NSG6630 Week 1 Project: Practicum II Journal Entry 1

NSG6630 Week 1 Project: Practicum II Journal Entry 1

NSG6630 Week 1 Project: Practicum II Journal Entry 1

In this course, you will write six journal entries. These journal entries are reflective exercises to facilitate academic learning and self-development as a nurse leader. Reflective journaling provides the opportunity to increase self-awareness as a nurse leader.

The journal also allows you to reflect on nonacademic components of the practicum experience, including emotions, decision-making, critical thinking, and stress associated with the nurse leadership role.

There is no “right” or “wrong” in reflective journaling; however, the Practicum II Journal will link the application of course concepts and the content of your specific practicum experience. Practicum journals may be written in the first person.

Practicum II Journal entries are graded assignments. They will not be viewed by or shared with other students, only with course instructors. Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

  • Where are you completing your Practicum II experience? Be certain to include the name, location, and contact information of the healthcare organization you are completing your practicum experience.
  • Identify your preceptor. Ensure to include the preceptor’s name, title, and contact information (telephone number and e-mail address).
  • Identify two or three goals for this week related to Practicum II that you have established for yourself.
  • Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.
  • Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 1 into your practicum experience this week.
  • Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

Submission Details:

Submit your journal to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Name your journal entry SU_NSG6630_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.


Week 2 Project: Turnitin Originality Check enabled


This is your second out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

  • Identify two or three goals for this week related to Practicum II that you have established for yourself.
  • Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.
  • Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 2 into your practicum experience this week.
  • Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

Submission Details:

Submit your journal to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Name your journal entry SU_NSG6630_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial

Week 3 Project: Measuring and Improving Patient Outcomes—Part 1

As of October 2012, Medicare began paying hospitals based on their patient satisfaction scores, that is, how satisfied patients were with their care. One percent of payments are withheld from hospitals that did not score well; this one percent is then pooled and allocated as bonuses to hospitals with patient satisfaction scores above average on several measures.

One of the roles of nurse executives is to be aware of how much healthcare policies impact their healthcare organizations. This assignment aims to describe the metrics used by the healthcare organization in which you are doing your Practicum II and how it is handling these issues.

This week, you will begin analyzing the process of measuring and improving patient outcomes in your practicum setting. You will build upon this assignment to conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis in Week 5.

This week’s assignment allows you to self-assess and determine any issues or challenges that need to be resolved before completing and submitting the Week 5 assignment. NSG6630 Full Course Work latest 2017

Week 3 Tasks

Begin this assignment by discussing with your mentor and other key stakeholders in the organization you are completing your Practicum II.

Then, write a 1–2-page paper covering the following:

  • Identify the measurements or outcome metrics utilized in your practicum setting to gather and monitor patient satisfaction and outcomes data.
  • Describe the current process of how, when, and by whom these data are collected.
  • Describe the frequency with which the data are collected.
  • Describe the process for sharing patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data with nurses, staff members, and other members of the healthcare delivery team.

Submission Details:

Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples. Cite all sources using the APA format.

Submit your assignment in Word format to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Name your document SU_NSG6630_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Week 4 Project


This is your third out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

  • Identify two or three goals for this week related to Practicum II that you have established for yourself.
  • Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.
  • Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 4 into your practicum experience this week.
  • Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

Submission Details:

Submit your journal entry to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Name your journal entry SU_NSG6630_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial. NSG6630 Week 1 Project: Practicum II Journal Entry 1