NSG325 Wk5 Pediatric Nursing Questions

NSG325 Wk5 Pediatric Nursing Questions

NSG325 Wk5 Pediatric Nursing Questions

  1. What is the nursing assessment of visual acuity for the infant and the child? (Ball, 2017, p. 112).

Answer: Infant: …

Rationale: “Vision is evaluated using an age-appropriate vision test, but no simple method exists” Ball, 2017, p. 112). Age appropriate materials are to be used to properly assess the client.


  1. What are the signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis in the child? What is the treatment?


Rationale: Doing a proper assessment is necessary so that the nurse can assess any abnormalities.


  1. What are the differences between the adult and child airway? (Ball, 2017, p. 475).


Rationale: “The child’s respiratory tract constantly grows and changes until about 12 years of age. …



  1. What are the signs and symptoms of pertussis in the child? How is it spread? How is it treated? (Ball, 2017, p. 349).


Rationale: “occurs worldwide and year-round. Rates have increased because of waning immunity with 28, 639 cases in 2013. Children with waning immunity can spread the disease to unimmunized young infants at greatest risk for death from the infection” (Ball, 2017, p. 349).


  1. What would the nursing assessment of the child with bronchiolitis entail? What is the usual cause of this disease? How can this illness be prevented? (Ball, 2017, 488-489).




  1. What are some signs of substance abuse in children and adolescents?




  1. What are some physical and behavioral (parental) indicators of physical abuse in children?


Rationale: “As a nurse it is important to recognize the sings of physical abuse of not only adults but also children.


  1. What are some signs of ADHD in children? What are some signs of mood disorders in children?


Rationale: Getting the child treated and back on track is vitally essential to a successful outcome. “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect your child’s success at school, as well as their relationships. The symptoms of ADHD vary and are sometimes difficult to recognize” (14 Signs of ADHD: Does Your Child Have ADHD, 2018). It is vitally essential to get this disorder taken care of as soon as possible. “What causes mood disorders in adolescents is not well known. There are chemicals in the brain that are responsible for positive moods. Other chemicals in the brain, called neurotransmitters, regulate the brain chemicals that affect mood” (Stanford Children’s Health). Finding the right treatment for the client helps their health and well-being.



14 Signs of ADHD: Does Your Child Have ADHD? (2018). Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/signs.

Ball, J., Bindler, R. M., Cowen, K. J., & Shaw, M. R. (2017). Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.

Stanford Children’s Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=overview-of-mood-disorders-in-children-and-adolescents-90-P01634.