NSG6340 Week 5 Discussion latest 2018

NSG6340 Week 5 Discussion latest 2018

NSG6340 Week 5 Discussion latest 2018

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

For this assignment, go to the Discussion Area and post a response to one question in the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. You may respond to your classmates’ posts for either question.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

As an adult gerontology nurse practitioner you are working in a rural health clinic. You are evaluating a 16-year-old adolescent patient who comes in complaining of having a difficulty concentrating in school. On exam you also note that the patient is very thin and frail in appearance and is asking you for diet pills.

What are some initial areas for concern? What screening tools can help lead you closer to your diagnosis?

Describe 1 health promotion strategy you can discuss with the patient.

Be sure to address the following in your plan of care: pharmacological and non-pharmacological (OTC) interventions, labs, follow-up, teaching, and referral/s.

Your work should integrate course resources (text/s) as well as a minimum of two (2) other evidence-based guidelines and/or articles published within 3-5 years.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Youth risk behavior surveillance system (YRBSS). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/ index.htm


NSG6340 Week 6 Discussion latest 2018

This week’s content discussed common psychiatric disorders in the Adult and Older Adult client. Often times a secondary diagnosis is masked due to their psychiatric disorder. Review the following case study and answer the following questions.

Mr. White is a 72-year-old man, with a history of hypertension, COPD and moderate dementia, who presents with 4 days of increased confusion, nighttime restlessness, visual hallucinations, and urinary incontinence. His physical exam is unremarkable except for tachypnea, a mildly enlarged prostate, inattentiveness, and a worsening of his MMSE score from a baseline of 18 to 12 today.

Mr. White’s presentation is most consistent with an acute delirium (acute change in cognition, perceptual derangement, waxing and waning consciousness, and inattention).

What is the most likely diagnosis to frequently cause acute delirium in patients with dementia?

What additional testing should you consider if any?

What are treatment options to consider with this patient?

Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

NSG6340 Week 7 Discussion 

This week’s content addressed common techniques and testing that can be prescribed by the Nurse Practitioner. Review ONE of the following videos and post for the class what you have learned this week:

Watch the following video on suturing

Suture Skills Course

Watch the following video on EKG rhythms


Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

NSG6340 Week 8 Discussion latest 2018

This week’s content discussed in part barriers to health care. Health literacy is a common barrier to health care. Please review the following utube videos on health literacy and answer the following questions:

IOM health literacy video. (2002). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39A9oU-gOOA

Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion – Patients Health Literacy

What are your initial thoughts after viewing these videos?

What are some strategies you can incorporate in every day practice to assist with health literacy?

Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Week 9 Discussion latest 2018

This week’s content addressed professional and legal issues, state boards of nursing, advanced practice licensure, regulations, scope of practice, and national certification as an advanced practice nurse. It is your responsibility to look at your individual board of nursing and remain up to date with the changes that are carried out in your state. For this week’s discussion review your states scope of practice and address 3 areas that you were not aware you can do as a licensed provider in your state.

Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.