NSG -Quality in Healthcare at the National Level

NSG -Quality in Healthcare at the National Level

NSG -Quality in Healthcare at the National Level

Week 4 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq Quality in Healthcare at the National Level -South University

Quality in Healthcare at the National Level

Quality is a serious initiative in healthcare at the national level. Hospitals, providers, insurance companies, and government-sponsored agencies are now faced with meeting quality initiatives. Compliance with these initiatives means more revenue and better patient quality and provider care.

Select any area in your city, community, county, or region, and assume the patient in this week’s case study is in this area. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research and answer the following:

  • Does your community have the required medical resources to handle the patient’s problem?
  • How would the patient’s care be handled in your community? Identify the nearest hospital to the area you have chosen that treats the problem. Trace the patient’s course to this hospital.
  • List the healthcare professionals and facilities that would be encountered on the way.
  • Compare any two insurance plans and choose the one that would offer the most to the patient.
  • Discuss the essential quality-of-care issues involved in this case. What is the role of Telemedicine in your community and how do you access it? How does it affect the quality of care?

NSG -Quality in Healthcare at the National Level


Discussion Question Part II

Based on the business you started in Week 1, answer the following questions in one to two paragraphs. Use laws, examples or cases to support your response.

  • Consider the product or service you selected in Week 2.Describe how you plan to structure extension of credit to your customers to ensure the most protection for your company in the event the customer falls behind on payments or files for bankruptcy.
  • What type(s) of insurance policies will you need for your business? Identify a company located in your state that can supply at least one of the insurance policies you will need.