

Discuss applying two of the identified EBP into the Requirements Phase II of your identified clinical IT problem. Create and share high-level project goals within the system life cycle using the SMART technique to develop them.

Prompt 2

Discuss how dashboards contribute to the success of good project management and how you will incorporate it into your current project. Note if it creates efficiency or redundancy in your actions and its overall effect on the project’s progress.


Week 6 Discussion

Prompt 1

Compare and contrast the scope statement and the statement of work.

Prompt 2

Regarding your chosen HIT project, what barriers do you anticipate the project manager will face trying to meet the requirements for the meaningful use stage? Bullet your responses and prioritize them in order of importance, explaining your rationale.

Week 7 Discussion

Prompt 1

After reviewing the required resources this week on quality measures, discuss a quality outcome measure that you could apply to your HIT project. Be specific on how you would determine the success or failure of the outcome with the tool’s implementation.

Prompt 2

Discuss the importance of a well-defined project timeline and the risks of not having a project timeline.

Week 8 Discussion

Prompt 1

Apply Rogers’ theory of innovation and discuss the role of a clinical leader with a strong user voice when new information technology systems evolve in your healthcare organization. NURS 656 Full Course Work latest 2018

Prompt 2

Describe the benefits link between IT implementation and tangible and intangible benefits such as patient safety, cost savings, and time saved experienced by an organization with SLC projects.