NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

St. John’s College of Nursing

Springfield, Illinois

Medical-Surgical Nursing I – Syllabus

Fall 2017

  1. Course Number: NSG 336
  2. Course Title:                Medical-Surgical Nursing I
  • Time Allotment: 6 Hours (4hr Theory/2hr Clinical)
  1. Placement: Semester 1
  2. Pre-requisites: Final Acceptance into program
  3. Faculty:
  • Bettianne Casper, MSN, RN (co-chair) Ext. 45436 Theory, Tues/Thurs Clin.

[email protected]

  • Mary Baker, MS, RN (co-chair) Ext. 45441 Theory, Wed/Thurs Clin.

[email protected]

  • Meagan Hood, MSN, RN Ext. 45438 Clin.

[email protected]

  • Mary Ellen Carlson, MS, RN Ext. 45169                Tues/Wed Clin.

[email protected]

  • Judy Skelton, MSN, RnC-OB, CIC Ext. 49017 Wed/Thurs Clin.

[email protected]

  • Course Description:

Medical-Surgical Nursing I is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of medical-surgical nursing.  Students are introduced to an evidence-based practice framework with an emphasis on learning the principles of safety and quality.  Initial exposure to critical reasoning will be developed through the use of critical thinking skills.  Professional nursing roles are explored with special attention to communication and caring.  The learning environment includes application of concepts via the use of classroom, simulation, laboratory practice, and the clinical area.


  • Course Outcomes:
  1. Use knowledge from the liberal arts and nursing science to explore the roles of the professional nurse to provide client-centered care for the adult client (SJC Outcome – Professionalism).
  2. Promote a caring environment which preserves the dignity and wholeness of human life while providing safe quality care (SJC Outcome – Caring).
  3. Demonstrate effective communication to promote client-centered care while protecting client confidentiality and upholding ethical, legal, and regulatory standards (SJC Outcome – Communication).
  4. Demonstrate beginning critical reasoning skills when performing in the roles of the professional nurse (SJC Outcome – Critical Reasoning).


  1. Course Outline: See Content Schedule later in this document.


  1. Teaching Strategies:
  • Classroom: Case studies, games, lecture, reading, Power Points, storytelling, cooperative learning activities, simulations, presentations
  • Clinical: Simulations, videos, role playing, return demonstrations and accountable demonstrations, Socratic questioning, mid-term evaluation process, presentations


  1. Resources:

St. John’s Hospital Library, HESI Testing and Remediation, Evolve/Elsevier online learning tools, textbooks, Canvas, Simulation Center, St. John’s Hospital Meditech, St. John’s Hospital clinical sites (CVCU, Neuro, Surgical, Orthopedics, wound care)


  • Evaluation Methods:

Grading Scale:                     A = 93-100

B = 85-92

C = 77-84

D = 70-76

F = <70


Grades will be determined by rounding a .49 down and a .50 up.  Rounding of grades considers only the 1/10 decimal place.  Therefore, if a student earns a 92.445 the grade earned is a 92.  If a student earns a 92.54 the grade earned is a 93.


For all courses with a clinical or lab component, St. John’s College of Nursing pre-licensure students must earn at least a C average on all exams to pass the course.  Test averages are calculated prior to adding in papers, projects, and other non-exam scores.  If the average of all the tests is less than a C, the pre-licensure student earns the test average for the course.  If the average of all tests is a C or greater, all the remaining course assignments are calculated in the final grade.  Students who do not earn a C when exams are averaged fail the course, regardless of the grades on other non-exam course activities.


The student must meet all the course objectives in order to successfully complete the course.  This is accomplished by obtaining a satisfactory clinical evaluation.  The clinical experience is evaluated as satisfactory or unsatisfactory by the faculty.  The theory grade will constitute the course grade as long as a “satisfactory” is obtained in clinical.  If a student receives an “unsatisfactory” in clinical, the student receives an “F” for the course and a course grade of 64.


The student must pass the calculation test with a score of 84% to proceed in this course.  Passing the calculation test denotes safe accountability with medication administration.


Exams (78% of Course Grade) % of course grade
1.      6 Exams (40-50 questions) 60% (10% for each exam)
2.      Cumulative Final Exam (75-100 questions) 18%
Other assignments not included in exam scores
1.      HESI Proctored Exam 4%
2.      Accountable Demonstrations (4 total) 4% (1% for each demonstration)
3.      Calculation Test 2%
4.      HESI Practice Exam by due date 2%
5.      Patient Teaching Presentation 8%
6.      Assigned HESI modules/quizzes by due date 2%


               Students are expected to assume responsibility for maintaining current awareness of their course grade status; progress can be accessed via Canvas.


  • Course Requirements and Expectations:
  1. All textbook reading assignments are required. It is necessary to read assignments BEFORE the scheduled classes and laboratory activities.
  2. Preparation is needed for each clinical and lab experience.
  3. Student participation in planned clinical and theoretical learning experiences is essential. Excessive absenteeism will be addressed by the course faculty.  The consequence of excessive absenteeism may be an incomplete, required withdrawal or impeded progress in the program (related to the inability of the student to meet course objectives).  FACULTY HAS THE AUTHORITY TO FAIL THE STUDENT FOR EXCESSIVE ABSENTEEISM.  If the student wishes to appeal the course faculty’s decision, the student may initiate the formal Appeals Process (See Appeals Policy).

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

Students who are unable to attend a learning experience are expected to initiate contact with faculty (by phone message or email).  For clinical: initiate contact with clinical faculty on the day of the clinical absence.  Students need to identify missed learning opportunities and submit their plan for remediation.  Faculty will discuss and may revise the plan.  Additional clinical hours, written work, etc. may be required.


Faculty are not expected nor encouraged to make up excessive absenteeism.  This is reserved for highly unusual circumstances, not the occasional absence for unpredictable events.  Faculty are not always in the position to adapt or adjust their schedules nor are they obligated or encouraged to do so.


  1. Students who are late or absent from clinical practice must contact their clinical instructor by phone/voicemail for their clinical instructor by 0630 the morning of clinical. Failure to promptly notify faculty will jeopardize the student’s ability to meet course objectives.
  2. Students are expected to complete assignments on time. The faculty member has the right to deny a student an extension.  Each individual student’s request for an extension will be handled on an individual basis.


It is the student’s responsibility to contact the appropriate faculty member to request an extension on an assignment.  Any request must be made to the specific faculty member, in writing, prior to the time the assignment is due.  Assignments that are submitted after the deadline without prior communication with the specific instructor will result in a grade of zero.

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

When an extension is requested, it is the faculty member’s responsibility to specify to the student, in writing, the date and time of the deadline in which the assignment must be submitted or the denial of the extension.  This information should be recorded on the counseling record and signed by the student and the instructor.  A copy of this request should be attached to the counseling record.  If the assignment is not submitted by the established date/time, the grade for that assignment shall become a zero.


  1. Pregnancy policy – see Student Handbook.
  2. Exams must be taken on scheduled dates. Students absent for an exam must contact the course faculty who is teaching that day prior to the exam.  When an exam is missed, a make-up time must be established for the first day the student returns to school (for the clinical OR lecture of any class.)  NINE POINTS will be deducted for each make-up date missed or each day until arrangements are made.  Students who are frequently absent on exam days will be referred to the Academic Dean.  Faculty may create a new exam for students who miss an exam.  Test review is limited to the classroom timeframe.  Tests will not be reviewed again, and grades for each test are FINAL after 7 school days.  Individual test review is done on an individual basis with students who receive a failing grade on the exam to augment student learning and course completion.  Individual test review must be completed within 7 school days of posted grades.  There will be no cumulative test reviews.

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

Students may not have any belongings on, under, within, or hanging from their table, person, or chair during tests.  Belongings include: cell phones, tablets, laptops, watches with internet access, cameras, glasses with internet access, drinks, food, anything that can take a picture, video, or voice recording, and hats.  Faculty may ask you to remove anything further that may interfere with the validity and honesty of the test.

  1. All cell phones (and cell phone-like devices) and pagers (yes, pagers) must be turned off during class and laboratory settings. Special situations should be brought to the attention of faculty.  Faculty may dismiss students from class for phone interruptions and behavior that interrupts the learning environment.
  2. Students may not have their cell phones in the clinical area – this is a violation of St. John’s Hospital policy.
  3. HESI testing policy: see HESI Testing Policy attached to the end of this document
  4. Students are permitted to administer medications in the clinical area after scoring 84% on the calculation exam. A score below 84% on the second-chance test will result in a failing grade for the course regardless of other grades the student has received in the course.
  5. Students are expected to promote professional caring behaviors in all aspects of the course including the classroom, clinical conference, client care areas, lab and simulation, and group work. Demonstrate respect and courtesy with a non-judgmental approach to colleagues, faculty, clients, families, guest speakers, staff, etc.  Consider both your verbal and non-verbal communication.  Be punctual.
  6. Class participation via discussion and questions is encouraged as this facilitates critical thinking. Behaviors that disrupt other students’ learning are not acceptable (like, arriving consistently late for class, leaving class at times other than breaks, cell phone use, viewing computer sites that are not course related, or social conversation during class.)  Students are expected to maintain and promote a caring environment.
  7. Disability Policy: see student handbook


NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

  • Required course textbooks:


Title: Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 12th ed.


Authors: Skidmore-Roth


Publisher: Elsevier

Title: Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, 7th ed.


Authors: Andrews/Boyle


Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Title: Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and

Laboratory Tests, 5th ed.


Author: Pagana


Publisher: Elsevier

Title: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 11th ed.


Authors: Ackley/Ladwig


Publisher: Elsevier

Title: Basic Nursing: Concepts, Skills & Reasoning, 1st ed.


Authors: Treas/Wilkinson


Publisher: FA Davis

Title: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 9th ed.


Authors: Lewis/Dirksen/Heitkemper/Bucher


Publisher: Elsevier


  1. Content Schedule
Week Dates


Clinical/ Skills Lab



Theory Concepts


Assigned Reading

1 8/14 – 8/18 Skills Lab (0800-1300) – report to room 127 at SJC on your assigned clinical day

·        Syllabus and Content Schedule

·        Communication

·        Nursing student intros (practice)

·        Slip knot for restraints

·        Hygiene, oral care, foot care, nail care and occupied bed-making – video and practice

·        Bedpans and urinals – video/demo and practice

·        Handwashing – video and practice

·        Verify all can log into Evolve and HESI

·        Review of student responsibilities and expectations in clinical setting




·        Orientation to course and syllabus

·        Sign Affirmation Agreement


Lecture content:

·        Professional Roles and Legal Issues

Read: Basics pg. 1549-57

·        Ethics scenarios

·        Activity and Mobility

·        Safety and Risk for Injury

Read: Basics pg. 657-8, 671-5

2 8/21 – 8/25 Skills Lab (0800-1300) – report to Simulation Center

·        Body mechanic safety

·        Transfers (bed to stretcher, bed to w/c, bed to chair with all weight-bearing levels)

·        Walker, cane, and crutch use

·        Total knee and total hip replacements

·        Range of motion




Lecture content:

·        Asepsis and Infection

Read: Basics pg. 609-14, 617-26, 630-2

·        Wound Healing and Ulcers

Read: Basics pg. 1224-32, 1235-39, 1244-54

·        IV skin assessment


3 8/28 – 9/1 Skills Lab (0800-1300) – report to Simulation Center

·        Sterile gloving – video/demo and practice

·        Wound dressing changes (sterile technique) – video/demo and practice

§  Dry

§  Wet to damp

§  Irrigation

§  Cultures

§  Negative pressure

§  Montgomery straps

·        Documentation r/t dressing changes

·        Suture and staple removal – demo and practice

·        Blood spills





Lecture content:

·        Medication Administration

Read: Basics, pgs 746-792

·        Pain

Read: Basics pgs 1090-1098; Lewis pgs 102-127


Proof of TB test and immunizations must be turned in to Occupational Health Services by this week or you will not be able to attend clinical.

4 9/4 – 9/8 Skills Lab (0800-1300) – report to Simulation Center

·        0800-0900 – Practice for proficiency

·        0900-1100 – Accountable demonstration  for sterile gloving and sterile wet-damp dressing change

(worth 1%)

·        Peripheral blood sugars with CBL (bring laptop)

·        Partners practice patient scenarios

·        Time to work on Drug Calculation/Medication modules on Evolve






Calculation Test – must achieve an 84% to pass the test; must pass the test to progress in MSI course


Bring Ackley book to class


Lecture content:

·        Nursing Process

Read Basics pgs 55-75, 81-98, 102-113, 118-132


5 9/11 – 9/15 Skills Lab (0800-1300) – report to Simulation Center

·        Medication administration – demo and practice

§  Oral meds

§  Subcutaneous injections

§  Intramuscular injections

·        Review clinical reasoning form







Lecture content:

·        Urine: UTIs, Retention, Stones, Incontinence, Diversions

Read: Basics pg. 1015-20, 1023-25, 1026-30, 1033 and Lewis pg. 1033-38, 1044-49, 1055-62

6 9/18 – 9/22 Skills Lab (0800-1300) – report to Simulation Center

·        0800-0900 – Practice for proficiency

·        0900-1100 – Accountable demonstration for medication administration (worth 1%)

·        Accountable demonstration: First Clinical Day (worth 1%)

·        Patient assignments

·        Review clinical reasoning form and its use

·        Assure all can login into Meditech



Lecture content:

·        Bowel: diarrhea, constipation, incontinence, diversions

Read: Basics pg. 968-72, 976-80, 985-88

·        Enteral nutrition

Read: Basics pg. 934-40

·        Sleep and Rest

Read: Basics pg. 1207-16 and Lewis pg. 96-100


7 9/25 – 9/29 Clinical Unit (0700-1000) – meet clinical instructor in the Main Lobby; review chart the night before; receive nursing report in the morning


Assigned pairs of students will provide hygiene care, vital signs, and assessment (per assessment class schedule.)  One student will be responsible for Meditech documentation and reporting-off to the nurse.  The other student will be responsible for turning in clinical paperwork.  Both students should work on documentation and paperwork together.


Meditech documentation: ADLs, Pain, Safety Record, Rounding Assessment, Wound Assessment, System Assessment as appropriate, and Fall Assessment


First three pages of clinical reasoning form to be completed and turned into Canvas.


1000-1100 – Post-conference, review clinical reasoning form


1100-1300 – Simulation Center

·        Urinary catheter insertion (male and female) – video/demo and practice








·        Fractures

Read: Lewis pgs 1462-1493

·        Perioperative nursing

Read: Lewis pgs 301-347









Midterm self-evaluation to be submitted to clinical faculty by 10/3 at noon.


8 10/2 – 10/6 Clinical Unit (0700-1000) – review chart the night before; receive nursing report in the morning


Assigned pairs of students will provide hygiene care, vital signs, and assessment (per assessment class schedule.)  One student will be responsible for Meditech documentation and reporting-off to the nurse.  The other student will be responsible for turning in clinical paperwork.  Both students should work on documentation and paperwork together.


Meditech documentation: ADLs, Pain, Safety Record, Rounding Assessment, Wound Assessment, System Assessment as appropriate, and Fall Assessment


Assigned students will begin giving 0900 medications once accountable demonstration is satisfactorily completed.


Entire clinical reasoning form to be completed and turned into Canvas.


1000-1100 – Post-conference, review clinical reasoning form


1100-1300 – Accountable demonstration for catheter insertion (worth 1%)





Lecture content:

·        Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Stable Angina, and Peripheral Vascular Disease

Read: Lewis pgs 681-700, 702-718, 802-809

·        Venous Thromboembolism

Read: Lewis pgs 816-828

10/9 – 10/13 FALL BREAK      (Just kidding…)
9 10/16 – 10/20 Clinical Unit (0700-1145) – review chart the night before; receive nursing report in the morning


Students no longer paired starting this week.  Each student will be responsible for own Meditech documentation and clinical reasoning form.


Meditech documentation: ADLs, Pain, Safety Record, Rounding Assessment, Wound Assessment, System Assessment as appropriate, and Fall Assessment


1-3 assigned students will be administering medications each clinical.


Entire clinical reasoning form to be completed and turned into Canvas.


1200-1300 – post-conference; clinical evaluations to be done with clinical instructor





Lecture content:

·        Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Delirium

Read: Lewis pg. 1399-1409, 1411-18

·        Visual and Auditory Problems

Read: Lewis pg. 368-76, 378-82, 384-6, 391

10 10/23 – 10/27 Clinical Unit (0700-1145) – review chart the night before; receive nursing report in the morning


Meditech documentation: ADLs, Pain, Safety Record, Rounding Assessment, Wound Assessment, System Assessment as appropriate, and Fall Assessment


1-3 assigned students will be administering medications each clinical.


Entire clinical reasoning form to be completed and turned into Canvas.


1200-1300 – post-conference




Lecture content:

·        Pneumonia, Aspiration and Oxygen Administration

Read: Lewis pg. 500-506 and Basics pg. 1297-1301, 1303-4, 1309-14

·        Client Teaching

Read: Basics pg. 856-60, 862-65


11 10/30 –


Clinical Unit (0700-1145) – review chart the night before; receive nursing report in the morning


Meditech documentation: ADLs, Pain, Safety Record, Rounding Assessment, Wound Assessment, System Assessment as appropriate, and Fall Assessment


1-3 assigned students will be administering medications each clinical.


Entire clinical reasoning form to be completed and turned into Canvas.


1200-1300 – post-conference







Lecture content:

·        Obesity

Read: Lewis pgs 874-891

·        Diabetes

Read: Lewis pgs 1120-1154


Paired students to sign-up for teaching topic this week.


12 11/6


Clinical Unit (0700-1000) – review chart the night before; receive nursing report in the morning


Meditech documentation: ADLs, Pain, Safety Record, Rounding Assessment, Wound Assessment, System Assessment as appropriate, and Fall Assessment


1-3 assigned students will be administering medications each clinical.


Entire clinical reasoning form to be completed and turned into Canvas.



1000-1300 – report to Simulation Center for med-error, safety, and diabetes/pneumonia simulation




Lecture content:

·        Fluids and electrolytes

Read: Lewis pgs 270-294

·        GERD and Hiatal Hernia

Read: Lewis pgs 900-905


13 11/13


Clinical Unit (0700-1145) – review chart the night before; receive nursing report in the morning


Meditech documentation: ADLs, Pain, Safety Record, Rounding Assessment, Wound Assessment, System Assessment as appropriate, and Fall Assessment


No medications – Students will be completing Head-to-Toe Assessments for Health Assessment


Entire clinical reasoning form to be completed and turned into Canvas.




Test 6


Lecture content:

·        Stress and Adaptation

Read: Basics pg. 249-56

·        Spirituality

Read: Basics pg. 340-45

·        Culture

Read: Andrews Ch. 1 & 2

14 11/20 –


Tuesday: All students will take HESI Proctored Exam (times and rooms TBD)



Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

15 11/27 –


Final Clinical Evaluations with clinical instructor


HESI Remediation: Room 228

Patient Teaching Presentations


16 12/4


Finals Week


MSI Final: Friday December 8




NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

  • HESI Assignments
Detailed HESI Assignments and Due Dates
1.      Modules 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 with quizzes (must score 80%)

Due: Friday, September 8 at midnight

2.      HESI Practice Exam (must score 80%)

Due: Sunday, November 12 at midnight

3.      HESI Proctored Exam

Due: Tuesday, November 21

4.      HESI Remediation


HESI Testing Policy

HESI is a web-based assessment and review program used throughout St. John’s College prelicensure curriculum to reinforce student-centered learning and to predict success on the NCLEX licensing examination. These resources serve as a learning tool while identifying areas where a student may be in need of additional strategies to improve studying and test-taking skills to successfully pass the NCLEX examination.

Following the HESI Specialty and Comprehensive Exit Examinations, students may be required to remediate. The remediation requirements are dependent on individual student’s HESI scores for each exam. HESI exam scores can be indicative of the student’s success within the program and NCLEX.


Each nursing student will be assigned an account on the Evolve website. This site offers students student-centered learning opportunities. Individual courses will specify their specific expectations and requirements.

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

Proctored Exams

  • If a student fails to provide a transcript demonstrating satisfactory achievement (80% or greater) on practice exams, the student will not be allowed to take the proctored exam Proctored exam dates will be posted in the related syllabus.
  • Proctored exams may only be taken once.
  • Students who are not able to take the proctored exam on the published date due to extenuating circumstances will be assigned an alternate testing date prior to the end of the semester. All proctored testing must be completed before the end of the semester (Last day of final exams by 4pm). Failure to complete the proctored testing will result in a course grade of Incomplete.
  • Students who do not achieve the expected level of achievement, 850 or above, on the proctored exam are required to consult with the course chair/faculty regarding a remediation plan/contract. This information will be shared with your academic advisor for further support.

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule


  • 4% of the total course grade will be awarded to each HESI proctored exam and remediation plan.
  • For students earning less than a HESI score of 850, remediation is required for successful course completion. In order to receive points for your remediation efforts, remediation is to be completed by noon on the Monday following Final’s Week.
  • Noncompliant students will receive a grade of “Incomplete” for the course until the remediation is completed. Refer to the Grade of Incomplete Policy within the Student Handbook for further clarification.

NSG 336 -MSI Syllabus and Content Schedule

HESI Score: 850 or Above


4 % Points

*Remediation recommended, but not necessary

Recommended Remediation:

1)      Complete the online remediation provided in the HESI Student Access specific to the proctored or exit exam.

2)      Develop two 10 question custom quizzes in the Adaptive Quizzing identifying two content areas of weakness based on your HESI Exam Student Report. Continue to take these quizzes until 80% correct is achieved on each quiz.

HESI Score: 750-849


2 % Points

*(1) additional % point will be awarded if remediation is completed by set due date

Required Remediation:

1)      Complete the online remediation provided in the HESI Student Access specific to the proctored or exit exam. A minimum of five hours of study is required.

2)      Develop three 10 question custom quizzes in the Adaptive Quizzing identifying three content areas of weakness based on your HESI Exam Student Report. A score of 80% or greater on each quiz is required for successful completion. Quizzes may be taken multiple times.

3)      Select one HESI Case Study in a content area of weakness and complete with a score of 80% or greater.

HESI Score: 700-749


1 % Point

*(1) additional % point will be awarded if remediation is completed by set due date

Required Remediation:

1)      Complete the online remediation provided in the HESI Student Access specific to the proctored or exit exam. A minimum of six hours of study is required.

2)      Develop four 10 question custom quizzes in the Adaptive Quizzing identifying four content areas of weakness based on your HESI Exam Student Report. A score of 80% or greater on each quiz is required for successful completion. Quizzes may be taken multiple times.

3)      Select one HESI Case Study in a content area of weakness and complete with a score of 80% or greater.

HESI Score: 699 or Below


0 % Points

*(1) % point will be awarded if remediation is completed by set due date

Required Remediation:

1)      Complete the online remediation provided in the HESI Student Access specific to the proctored or exit exam. A minimum of six hours of study is required.

2)      Develop four 10 question custom quizzes in the Adaptive Quizzing identifying four content areas of weakness based on your HESI Exam Student Report.  A score of 80% or greater on each quiz is required for successful completion. Quizzes may be taken multiple times.

3)      Select two HESI Case Studies in a content area of weakness and complete with a score of 80% or greater.



Approved CA 08/2016