NUR2058 Week 9 Discussion: Culture of Safety

NUR2058 Week 9 Discussion: Culture of Safety

NUR2058 Week 9 Discussion: Culture of Safety

In this discussion, emphasis is on awareness of client quality and safety and in particular what is a “culture of safety.”

Answer the following questions based on a review of the websites of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

  1. What values ensure a culture of safety?
  2. How can healthcare facilities establish a culture of safety?
  3. What is the nurse’s role in maintaining a culture of safety?


NUR2058 Module 09 Written Assignment – Technology Awareness Assessment

For this writing assignment, complete the Information Technology Self-Assessment Tool. When completed review and determine at least three new goals you would like to achieve. Submit your completed form with a brief description of your experience and comfort level with the use of technology not only in your Program but as a practicing nurse.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

NUR2058 Module 10 Written Assignment – Contemporary Issues and Trends

In this written assignment, identify one specific contemporary issue or trend that you are interested in learning more about. Choose from the categories below. For example you might want to learn more about why it is more difficult for some groups to receive care than others, which would fall under Client Access to Care. Or, you might want to compare nursing practice in the U.S. with how nurses practice in Japan, which would fall under the category of Global Healthcare and Nursing.

Global Healthcare and Nursing

Healthcare Reform

U.S. Healthcare Financing

Nursing’s Role in the U.S. Healthcare System

Integrative Healthcare

Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing Education

Nursing Practice

Nursing Professionalism

Advancing Nursing as a Profession

Client Access to Care

Delivering Client Care

Interdisciplinary Teamwork and Collaboration

Ethical Practices in Healthcare

Quality and Safety in Healthcare Delivery

Health/Nursing Informatics

Once the issue or trend is identified, find five important/significant facts about it, substantiated by an evidence-based article or reference. Include the article or references in your submission.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.