NSG 6630 Course: Approaches to Treatment

NSG 6630 Course: Approaches to Treatment

NSG 6630 Course: Approaches to Treatment

NSG 6630 all Week Discussions Latest

NSG 6630 Week 1 Discussion

Discuss your chosen area of practice and how your choice of precepted sites and your preceptor will help prepare you to assume this role on graduation from South University.

NSG 6630 Week 2 Discussion

How can you use data for decision making and change processes to promote and improve patient quality and safety outcomes?

Describe why nurse leaders must identify supporters and opponents of any change process.

Discuss challenges the transformational nurse leader faces with any kind of planned change.

Identify two strategies by which the nurse leader successfully monitors structure, processes, and outcomes of the planned change.

Describe the role of the nurse leader in damage control when things in the planned change process do not go according to plan.

Describe a change in your healthcare organization that occurred within the past six months . What was the nursing leadership’s role in this change and would you consider the nurse leader’s actions effective during the change process? Provide reasons for your answer.

As a nurse leader, describe two specific strategies you would use to make certain that staff and healthcare providers have adequate resources to support change in a healthcare system that has finite human and financial resources.


NSG 6630 Week 3 Discussion

Describe what you perceive to be a major challenge for nurses who have not been exposed to or worked with evidence-based research.

Analyze evidence-based research related to nurse staffing patterns . For example, does having more staff always mean safer or more effective care? Give reasons for your answer.

From healthcare administrators’ perspective, evidence-based practice takes time and resources . They may not be willing to support nurses working on evidence-based research since this does not involve direct patient care. Describe at least two strategies you would use to be certain you engage administrators and obtain their support for this important work.

NSG 6630 Week 4 Discussion

As a nursing administrator, how will you prevent horizontal and vertical violence in nursing and healthcare?

Identify two strategies you would use as a nurse administrator to create a zero tolerance for horizontal or vertical violence.

Analyze what you believe are two reasons nurses do not report horizontal or vertical violence in healthcare organizations.

Determine what you believe are two linkages between horizontal or vertical violence and impacts on quality of care and patient safety.

NSG 6630 Week 5 Discussion

Explain at least three evidence-based strategies for integrating research into nursing leadership.

Compare and contrast how research influences patient care and quality outcomes versus practicing from tradition.

Analyze what you envision as the nurse administrator’s role in shaping evidence-based practice and nursing research in your clinical setting.

Evaluate the role of the nurse administrator in staff performance and management and collective bargaining.

Discuss the nurse administrator’s role in helping nurses develop a professional development plan (PDP).

Explain how meetings can serve as productive engagement with nurses and staff and provide an opportunity to identify the actions required to meet the organization’s goals and mission.

NSG 6630 Week 6 Discussion

The Josie King story is one of many compelling stories about what happens in healthcare systems when things go wrong and patients experience sentinel events, including irreparable harm or, as in the case of Josie, death . Josie was an eighteen-month-old toddler who had been admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital for burns she suffered accidentally when her mother was giving her a bath.Josie died from medical errors that could have been avoided .Josie’s mother, Sorrel King, recounts how she tried to alert healthcare providers about her little girl’s changing condition and how she was ignored as her baby continued to decline despite the mother’s pleas for help .Josie died from severe dehydration and misused narcotics .

Access the following resource to learn more about Josie King:

King, S . (2002) . About: What happened [Speech transcript] .Retrieved from the Josie King Foundation Web site: http://www . josieking . org/page . cfm?pageID=10

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Based on Josie King’s story, how can we move away from placing blame on one person and focus instead on the healthcare delivery systems we work in to improve patient safety and quality outcomes?

Describe one quality initiative that is occurring in your healthcare organization to improve the quality of patient care and safety to decrease sentinel events and the events that lead to such initiatives.

Discussed how we can move away from placing blame on one person and focus on the healthcare delivery systems we work in to improve patient safety and quality outcomes.

Described one quality initiative that is occurring in your healthcare organization to improve patient quality of care and safety to decrease sentinel events, and reflected on what led to this initiative.

NSG 6630 Week 7 Discussion

Identify one current challenge your healthcare organization is currently working on to improve access to care for all populations in your geographic region and community.

Examine the role of the nurse manager in health promotion and disease management for patients and clinical populations with issues related to access to care in your geographic region and community.

Analyze issues and challenges confronting your healthcare organization with regard to advocacy for patients, families, and populations with the Leading Health Indicators and access to care.

NSG 6630 Week 8 Discussion

Discuss one way your organization is integrating smart technology and medical devices to provide high-quality patient care in your current healthcare organization.

Describe how smart technology enhances quality of patient care and safety in your current healthcare organization.

Analyze the role of the nurse manager in supporting the integration and use of smart technology into nursing and healthcare.

NSG 6630 Week 9 Discussion

Described the role of the nurse manager in integrating informatics and technology support in healthcare risk management and quality improvement.

Examined how informatics and technology support enhances the nurse manager’s work and strategic decision-making processes.

NSG 6630 Week 10 Discussion

Identify the strategic planning model used in your healthcare organization (goals-based; issues-based; organic; and scenario planning).

Describe how nurses are integrated into strategic planning in your current healthcare organization.

Identify two strategies you would use as a nurse manager to engage all nursing staff into the strategic planning process.

NSG 6630 Course: Approaches to Treatment

NSG 6630 All Week Projects Latest

NSG 6630 Week 1 Project

Practicum II Journal Entry 1

In this course, you will write six journal entries .These journal entries are reflective exercises to facilitate academic learning and self-development as a nurse leader .Reflective journaling provides the opportunity to increase self-awareness as a nurse leader .The journal also offers you an opportunity to reflect on nonacademic components of the practicum experience, including emotions, decision making, critical thinking, and stress associated with the nurse leadership role .There is no “right” or “wrong” in reflective journaling; however, the Practicum II Journal will create a link between the application of course concepts and the content of your specific practicum experience .Practicum journals may be written in first person .Practicum II Journal entries are graded assignments . They will not be viewed by or shared with other students, only with course instructors . Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Where are you completing your Practicum II experience? Be certain to include the name, location, and contact information of the healthcare organization in which you are completing your practicum experience .

Identify your preceptor . Be certain to include the preceptor’s name, title, and contact information (including telephone number and e-mail address) .

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 1 into your practicum experience this week .

Identify your area of greatest learning this week .

NSG 6630 Course: Approaches to Treatment

NSG 6630 Week 2 Project – Turnitin  Originality Check enabled


This is your second out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 2 into your practicum experience this week .

Identify your area of greatest learning this week .

NSG 6630 Week 3 Project
Measuring and Improving Patient Outcomes—Part 1

As of October 2012, Medicare began paying hospitals based on their patient satisfaction scores, that is, how satisfied patients were with their care . One percent of payments are withheld from hospitals that did not score well; this one percent is then pooled and allocated as bonuses to hospitals with patient satisfaction scores that are above average on several measures .One of the roles of nurse executives is to be aware of how such healthcare policies impact their healthcare organizations .The purpose of this assignment is to describe the metrics used by the healthcare organization in which you are doing your Practicum II and how it is handling these issues .

This week, you will begin analyzing the process of measuring and improving patient outcomes in your practicum setting .You will build upon this assignment to conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis in Week 5 .This week’s assignment provides you the opportunity to self-assess and determine any issues or challenges that need to be resolved prior to completing and submitting the Week 5 assignment .

Week 3 Tasks

Begin this assignment by having a discussion with your mentor and other key stakeholders in the organization in which you are completing your Practicum II .

Then, write a 1–2-page paper covering the following:

Identify the measurements or outcome metrics being utilized in your practicum setting to gather and monitor patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data .

Describe the current process of how, when, and by whom these data are collected .

Describe the frequency with which the data are collected .

Describe the process for sharing patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data with nurses, staff members, and other members of the healthcare delivery team .

NSG 6630 Week 4 Project


This is your third out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II.

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 4 into your practicum experience this week.

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

NSG 6630 Week 5 Project

Measuring and Improving Patient Outcomes—Part 2

In W3: Assignment, you began describing and analyzing the process of measuring and improving patient outcomes in your practicum setting .This week, you will build upon your work by continuing your analysis and conducting a SWOT analysis .You will submit your assignment in the format of a presentation .

Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the assignment you submitted in Week 3 .

Then, prepare a 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following:

Present the information you described in W3: Assignment 2, including the following:

The measurements or outcome metrics being utilized in your practicum setting to gather and monitor patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data .

The current process of how, when, and by whom these data are collected .

The frequency with which the data are collected .

The process for sharing patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data with nurses, staff members, and other members of the healthcare delivery team .

Analyze the current status of the healthcare organization with respect to patient satisfaction and outcomes to date .

Conduct a SWOT analysis of the process followed by your practicum setting to measure and improve patient satisfaction and outcomes .Use the SWOT matrix to present your analysis .

Examine the role of the nurse leader in the structure, process, and outcome of gathering and monitoring patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data .

Use APA style and formatting for your assignment .Make sure to include the following in your presentation:

A title and a reference slide (these do not count toward the number of slides in your assignment)

Headings for each slide or section

Speaker notes in support of the information in each slide

NSG 6630 Week 6 Project


This is your fourth out of six journal assignments in this course .

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 6 into your practicum experience this week .

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

NSG 6630 Course: Approaches to Treatment

NSG 6630 Week 7 Project

Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 1

Typically it takes seventeen years to get nursing research from the “bench to the bedside,” and this is entirely too long! Just think of the compromises or “missteps” in nursing care that could negatively impact patient satisfaction and patient outcomes . Organizational change, as well as nursing care, must be grounded in evidence-based strategies at all times . It can be challenging to seek out and apply evidence-based knowledge for clinical practice, operational issues, and nursing leadership .Nurse leaders must have quality time to ponder, review, locate, analyze, and synthesize evidence-based resources to guide practice and organizational change .Nurse leaders must be able to apply effective evidence-based strategies to foster and promote quality care and achieve the organizational mission and strategic outcomes .Nurse leaders must also be able to clearly communicate change to multiple key stakeholders within the healthcare organization .One of the ways to communicate change is to prepare an executive summary describing the proposed change .

This week, you will begin preparing an executive summary of an evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan .You will also present your rationale for implementing the evidence-based practice change .

The purpose of this assignment is to assess your progress on the final executive summary due in Week 10 .This assignment provides you the opportunity to self-assess and determine any issues or challenges that need to be resolved prior to completing and submitting the final assignment .

Week 7 Tasks

Begin this assignment by having a discussion with your practicum preceptor .Select a topic or area of interest related to your administrative experience in your chosen practicum setting .

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, prepare a 1–2-page paper covering the following:

Selecting the Issue: Provide a brief summary of the issues or problem areas of your selected issue or area of interest .Provide a rationale for implementing the evidence-based practice change to this issue or area of interest .

Data Gathering: Conduct a literature review of at least two to three peer-reviewed articles as well as qualitative data related to the selected topic or area of interest .Explain your findings .

Identifying the Change Theory: Identify one change theory that could apply to your selected topic or area. Briefly explain how you plan to apply this change theory to your selected topic or area of interest. Explain the goodness-of-fit of the selected change theory .Provide a valid rationale for your answer .

NSG 6630 Week 8 Project


This is your fifth out of six journal assignments in this course .

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 8 into your practicum experience this week .

Identify your area of greatest learning this week .

NSG 6630 Week 9 Project


This is your sixth and final journal assignment .

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 9 into your practicum experience this week .

Identify your area of greatest learning this week .

NSG 6630 Week 10 Project


Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 2

In Week 7, you began preparing an executive summary of an evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan .This week, you will finalize your executive summary and submit your assignment .

The purpose of the executive summary is to prepare a presentation for an audience of key stakeholders, such as a board of trustees or group of nurse executives and/or policy makers .An executive summary is a 2–3-page overview written in easy-to-understand language highlighting the essence of the evidence-based organizational change .

Week 10 Tasks

Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the assignment you submitted in Week 7 .

Then, prepare a 2–3-page paper addressing the following:

Create an executive summary of the evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan regarding your selected topic or area of interest .The text in the summary should be double-spaced .

Develop your rationale for implementing the evidence-based practice change by including the following:

An overview of your chosen topic or area of interest and rationale for selection .

An explanation of the change theory you selected and its goodness-of-fit .

A brief analysis and comment on your literature review findings and the qualitative data gathered in support .