NSG 325 Week 1 Pediatric Nursing Questions

NSG 325 Week 1 Pediatric Nursing Questions

NSG 325 Week 1 Pediatric Nursing Questions

  1. Describe family centered care in pediatrics

Answer: Family-centered care is vitally essential as it can influence the child physicaly, psychologically, and even socially. The family is at the center. The family cares for the child in every aspect from daily living to when the child is ill.

Rationale: “Recognizing the family as the constant influence and support in a child’s life is the foundational for developing a trusting relationship with families” (Bindler, 2017, p. 6). Family-centered care reveals that the child is usually well-cared for, and the family will help the child to grow into a productive member of society.

  1. Describe clinical pathways


  1. Describe assent by the pediatric patient


  1. What is a cultural assessment? How is this done?


  1. Name 3 coping mechanisms that a child may use when under stress of hospitalization.

Answer: Three coping mechanisms include the following: psychosocial care of the child, provide a sense of security, and facilitate the use of play. Each of these aspects are important for the child. It helps deal with the situations as hand.

Rationale: Psychosocial Care of the Child: “Children admitted to a PICU need support for the stressful experience. They often feel and hear, even when unconscious, so touch and talking to the child are important. Nurses play a key role in providing developmentally appropriate support to the child. Nursing interventions are directed at building a trusting relationship, minimizing the stressors experienced by the child, and promoting coping.” (Bindler, 2017, p. 262). Therapeutic communication skills are vitally essential as well as touch are essential especially when a child is stressed.  Sense of Security: “Parental presence at the bedside is one of the best ways to decrease anxiety and promote a sense of security. Personalizing the child’s bedside can promote comfort and a sense of security” (Bindler, 2017, p. 262). A child must feel secure. A favorite blanket, toy, and even some other alternative can help the child adjust to their surroundings. Facilitate the use of Play- “Play can be used to alleviate stress and to help prepare children for procedures” (Bindler, 2017, p. 262). This helps relieve stress by providing a distraction.


  1. Describe Erikson’s psychosocial stages


  1. How does a nurse assess a child’s mesosystem when performing an ecological assessment?




  1. Describe the difference between health promotion and health maintenance




  1. Describe disease and developmental surveillance





Ball, J., Bindler, R. M., Cowen, K. J., & Shaw, M. R. (2017). Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.

Doing a cultural assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.euromedinfo.eu/doing-a-cultural-assessment.html/.