NSG 3012 Full Course Work latest 2018

NSG 3012 Full Course Work latest 2018

NSG 3012 Full Course Work latest 2018

Week 1 Discussion: Physical Assessment

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the various aspects of physical assessment. Based on your research and understanding, respond to one of the following:

  • You are admitting a 27-year-old woman to your unit for work-up of weight loss. While conducting an admission interview, you learn that she has recently lost her job and has a strong family history of depression and suicide. How would you construct your interview? What measures would you take with the information you have gathered? Why?


  • You are admitting a 12-year-old child to your unit. The mother states that the child has a history of unexplained blackout episodes, headaches, sleep disturbances, and is presently exhibiting tremors. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms? What actions would you take during the interview process? Explain.


  • A young 33-year-old man is admitted to your unit with a chief complaint of “tiredness and morning headaches” even after sleeping. How you would perform a comprehensive analysis of symptoms? What are the possible causes of the symptoms? What examinations would be crucial to determine the cause of his problems? Why?

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.


Week 2 Discussion: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the causes, symptoms, recommended tests, possible treatments, and expectations for the following:

  • Head and neck
  • Oropharynx
  • Eye and the visual system

Based on your research and understanding, read and respond to one of the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

A 50-year-old woman is admitted with chief complaints of headache and decreased range of motion in her neck. She also complains of vertigo, hearing loss in one ear, profuse sweating, and uncontrollable eye movements. Her past medical history indicates that she was in a motor vehicle accident three days before her admission.

  • What specific diagnostic examinations would you recommend? Why?
  • What conditions should be ruled out? Why?
  • How would you distinguish between these conditions?
  • What are the possible causes of these symptoms?

Scenario 2

While interviewing and examining a 17-year-old male, you discover a white patch on his buccal mucosa and slanting palpebral fissures in his eyes. He also states during the interview that he plays baseball and is hoping to earn an athletic scholarship to college.

  • What do you suspect? What kind of client teaching is appropriate in this situation?
  • Discuss appropriate educational materials for health promotion and disease prevention
  • When would slanting palpebral fissures be normal?

Scenario 3

While performing a retinal examination on this patient, you discover that the margins of the optic disc become blurred and indistinct.

  • What further testing would be required? Why?
  • What is the foremost cause of this clinical finding?

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

Week 3 Discussion: Breathing, Heart, and Lungs

An anxious patient is having rapid and shallow breathing. After a few moments, he complains of a tingling sensation.

  • What could be the causes of this tingling sensation?
  • What are the various patterns of respiration and their significance?
  • Ethnicity and culture influence risk factors for heart disease. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • What is the technique of percussion and palpation of the chest wall for tenderness, symmetry, bulges, fremitus, and thoracic expansion? Explain.
  • Would you anticipate hearing hyper-resonance on a patient with a history of tobacco use? Why or why not?
  • What are the mechanics of breathing with reference to lung borders and the anatomical structure of the lungs and diaphragm?

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

Week 4 Discussion

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

  • Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible.
  • Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

Male & Female Reproductive System

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the conditions affecting the male and female reproductive systems. Based on your research and understanding, respond to one of the following scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Mrs. Smith is a 50 year old Caucasian woman who has 4 children ages 17, 15, 13, and 10. She was 33 with the birth of her first child. Her BMI is 25. She has no personal or family history of breast cancer. She lives with her husband in a suburban community. She is an elementary school teacher who is working part-time as a substitute so she can be home with her children. She has been healthy with no previous medical history.

One year ago she noted a small palpable lump in her right breast about the size of an almond. Because she has been healthy she assumed it was nothing and ignored it. Over the last month she has noted that this lump has been increasing in size. Her health insurance would be expiring in the next month so she reluctantly decided to have a mammogram. She called for an appointment and they were unable to see her for another 2 months.

After waiting 2 months, her mammogram confirmed a 5 cm mass. She then had an ultrasound guided biopsy. This biopsy confirmed the presence of cancer cells. An additional biopsy confirmed the presence of cancer cells in 3 of her lymph nodes most proximal to the tumor.

  • What are the primary concerns for the patient right now?
  • What is the rationale for these concerns?
  • What are some of the expected medical surgical interventions?
  • What is the worst possible complication to anticipate?
  • What further assessment will be needed if complications develop?
  • What pharmaceutical drugs are approved treatments for breast cancer patients?
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the selected drugs, and include safety issues.
Scenario 2:

A 44-year-old obese female is admitted to the emergency room with fever and severe abdominal pain on the upper right side that radiates to the scapula. She states that she feels nauseated. She states that the pain began at a friend’s house during a party and is becoming more severe. You can see that she is quite uncomfortable.

  • What could be the underlying cause of these symptoms?
  • What examinations would you perform? Why?
  • What laboratory tests would be needed to confirm possible differential diagnoses?
  • What pharmaceutical drugs are approved for treating the diagnosis that you concluded for this case?

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

Week 5 Discussion

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

  • Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible.
  • Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

Musculoskeletal and Neurologic System

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and the neurologic systems. Based on your research and understanding, respond to one of the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

A 58-year-old female is admitted for a work up for a complaint of neck and low back pain. During admission, you discover that she underwent a renal transplant six years ago. The patient also had blood work collected. When you review the findings, you notice that her serum calcium is elevated at 13.9 (Normal values range from 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dl), her CBC shows a hematocrit of 33%, and hemoglobin of 11.1 g/dl (normal adult female hematocrit Range: 37-47%, normal adult female hemoglobin range: 12-16 g/dl).

  • What does this mean and what could be the underlying cause of her pain and her abnormal lab values?
  • What other assessments would be helpful?
Scenario 2

A 12-year-old female is admitted with severe pain in her spine. While checking history, the patient and her mother state that several weeks ago the patient was treated for an upper respiratory infection. The infection subsided after several days of taking antibiotics. However, several days later, the child complained of joint swelling and pain in her right elbow, which subsided, but then seemed to migrate to her left knee. A week later, today, the child began to complain of worsening back pain. The mother has been treating the pain with over the counter pain medication and heat and ice packs, but this did not seem to help.

  • What are the possible causes of the pain and how you would proceed?
Scenario 3

A 33-year-old Hispanic male is admitted and complains of a tingling sensation in his left leg, vertigo, and loss of balance. When you begin to perform intake history, you notice that his speech is slurred, his teeth are in need of repair, and he seems to be very drowsy.

  • What other findings may you find in this individual?
  • What would you think is the underlying cause of this patient’s complaint?
  • How would you proceed with your assessment specifically for this patient?
Scenario 4

A patient is admitted to the unit. He is a diabetic on chronic hemodialysis. He has an Arteriovenous (A-V) graft, which is annulated each time he undergoes dialysis treatments. You notice an area on his graft arm that is red and warm to the touch. He states that he has had this on his arm for several weeks. He asked the dialysis staff about the area, but they told him to apply warm compresses to the site. The staff at the dialysis center continues to use the graft, but they are careful to avoid the area when they cannulate for his treatments. Now the patient presents with extreme low back pain, fever, nausea, and swelling of his lower extremities. On checking his fasting serum glucose, you notice that the reading is 159 (Normal fasting blood glucose range 64 to 110 mg/dl), and his white blood cell count is 36,000 (normal range is 4,500-10,000 white blood cells/mcl). He states that his sugars were normally well controlled, but in the past ten days he seems to be requiring more insulin.

  • How would you proceed with this patient?
  • What could be the underlying problem?

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

Week 2 Project: Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the tympanic membrane and the thyroid gland. Based on your findings, create a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document that includes:

  • Information about a minimum of two health assessment histories.
  • The possible findings for the tympanic membrane.
  • Information on how to examine the thyroid gland using both the anterior and posterior methods.
  • A concise note in the subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (SOAP) format with each patient’s encountered findings.

For a review of SOAP notes:

  • SOAP Documentation
  • Information about laboratory tests that may be used for screening clients and the expected normal levels for each test.
  • Support your responses with examples.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

  • Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
  • This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
  • You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.
Submission Details:
  • Name your document SU_NSG3012_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.


Week 4 Project: Head-to-Toe Assessment

For this assignment, perform a complete head-to-toe assessment on one of your chosen participants. Your analysis should include the following:

  • Topical headings to delineate systems.
  • For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment.
  • Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings, along with normal laboratory findings for client age.
  • An analysis of age-specific risk reduction, health screen, and immunizations.
  • Your expectation of normal findings and what might indicate abnormal findings in your review of systems.
  • The differential diagnosis (disease) associated with possible abnormal findings.
  • A plan of care (including nursing diagnosis, interventions, evaluation).
  • Client and age-appropriate evidenced based practice strategies for health promotion.
  • Pharmacological treatments that can be used to address health issues for this client.

Provide your answers in a 6- to 7-page Microsoft Word document.

Support your responses with examples.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

  • Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
  • This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
  • You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.
Submission Details:
  • Name your document SU_NSG3012_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.