NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions

Psychiatric nursing

Mental health is defined as:
A. The ability to distinguish what is real from what is not.
B. A state of well-being where a person can realize his own abilities can cope with normal stresses of life and work productively.
C. Is the promotion of mental health, prevention of mental disorders, nursing care of patients during illness and rehabilitation
D. Absence of mental illness

Answer: (B) A state of well-being where a person can realize his own abilities can cope with normal stresses of life and work productively.
Mental health is a state of emotional and psychosocial well being. A mentally healthy individual is self aware and self directive, has the ability to solve problems, can cope with crisis without assistance beyond the support of family and friends fulfill the capacity to love and work and sets goals and realistic limits. A. This describes the ego function reality testing. C. This is the definition of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. D. Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness.

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
2. Which of the following describes the role of a technician?
A. Administers medications to a schizophrenic patient.
B. The nurse feeds and bathes a catatonic client
C. Coordinates diverse aspects of care rendered to the patient
D. Disseminates information about alcohol and its effects.

3. Liza says, “Give me 10 minutes to recall the name of our college professor who failed many students in our anatomy class.” She is operating on her:
A. Subconscious
B. Conscious
C. Unconscious
D. Ego

4. The superego is that part of the psyche that:
A. Uses defensive function for protection.
B. Is impulsive and without morals.
C. Determines the circumstances before making decisions.
D. The censoring portion of the mind.

5. Primary level of prevention is exemplified by:
A. Helping the client resume self care.
B. Ensuring the safety of a suicidal client in the institution.
C. Teaching the client stress management techniques
D. Case finding and surveillance in the community

6. Situation: In a home visit done by the nurse, she suspects that the wife and her child are victims of abuse.

Which of the following is the most appropriate for the nurse to ask?
A. “Are you being threatened or hurt by your partner?
B. “Are you frightened of you partner”
C. “Is something bothering you?”
D. “What happens when you and your partner argue?”

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
7. The wife admits that she is a victim of abuse and opens up about her persistent distaste for sex. This sexual disorder is:
A. Sexual desire disorder
B. Sexual arousal Disorder
C. Orgasm Disorder
D. Sexual Pain Disorder

8. What would be the best approach for a wife who is still living with her abusive husband?
A. “Here’s the number of a crisis center that you can call for help .”
B. “Its best to leave your husband.”
C. “Did you discuss this with your family?”
D. “ Why do you allow yourself to be treated this way”

9. Which comment about a 3 year old child if made by the parent may indicate child abuse?
A. “Once my child is toilet trained, I can still expect her to have some”
B. “When I tell my child to do something once, I don’t expect to have to tell”
C. “My child is expected to try to do things such as, dress and feed.”
D. “My 3 year old loves to say NO.”

10. The primary nursing intervention for a victim of child abuse is:
A. Assess the scope of the problem
B. Analyze the family dynamics
C. Ensure the safety of the victim
D. Teach the victim coping skills

11. Situation: A 30 year old male employee frequently complains of low back pain that leads to frequent absences from work. Consultation and tests reveal negative results.

The client has which somatoform disorder?
A. Somatization Disorder
B. Hypochondriaisis
C. Conversion Disorder
D. Somatoform Pain Disorder

12. Freud explains anxiety as:
A. Strives to gratify the needs for satisfaction and security
B. Conflict between id and superego
C. A hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal reaction to stress
D. A conditioned response to stressors

13. The following are appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client EXCEPT:
A. Ineffective individual coping
B. Alteration in comfort, pain
C. Altered role performance
D. Impaired social interaction

14. The following statements describe somatoform disorders:
A. Physical symptoms are explained by organic causes
B. It is a voluntary expression of psychological conflicts
C. Expression of conflicts through bodily symptoms
D. Management entails a specific medical treatment

15. What would be the best response to the client’s repeated complaints of pain:
A. “I know the feeling is real tests revealed negative results.”
B. . “I think you’re exaggerating things a little bit.”
C. “Try to forget this feeling and have activities to take it off your mind”
D. “So tell me more about the pain”

Answer: (A) “I know the feeling is real tests revealed negative results.”
Shows empathy and offers information. B. This is a demeaning statement. C. This belittles the client’s feelings. D. Giving undue attention to the physical symptom reinforces the complaint.

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
16. Situation: A nurse may encounter children with mental disorders. Her knowledge of these various disorders is vital.

When planning school interventions for a child with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a guide to remember is to:
A. provide as much structure as possible for the child
B. ignore the child’s overactivity.
C. encourage the child to engage in any play activity to dissipate energy
D. remove the child from the classroom when disruptive behavior occurs

17. The child with conduct disorder will likely demonstrate:
A. Easy distractibility to external stimuli.
B. Ritualistic behaviors
C. Preference for inanimate objects.
D. Serious violations of age related norms.

18. Ritalin is the drug of choice for chidren with ADHD. The side effects of the following may be noted:
A. increased attention span and concentration
B. increase in appetite
C. sleepiness and lethargy
D. bradycardia and diarrhea

19. School phobia is usually treated by:
A. Returning the child to the school immediately with family support.
B. Calmly explaining why attendance in school is necessary
C. Allowing the child to enter the school before the other children
D. Allowing the parent to accompany the child in the classroom

20. A 10 year old child has very limited vocabulary and interaction skills. She has an I.Q. of 45. She is diagnosed to have Mental retardation of this classification:
A. Profound
B. Mild
C. Moderate
D. Severe

21. The nurse teaches the parents of a mentally retarded child regarding her care. The following guidelines may be taught except:
A. overprotection of the child
B. patience, routine and repetition
C. assisting the parents set realistic goals
D. giving reasonable compliments

22. The parents express apprehensions on their ability to care for their maladaptive child. The nurse identifies what nursing diagnosis:
A. hopelessness
B. altered parenting role
C. altered family process
D. ineffective coping

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
23. A 5 year old boy is diagnosed to have autistic disorder.
Which of the following manifestations may be noted in a client with autistic disorder?

A. argumentativeness, disobedience, angry outburst
B. intolerance to change, disturbed relatedness, stereotypes
C. distractibility, impulsiveness and overactivity
D. aggression, truancy, stealing, lying

24. The therapeutic approach in the care of an autistic child include the following EXCEPT:
A. Engage in diversionary activities when acting -out
B. Provide an atmosphere of acceptance
C. Provide safety measures
D. Rearrange the environment to activate the child

25. According to Piaget a 5 year old is in what stage of development:
A. Sensory motor stage
B. Concrete operations
C. Pre-operational
D. Formal operation

26. Situation : The nurse assigned in the detoxification unit attends to various patients with substance-related disorders.

A 45 years old male revealed that he experienced a marked increase in his intake of alcohol to achieve the desired effect This indicates:
A. withdrawal
B. tolerance
C. intoxication
D. psychological dependence

27. The client admitted for alcohol detoxification develops increased tremors, irritability, hypertension and fever. The nurse should be alert for impending:
A. delirium tremens
B. Korsakoff’s syndrome
C. esophageal varices
D. Wernicke’s syndrome

28. The care for the client places priority to which of the following:
A. Monitoring his vital signs every hour
B. Providing a quiet, dim room
C. Encouraging adequate fluids and nutritious foods
D. Administering Librium as ordered

29. Another client is brought to the emergency room by friends who state that he took something an hour ago. He is actively hallucinating, agitated, with irritated nasal septum.
A. Heroin
B. cocaine
D. marijuana

30. A client is admitted with needle tracts on his arm, stuporous and with pin point pupil will likely be managed with:
A. Naltrexone (Revia)
B. Narcan (Naloxone)
C. Disulfiram (Antabuse)
D. Methadone (Dolophine)

31. Situation: An old woman was brought for evaluation due to the hospital for evaluation due to increasing forgetfulness and limitations in daily function.

The daughter revealed that the client used her toothbrush to comb her hair. She is manifesting:
A. apraxia
B. aphasia
C. agnosia
D. amnesia

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
32. She tearfully tells the nurse “I can’t take it when she accuses me of stealing her things.” Which response by the nurse will be most therapeutic?
A. ”Don’t take it personally. Your mother does not mean it.”
B. “Have you tried discussing this with your mother?”
C. “This must be difficult for you and your mother.”
D. “Next time ask your mother where her things were last seen.”

33. The primary nursing intervention in working with a client with moderate stage dementia is ensuring that the client:
A. receives adequate nutrition and hydration
B. will reminisce to decrease isolation
C. remains in a safe and secure environment
D. independently performs self care

34. She says to the nurse who offers her breakfast, “Oh no, I will wait for my husband. We will eat together” The therapeutic response by the nurse is:
A. “Your husband is dead. Let me serve you your breakfast.”
B. “I’ve told you several times that he is dead. It’s time to eat.”
C. “You’re going to have to wait a long time.”
D. “What made you say that your husband is alive?

35. Dementia unlike delirium is characterized by:
A. slurred speech
B. insidious onset
C. clouding of consciousness
D. sensory perceptual change

36. Situation: A 17 year old gymnast is admitted to the hospital due to weight loss and dehydration secondary to starvation.

Which of the following nursing diagnoses will be given priority for the client?
A. altered self-image
B. fluid volume deficit
C. altered nutrition less than body requirements
D. altered family process

37. What is the best intervention to teach the client when she feels the need to starve?
A. Allow her to starve to relieve her anxiety
B. Do a short term exercise until the urge passes
C. Approach the nurse and talk out her feelings
D. Call her mother on the phone and tell her how she feels

38. The client with anorexia nervosa is improving if:
A. She eats meals in the dining room.
B. Weight gain
C. She attends ward activities.
D. She has a more realistic self concept.

39. The characteristic manifestation that will differentiate bulimia nervosa from anorexia nervosa is that bulimic individuals
A. have episodic binge eating and purging
B. have repeated attempts to stabilize their weight
C. have peculiar food handling patterns
D. have threatened self-esteem

40. A nursing diagnosis for bulimia nervosa is powerlessness related to feeling not in control of eating habits. The goal for this problem is:
A. Patient will learn problem solving skills
B. Patient will have decreased symptoms of anxiety.
C. Patient will perform self care activities daily.
D. Patient will verbalize how to set limits on others.

41. In the management of bulimic patients, the following nursing interventions will promote a therapeutic relationship EXCEPT:
A. Establish an atmosphere of trust
B. Discuss their eating behavior.
C. Help patients identify feelings associated with binge-purge behavior
D. Teach patient about bulimia nervosa

42. Situation: A 35 year old male has intense fear of riding an elevator. He claims “ As if I will die inside.” This has affected his studies

The client is suffering from:

A. agoraphobia
B. social phobia
C. Claustrophobia
D. xenophobia

43. Initial intervention for the client should be to:
A. Encourage to verbalize his fears as much as he wants.
B. Assist him to find meaning to his feelings in relation to his past.
C. Establish trust through a consistent approach.
D. Accept her fears without criticizing.

44. The nurse develops a countertransference reaction. This is evidenced by:
A. Revealing personal information to the client
B. Focusing on the feelings of the client.
C. Confronting the client about discrepancies in verbal or non-verbal behavior
D. The client feels angry towards the nurse who resembles his mother.

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
45. Which is the desired outcome in conducting desensitization:
A. The client verbalize his fears about the situation
B. The client will voluntarily attend group therapy in the social hall.
C. The client will socialize with others willingly
D. The client will be able to overcome his disabling fear.

46. Which of the following should be included in the health teachings among clients receiving Valium:
A. Avoid taking CNS depressant like alcohol.
B. There are no restrictions in activities.
C. Limit fluid intake.
D. Any beverage like coffee may be taken

47. Situation: A 20 year old college student is admitted to the medical ward because of sudden onset of paralysis of both legs. Extensive examination revealed no physical basis for the complaint.

The nurse plans intervention based on which correct statement about conversion disorder?
A. The symptoms are conscious effort to control anxiety
B. The client will experience high level of anxiety in response to the paralysis.
C. The conversion symptom has symbolic meaning to the client
D. A confrontational approach will be beneficial for the client.

48. Nina reveals that the boyfriend has been pressuring her to engage in premarital sex. The most therapeutic response by the nurse is:
A. “I can refer you to a spiritual counselor if you like.”
B. “You shouldn’t allow anyone to pressure you into sex.”
C. “It sounds like this problem is related to your paralysis.”
D. “How do you feel about being pressured into sex by your boyfriend?”

49. Malingering is different from somatoform disorder because the former:
A. Has evidence of an organic basis.
B. It is a deliberate effort to handle upsetting events
C. Gratification from the environment are obtained.
D. Stress is expressed through physical symptoms.

50. Unlike psychophysiologic disorder Linda may be best managed with:
A. medical regimen
B. milieu therapy
C. stress management techniques
D. psychotherapy

51. Which is the best indicator of success in the long term management of the client?
A. His symptoms are replaced by indifference to his feelings
B. He participates in diversionary activities.
C. He learns to verbalize his feelings and concerns
D. He states that his behavior is irrational.

52. Situation: A young woman is brought to the emergency room appearing depressed. The nurse learned that her child died a year ago due to an accident.

The initial nursing diagnosis is dysfunctional grieving. The statement of the woman that supports this diagnosis is:

A. “I feel envious of mothers who have toddlers”
B. “I haven’t been able to open the door and go into my baby’s room “
C. “I watch other toddlers and think about their play activities and I cry.”
D. “I often find myself thinking of how I could have prevented the death.

53. The client said “I can’t even take care of my baby. I’m good for nothing.” Which is the appropriate nursing diagnosis?
A. Ineffective individual coping related to loss.
B. Impaired verbal communication related to inadequate social skills.
C. Low esteem related to failure in role performance
D. Impaired social interaction related to repressed anger.

54. The following medications will likely be prescribed for the client EXCEPT:
A. Prozac
B. Tofranil
C. Parnate
D. Zyprexa

55. Which is the highest priority in the post ECT care?
A. Observe for confusion
B. Monitor respiratory status
C. Reorient to time, place and person
D. Document the client’s response to the treatment

56. Situation: A 27 year old writer is admitted for the second time accompanied by his wife. He is demanding, arrogant talked fast and hyperactive.

Initially the nurse should plan this for a manic client:

A. set realistic limits to the client’s behavior
B. repeat verbal instructions as often as needed
C. allow the client to get out feelings to relieve tension
D. assign a staff to be with the client at all times to help maintain control

57. An activity appropriate for the client is:
A. table tennis
B. painting
C. chess
D. cleaning

58. The client is arrogant and manipulative. In ensuring a therapeutic milieu, the nurse does one of the following:
A. Agree on a consistent approach among the staff assigned to the client.
B. Suggest that the client take a leading role in the social activities
C. Provide the client with extra time for one on one sessions
D. Allow the client to negotiate the plan of care

59. The nurse exemplifies awareness of the rights of a client whose anger is escalating by:
A. Taking a directive role in verbalizing feelings
B. Using an authoritarian, confrontational approach
C. Putting the client in a seclusion room
D. Applying mechanical restraints

60. A client on Lithium has diarrhea and vomiting. What should the nurse do first:
A. Recognize this as a drug interaction
B. Give the client Cogentin
C. Reassure the client that these are common side effects of lithium therapy
D. Hold the next dose and obtain an order for a stat serum lithium level

61. Situation: A widow age 28, whose husband died one year ago due to AIDS, has just been told that she has AIDS.

Pamela says to the nurse, “Why me? How could God do this to me?” This reaction is one of:
A. Depression
B. Denial
C. anger
D. bargaining

62. The nurse’s therapeutic response is:
A. “I will refer you to a clergy who can help you understand what is happening to you.”
B. “ It isn’t fair that an innocent like you will suffer from AIDS.”
C. “That is a negative attitude.”
D. ”It must really be frustrating for you. How can I best help you?”


NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
63. One morning the nurse sees the client in a depressed mood. The nurse asks her “What are you thinking about?” This communication technique is:
A. focusing
B. validating
C. reflecting
D. giving broad opening

64. The client says to the nurse ” Pray for me” and entrusts her wedding ring to the nurse. The nurse knows that this may signal which of the following:
A. anxiety
B. suicidal ideation
C. Major depression
D. Hopelessness

65. Which of the following interventions should be prioritized in the care of the suicidal client?
A. Remove all potentially harmful items from the client’s room.
B. Allow the client to express feelings of hopelessness.
C. Note the client’s capabilities to increase self esteem.
D. Set a “no suicide” contract with the client.

66. Situation: A 14 year old male was admitted to a medical ward due to bronchial asthma after learning that his mother was leaving soon for U.K. to work as nurse.

The client has which of the following developmental focus:
A. Establishing relationship with the opposite sex and career planning.
B. Parental and societal responsibilities.
C. Establishing ones sense of competence in school.
D. Developing initial commitments and collaboration in work

67. The personality type of Ryan is:
A. conforming
B. dependent
C. perfectionist
D. masochistic

68. The nurse ensures a therapeutic environment for the client. Which of the following best describes a therapeutic milieu?
A. A therapy that rewards adaptive behavior
B. A cognitive approach to change behavior
C. A living, learning or working environment.
D. A permissive and congenial environment

69. Included as priority of care for the client will be:
A. Encourage verbalization of concerns instead of demonstrating them through the body
B. Divert attention to ward activities
C. Place in semi-fowlers position and render O2 inhalation as ordered
D. Help her recognize that her physical condition has an emotional component

70. The client is concerned about his coming discharge, manifested by being unusually sad. Which is the most therapeutic approach by the nurse?
A. “You are much better than when you were admitted so there’s no reason to worry.”
B. “What would you like to do now that you’re about to go home?”
C. “You seem to have concerns about going home.”
D. “Aren’t you glad that you’re going home soon?”

71. Situation: The nurse may encounter clients with concerns on sexuality.

The most basic factor in the intervention with clients in the area of sexuality is:
A. Knowledge about sexuality.
B. Experience in dealing with clients with sexual problems
C. Comfort with one’s sexuality
D. Ability to communicate effectively

72. Which of the following statements is true for gender identity disorder?
A. It is the sexual pleasure derived from inanimate objects.
B. It is the pleasure derived from being humiliated and made to suffer
C. It is the pleasure of shocking the victim with exposure of the genitalia
D. It is the desire to live or involve in reactions of the opposite sex

73. The sexual response cycle in which the sexual interest continues to build:
A. Sexual Desire
B. Sexual arousal
C. Orgasm
D. Resolution

74. The inability to maintain the physiologic requirements in sexual intercourse is:
A. Sexual Desire Disorder
B. Sexual Arousal Disorder
C. Orgasm Disorder
D. Sexual Pain disorder

75. The nurse asks a client to roll up his sleeves so she can take his blood pressure. The client replies “If you want I can go naked for you.” The most therapeutic response by the nurse is:
A. “You’re attractive but I’m not interested.”
B. “You wouldn’t be the first that I will see naked.”
C. “I will report you to the guard if you don’t control yourself.”
D. “I only need access to your arm. Putting up your sleeve is fine.”

76. Situation: Knowledge and skills in the care of violent clients is vital in the psychiatric unit. A nurse observes that a client with a potential for violence is agitated, pacing up and down the hallway and making aggressive remarks.

Which of the following statements is most appropriate to make to this patient?
A. What is causing you to become agitated?
B. You need to stop that behavior now.
C. You will need to be restrained if you do not change your behavior.
D. You will need to be placed in seclusion.

77. The nurse closely observes the client who has been displaying aggressive behavior. The nurse observes that the client’s anger is escalating. Which approach is least helpful for the client at this time?
A. Acknowledge the client’s behavior
B. Maintain a safe distance from the client
C. Assist the client to an area that is quiet
D. Initiate confinement measures

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
78. The charge nurse of a psychiatric unit is planning the client assignment for the day. The most appropriate staff to be assigned to a client with a potential for violence is which of the following:
A. A timid nurse
B. A mature experienced nurse
C. an inexperienced nurse
D. a soft spoken nurse

79. The nurse exemplifies awareness of the rights of a client whose anger is escalating by:
A. Taking a directive role in verbalizing feelings
B. Using an authoritarian, confrontational approach
C. Putting the client in a seclusion room
D. Applying mechanical restraints

80. The client jumps up and throws a chair out of the window. He was restrained after his behavior can no longer be controlled by the staff. Which of these documentations indicates the safeguarding of the patient’s rights?
A. There was a doctor’s order for restraints/seclusion
B. The patient’s rights were explained to him.
C. The staff observed confidentiality
D. The staff carried out less restrictive measures but were unsuccessful.

81. Situation: Clients with personality disorders have difficulties in their social and occupational functions.

Clients with personality disorder will most likely:
A. recover with therapeutic intervention
B. respond to antianxiety medication
C. manifest enduring patterns of inflexible behaviors
D. Seek treatment willingly from some personally distressing symptoms

82. A client tends to be insensitive to others, engages in abusive behaviors and does not have a sense of remorse. Which personality disorder is he likely to have?
A. Narcissistic
B. Paranoid
C. Histrionic
D. Antisocial

83. The client joins a support group and frequently preaches against abuse, is demonstrating the use of:
A. denial
B. reaction formation
C. rationalization
D. projection

Answer: (B) reaction formation
Reaction formation is the adoption of behavior or feelings that are exactly opposite of one’s true emotions. A. Denial is refusal to accept a painful reality. C. Rationalization is attempting to justify one’s behavior by presenting reasons that sounds logical. D. Projection is attributing of one’s behaviors and feelings to another person.

84. A teenage girl is diagnosed to have borderline personality disorder. Which manifestations support the diagnosis?
A. Lack of self esteem, strong dependency needs and impulsive behavior
B. social withdrawal, inadequacy, sensitivity to rejection and criticism
C. Suspicious, hypervigilance and coldness
D. Preoccupation with perfectionism, orderliness and need for control

85. The plan of care for clients with borderline personality should include:
A. Limit setting and flexibility in schedule
B. Giving medications to prevent acting out
C. Restricting her from other clients
D. Ensuring she adheres to certain restrictions

86. Situation: A 42 year old male client, is admitted in the ward because of bizarre behaviors. He is given a diagnosis of schizophrenia paranoid type.

The client should have achieved the developmental task of:
A. Trust vs. mistrust
B. Industry vs. inferiority
C. Generativity vs. stagnation
D. Ego integrity vs. despair

87. Clients who are suspicious primarily use projection for which purpose:

A. deny reality
B. to deal with feelings and thoughts that are not acceptable
C. to show resentment towards others
D. manipulate others

NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions
88. The client says “ the NBI is out to get me.” The nurse’s best response is:
A. “The NBI is not out to catch you.”
B. “I don’t believe that.”
C. “I don’t know anything about that. You are afraid of being harmed.”
D. “ What made you think of that.”

89. The client on Haldol has pill rolling tremors and muscle rigidity. He is likely manifesting:
A. tardive dyskinesia
B. Pseudoparkinsonism
C. akinesia
D. dystonia

90. The client is very hostile toward one of the staff for no apparent reason. The client is manifesting:
A. Splitting
B. Transference
C. Countertransference
D. Resistance

91. Situation: An 18 year old female was sexually attacked while on her way home from work. She is brought to the hospital by her mother.

Rape is an example of which type of crisis:
A. Situational
B. Adventitious
C. Developmental
D. Internal

92. During the initial care of rape victims the following are to be considered EXCEPT:
A. Assure privacy.
B. Touch the client to show acceptance and empathy
C. Accompany the client in the examination room.
D. Maintain a non-judgmental approach.

93. The nurse acts as a patient advocate when she does one of the following:
A. She encourages the client to express her feeling regarding her experience.
B. She assesses the client for injuries.
C. She postpones the physical assessment until the client is calm
D. Explains to the client that her reactions are normal

94. Crisis intervention carried out to the client has this primary goal:
A. Assist the client to express her feelings
B. Help her identify her resources
C. Support her adaptive coping skills
D. Help her return to her pre-rape level of function

95. Five months after the incident the client complains of difficulty to concentrate, poor appetite, inability to sleep and guilt. She is likely suffering from:
A. Adjustment disorder
B. Somatoform Disorder
C. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
D. Post traumatic disorder
NU 449 Psychiatric Nursing Questions

96. Situation: A 29 year old client newly diagnosed with breast cancer is pacing, with rapid speech headache and inability to focus with what the doctor was saying.

The nurse assesses the level of anxiety as:
A. Mild
B. Moderate
C. Severe
D. Panic

97. Anxiety is caused by:
A. an objective threat
B. a subjectively perceived threat
C. hostility turned to the self
D. masked depression

98. It would be most helpful for the nurse to deal with a client with severe anxiety by:
A. Give specific instructions using speak in concise statements.
B. Ask the client to identify the cause of her anxiety.
C. Explain in detail the plan of care developed
D. Urge the client to focus on what the nurse is saying

99. Which of the following medications will likely be ordered for the client?”
A. Prozac
B. Valium
C. Risperdal
D. Lithium

100. Which of the following is included in the health teachings among clients receiving Valium?:
A. Avoid foods rich in tyramine.
B. Take the medication after meals.
C. It is safe to stop it anytime after long term use.
D. Double up the dose if the client forgets her medication.