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NSG 6101 DQ5 Research
Review the following research questions.
Next, select 3 of the above questions and address the following:
For the first study I am going to review “Is the use of soap and water or alcohol-based rubs more effective in preventing nosocomial infections?” The research design that I found appropriate for this was experimental design of posttest only with control group design. In this experiment, according to Gray, Grove, and Sutherland (2017), researchers are involve and there is a distinct control group this could be a strength because the researcher has involvement to make sure things are randomly assigned but this could also be a weakness is that a researcher could make a bias. The rational why chose experimental design because this design allows the research to manipulate the independent variable in order to study the effect it has on the dependent variable. In this case, the researcher is able to recognize the effect of soap and water versus alcohol-based rubs on the prevention of nosocomial infections. The number of occurrences will be compared and then final results can show which one prevents better.
For the second study …
For the third and final study I am going to review is “What is the difference between self-efficacy scores in older adults who exercise and the scores of those who do not?” …
Boston University. (2016). Cohort Studies and Case-Control Studies. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from
Gray, J., Grove, S. K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Groves the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Institute for work and health. (2015). Cross-sectional vs. longitudinal studies. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from