NUR 3516 Week 4 Assignment Latest

NUR 3516 Week 4 Assignment Latest

NUR 3516 Week 4 Assignment Latest

NUR3516 Self Care Assignment Guideline

DUE DATE: Saturday of Week 4

Summary: Your assignment is to write an APA formatted reflection paper based on taking one hour a week to do something for yourself, reflecting on the experience, and answering some final questions. You will also present findings from a scholarly, nursing journal article.

“ANA defines a healthy nurse as one who actively focuses on creating and maintaining a balance and synergy of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, personal and professional wellbeing. A healthy nurse lives life to the fullest capacity, across the wellness/illness continuum, as they become stronger role models, advocates, and educators, personally, for their families, their communities and work environments, and ultimately for their patients.” (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2017)

Explore the Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation website and take the challenge!

Who you will What you will write about How you will write How you will

write for evaluate and support

Primary Topic: Self Care Reflection and Format: Your paper Write in your own

Audience: The Personal crisis prevention will be written in APA words and paraphrase

primary audience /intervention 6th edition format content from other

is the general including a Title and sources and cite

nursing Each week, you ARE REQUIRED to Reference page. No according to APA

community take ONE HOUR and do something that abstract is needed. standards, as

including your YOU ENJOY, just for yourself! No kids applicable. It is

peers and nursing or family/friends allowed! It is time just Write your paper in a important to present

leaders. for you to relax and reflect. It can be Microsoft Word your ideas about the

anything that helps you regroup and put document. Save it in a subject matter through

Tone: This balance back in your life like horse- location on your your reflection and

assignment is to be backing riding, swimming, yoga, computer and with a analysis. Present a

written in first reading (something other than a name that follows this paraphrased summary

person as it textbook), and going to the park or a format: Last name, of the article you

reflects your own spa. It must NOT be anything related to First name, NUR3516, present from the

personal beliefs school coursework or your job. You will Reflection Paper. literature to support or

and values. then journal each week about the argue your ideas.


However, you will experience (reflection) and how it Organization:

also correlate the relates to what you are learning about Include a brief References: Include

values, beliefs, and stress, crisis, coping skills, self-care, and introduction and one (1) nursing journal

ethical standards supporting a “Healthy Nurse, Healthy conclusion to your article summary. Use

Nation™”. paper. Each journal proper APA

of the nursing

profession. Within your reflection paper, you will address all of the following questions

using APA level 1 headings:


Audience: As 1. Present the activity you

your instructor, I selected each week, why you

will read and chose it, and how it made you

evaluate how feel.

effectively you 2. Reflect on how you handle

have addressed daily stresses, the resources

your primary (material, personal, and social)

audience. you use to cope, and how your

perception of events affects

how you cope.

3. How might this activity prevent burn-out in your daily professional nursing practice?

4. What changes have you made in your life that support a Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™” lifestyle?

5. How does the crisis intervention course better prepare you to assist those in crisis?

Include a summary of one nursing journal article on self-care or burn-out and how you benefited by reading it.

You may use the Keiser University

Online Library or a nursing related

professional website to obtain your article.

The goal of this assignment is to assist you to reflect and understand the importance of caring for yourself as a first line to caring for others and to incorporate self-care activities into your daily lives.

entry (4) must be a minimum of 250 words. Use of Level One APA Headings are required.

Length: A minimum of three (3) full double-spaced pages are required excluding the title and reference page.

Submission: Submit as one completed paper in one Word document to the week 4 Assignment area.

SafeAssign: Your paper will automatically be submitted through SafeAssign, a plagiarism software program

Please review the SafeAssign information under the Student Resources Tab, Writing and Library link within the course.

paraphrasing, in-text citations, and corresponding reference for all sources (if additional sources are used).

Additional sources can be from the ANA Essential texts or the course textbook. Professional websites can be included, but must be in proper APA format. The use of web sites such as Wikipedia or a non-discipline supportive website are not allowed.

*Please use the Keiser University Online Library for professional nursing journal articles. Sites such as the OJIN Online Journal of Issues in Nursing are also acceptable. NUR3516 Full Course Work latest

Title: Self Care Personal Crisis Prevention/Intervention Due Date: Saturday of Week 4

Audience: General Nursing Community

Tone: First Person

Format: APA and Level 1 Headings

Length: Three (3) full double-spaced pages are required excluding the title and reference page.

References: One summarized nursing journal article

Assignment Rubric:

Criteria Allowed Points Comments

Points earned

Submitted reflections for each week 40

(4). Each with a minimum of 250 words.

Demonstrates synthesis, analysis, and 20 evaluation of topics.

Brief introduction and conclusion 10 included

Included a summary of a nursing 20

journal article related to topic with reference.

Minimum of three pages not 5 including title and reference page. Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation

are. NUR3516 Full Course Work latest

Proper APA Format, Citations, and 5


SafeAssign Score <15% SafeAssign Score/Feedback:


with no


Total points 100

To ensure that you get the most benefit from your BSN education and meet learning/program outcomes, this assignment is NOT optional. All students must complete the assignment in order to pass the course. Failure to submit the assignment will result in an F in the course regardless of the numeric grade without the assignment.