NUR 230 NP2 Nursing Board Exam
NUR 230 NP2 Nursing Board Exam
JUN 23,
NP2 Nursing Board Exam June. Answer Key ‘Community Health Nursing and Care of Mother and Child’
100 Nursing Board Exam test questions of June Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE)
Nursing Practice II – Community Health Nursing and Care of Mother and Child
Community Health Nursing / O.B. (Obstetric)
PART 1 Board Exam test questions 51 – 100
Situation 11 – You are working as a Pediatric Nurse in you own Child Health Nursing Clinic.
The following cases pertain to ASSESSMENT AND CARE OF THE NEWBORN AT RISK conditions.
- Theresa, a mother with a 2 year old daughter asks, “at what age can I be able to take the blood pressure of my daughter as a routine procedure since hypertension is common in
the family?” Your answer to this is:
- At 2 years you may
- As early as 1 year old
- When she’s 3 years old
- When she’s 6 years old
- You typically gag children to inspect the back of their throat. When is it important NOT to elicit a gag reflex?
- when a girl has a geographic tongue
- When a boy has a possible inguinal hernia
- When a child has symptoms of epiglottitis
- When children are under 5 years of age
- Baby John was given a drug at birth to reverse the effects of a narcotic given to his
mother in labor. What drug is commonly used for this:
- Naloxone (Narcan)
- Morphine Sulfate
- Sodium Chloride
- Penicillin G
- Why are small-for-gestational-age newborns at risks for difficulty maintaining body temperature?
- They do not have as many fat stores as other infants
- They are more active than usual so throw off covers
- Their skin is more susceptible to conduction of cold
- They are preterm so are born relatively small in size
- Baby John develops hyperbilirubinemia. What is a method used to treat hyperbilirubinemia in a newborn?
- Keeping infants in a warm and dark environment
- Administration of cardiovascular stimulant
- Gentle exercise to stop muscle breakdown
- Early feeding to speed passage of meconium
NUR 230 NP2 Nursing Board Exam
Situation 12 – You are the nurse in the Out-Patient Department and during your shift you encountered multiple children’s condition. The following questions apply.
- You assessed a child with visible severe wasting, he has:
- edema
- Kwashiorkor
- Marasmus
- Which of the following conditions is NOT true about contraindication to immunization?
- do not give DPT2 or DPT3 to a child who has had convulsions within 3 days of
- do not give BCG if the child has known hepatitis
- do not give DPT to a child who has recurrent convulsion or active neurologic
- do not give BCG if the child has known AIDS
- Which of the following statements about immunization is NOT true:
- A child with diarrhea who is due for OPV should receive the OPV and make extra
dose on the next visit
- There is no contraindication to immunization if the child is well enough to go
- There is no contraindication to immunization if the child is well enough
to go home and a child should be immunized in the health center before
referral are both correct
- A child should be immunized in the health center before referral
- A child with visible severe wasting or severe palmar pallor may be classified as:
- moderate malnutrition/anemia
- severe malnutrition/anemia
- not very low weight no anemia
- anemia/very low weight
- A child has some palmar pallor can be classified as:
- moderate anemia/normal weight
- severe malnutrition/anemia
- anemia/very low weight
- not very low weight no anemia
Situation 13 – Nette, a nurse palpates the abdomen of Mrs. Medina, a primigravida. She is unsure of the date of her last menstrual period. Leopold’s Maneuver is done. The obstetrician told that she appears to be 20 weeks pregnant.
- Nette explains this because the fundus is:
- At the level of the umbilicus, and the fetal heart can be heard with a fetoscope
- 18 cm, and the baby is just about to move
- Is just over the symphisis, and fetal heart cannot be heard
- 28 cm, and fetal heart can be heard with a Doppler
- In doing Leopold’s Maneuver palpation which among the following IS NOT considered a good preparation:
- The woman should lie in a supine position with her knees flexed slightly
- The hands of the nurse should be cold so that abdominal muscles would contract and tighten
- Be certain that your hands are warm (by washing them in warm water first if
- The woman empties her bladder before palpation
In her pregnancy, she experienced fatigue and drowsiness. This probably occurs
- of high blood pressure
- she is expressing pressure
- the fetus utilizes her glucose stores and leaves her with a low blood glucose
- of the rapid growth of the fetus
- The nurse assesses the woman at 20 weeks gestation and expects the woman to report:
- Spotting related to fetal implantation
- Symptoms of diabetes as human placental lactogen is released
- Feeling fetal kicks
- Nausea and vomiting related HCG production
- Mrs. Medina comes to you for check-up on June 2, her EDC is June 11, what do you expect during assessment?
- Fundic ht. 2 fingers below xyphoid process, engaged
- Cervix close, uneffaced, FH-midway between the umbilicus and symphysis pubis
- Cervix open, fundic ht. 2 fingers below xyphoid process, floating
- Fundic height at least at the level of the xyphoid process, engaged
Situation 14 – Please continue responding as a professional nurse in theses varied health
situations through the following questions.