NUR 1213 Tina Jones Health History Prep

NUR 1213 Tina Jones Health History Prep

NUR 1213 Tina Jones Health History Prep

Tina Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American woman who presented to the emergency department for evaluation of a right foot injury and is admitted for IV antibiotics. She is now admitted to your unit for care.
Learning Objective
Interview your first Digital Standardized Patient, Tina Jones, document her comprehensive health history, and complete post-exam activities.
Getting Ready
• Prioritize the following elements of the critical thinking. #1 is your first action and #6 is your last.
____ Make a decision
____ Gather information
____ Evaluate the outcome of your decision
____ Use Critical communication Skills (listening, writing, and speaking)
____ Act upon the decision
____ Identify the problem
• According to Dewitt, list four questions that should be asked about a new problem or illness.

• Why is it important to provide privacy for your patient?

• List five (5) therapeutic techniques you plan on using while attaining Tina’s health history?

• How could you obtain needed information for your initial assessment from a patient who is deaf?

• How would you handle the situation if your patient refuses to answer the questions you ask during your assessment interview?

• What would you do if you are to assess a patient of the opposite sex and the person does not want you to do their assessment?
• What are four (4) non-verbal communication cues that your patient might express?

• When you initially enter Tina’s room, what are four (4) safety issues you would assess?

Patient Information
Tina Jones
Define and describe Diabetes using your textbook. (Include risk factors for development of the disease such as race, gender, age social/family history, etc. that may make some people more prone to development; If a surgical patient, why did they need surgery and describe surgical procedure) ___________________________________________________________________________________
List the textbook symptoms for diabetes.

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Health History Prep – Answer Key
Tina Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American woman who presented to the emergency department for evaluation of a right foot injury and is admitted for IV antibiotics. She is now admitted to your unit for care.
Learning Objective
Interview your first Digital Standardized Patient, Tina Jones, document her comprehensive health history, and complete post-exam activities.
Getting Ready
• Prioritize the following elements of the critical thinking. #1 is your first action and #6 is your last.
__4__ Make a decision
__3__ Gather information
__6__ Evaluate the outcome of your decision
__2__ Use Critical communication Skills (listening, writing, and speaking)
__5__ Act upon the decision
__1__ Identify the problem
• According to Dewitt, list four questions that should be asked about a new problem or illness.

• What is the problem?
• When did it start? How did it start?
• Are the symptoms getting worse or remaining the same?
• Did anything seem to precipitate this illness or problem?
• How is it affecting you?
• Does it interfere with your usual activities?
• How often do the symptoms occur?
• Is there any pain?
• What seems to relieve the symptoms?

• Why is it important to provide privacy for your patient?
A patient who feels exposed and embarrassed will be tense, restless, and less able to cooperate

NUR 1213 Tina Jones Health History Prep
• List five (5) therapeutic techniques you plan on using while attaining Tina’s health history?
1. Open ended questions
2. Silence
3. Seeking Clarification
4. Restatement
5. Look at alternatives
6. Sharing observations
7. Using general leads
8. Clarifying
9. Acknowledge the patient’s thoughts and feelings

• How could you obtain needed information for your initial assessment from a patient who is deaf?
Use a white board and marker for written communication.
Use a translator
use the patient’s family member/friend.

• How would you handle the situation if your patient refuses to answer the questions you ask during your assessment interview?

Find out why they won’t answer my questions, and see if it was something that could change. If not, ask a family member, if they don’t have one document that and ask another nurse if she had any suggestions or could try to help with the assessment interview.

NUR 1213 Tina Jones Health History Prep
• What would you do if you are to assess a patient of the opposite sex and the person does not want you to do their assessment?

Try to assess why there might be an issue. Assure that you are confident and knowledgeable doing assessments, if they still refuse to be seen try to get a male nurse to do the assessment.

• What are four (4) non-verbal communication cues that your patient might express?

Body posture, facial expression, eye contact and gestures


• When you initially enter Tina’s room, what are four (4) safety issues you would assess?
Check the patient’s arm band, raise the rails of the bed, put the table and the call light by the patient, bed in lowest position
Patient Information
Tina Jones
Define and describe Diabetes using your textbook. (Include risk factors for development of the disease such as race, gender, age social/family history, etc. that may make some people more prone to development; If a surgical patient, why did they need surgery and describe surgical procedure)
Diabetes is known as a disturbance of the metabolism of carbohydrates and the use of glucose by the body. There are two different types, and they are Type I and Type II diabetes. Type I is when the beta cells of the pancreas stop secreting insulin. This can develop very early in life. Type II is when glucose receptors on the cell membrane lose their sensitivity to insulin. It use to appear in people typically over the age of 40, but not is becoming prevalent in younger people as well. Diabetes is common in African Americans and Hispanics, but is greatest in Pima Indians. People with diabetes are at a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, kidney disease, blindness, and even stroke. Diabetes is known for being genetically linked, but also diet and nutrition of the individual does play a vital role in whether or not the disease occurs in the person. People with diabetes that undergo surgery may be at a greater risk, because the stress from the surgery can cause the blood glucose levels to rise or fall. The patient may then be required to receive insulin through an IV during surgery. People with diabetes may also have slower wound healing after surgery. With a slower wound healing, the higher the risk for infection with the patient.

List the textbook symptoms for diabetes.
1._____frequent urination_______________________________________________
2._____excessive thirst__________________________________________________
3._____increased hunger________________________________________________
4._____weight loss_____________________________________________________
6._____lack of concentration_____________________________________________
7._____tingling and numbness in extremities________________________________
8._____blurres vision___________________________________________________
9._____frequent infections______________________________________________
10.____slow healing wounds_____________________________________________

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NUR 1213 Tina Jones Health History Prep
Contributor Lake Area Technical Institute, Watertown, SD
Consortium for Healthcare Education Online project material by CHEO Project TAACCCT Round 2 is licensed under a HYPERLINK “”Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License “This product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership.”