NSG 201H -Family-Centered Community-Based Care

NSG 201H -Family-Centered Community-Based Care

NSG 201H -Family-Centered Community-Based Care

1. The nurse is caring for a 2-week-old newborn girl with a metabolic disorder. Which of the following activities would deviate from the characteristics of family-centered care?
A) Softening unpleasant information or prognoses
B) Evaluating and changing the nursing plan of care
C) Collaborating with the child and family as equals
D) Showing respect for the family’s beliefs and wishes



2. The nurse is providing home care for a 6-year-old girl with multiple medical challenges. Which of the following activities would be considered the tertiary level of prevention?
A) Arranging for a physical therapy session
B) Teaching parents to administer albuterol
C) Reminding parent to give a full course of antibiotics
D) Giving a DTaP vaccination at the proper interval



3. A nursing student is reviewing information about documenting client care and education in the medical record and the purposes that it serves. The student demonstrates a need for additional study when the nurse identifies which of the following as a reason?
A) Serves as a communication tool for the interdisciplinary team.
B) Demonstrates education the family has received if legal matters arise.
C) Permits others access to allow refusal of medical insurance coverage.
D) Verifies meeting client education standards set by the Joint Commission.


NSG 201H -Family-Centered Community-Based Care

4. A pregnant client tells her nurse that she is interested in arranging a home birth. After educating the client on the advantages and disadvantages, which statement would indicate that the client understood the information?
A) β€œI like having the privacy, but it might be too expensive for me to set up in my home.”
B) β€œI want to have more control, but I am concerned if an emergency would arise.”
C) β€œIt is safer because I will have a midwife.”
D) β€œThe midwife is trained to resolve any emergency, and she can bring any pain meds.”



5. The nurse is making a home visit to a client who had a cesarean birth 3 days ago. Assessment reveals that the client is complaining of intermittent pain, rating it as 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. She states, β€œI’m pretty tired. And with this pain, I haven’t been drinking and eating like I should. The medication helps a bit but not much. My mom has been helping with the baby.” Her incision is clean, dry, and intact. Which nursing diagnosis would the nurse identify as the priority for this client?
A) Impaired skin integrity related to cesarean birth incision
B) Fatigue related to effects of surgery and caretaking activities
C) Imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirements related to poor fluid and food intake
D) Acute pain related to incision and cesarean birth



6. When caring for childbearing families from cultures different from one’s own, which of the following must be accomplished first?
A) Adapt to the practices of the family’s culture
B) Determine similarities between both cultures
C) Assess personal feelings about that culture
D) Learn as much as possible about that culture



7. After teaching a group of students about the changes in health care delivery and funding, which of the following, if identified by the group as a current trend seen in the maternal and child health care settings, would indicate that the teaching was successful?
A) Increase in community settings for care
B) Decrease in family poverty level
C) Increase in hospitalization of children
D) Decrease in managed care



8. The nurse would recommend the use of which supplement as a primary prevention strategy to prevent neural tube defects with pregnant women?
A) Calcium
B) Folic acid
C) Vitamin C
D) Iron



9. Which action would the nurse include in a primary prevention program in the community to help reduce the incidence of HIV infection?
A) Provide treatment for clients who test positive for HIV
B) Monitor viral load counts periodically
C) Educate clients in how to practice safe sex
D) Offer testing for clients who practice unsafe sex


NSG 201H -Family-Centered Community-Based Care

10. When assuming the role of discharge planner for a woman requiring ventilator support at home, the nurse would do which of the following?
A) Confer with the client’s mother
B) Teach new self-care skills to the client
C) Determine if there is a need for back-up power
D) Discuss coverage with the insurance company



11. When comparing community-based nursing with nursing in the acute care setting to a group of nursing students, the nurse describes the challenges associated with community-based nursing. Which of the following would the nurse include?
A) Increased time available for education
B) Improved access to resources
C) Decision making in isolation
D) Greater environmental structure



12. After teaching a group of students about the different levels of prevention, the instructor determines a need for additional teaching when the students identify which of the following as a secondary prevention level activity in community-based health care?
A) Teaching women to take folic acid supplements to prevent neural tube defects
B) Working with women who are victims of domestic violence
C) Working with clients at an HIV clinic to provide nutritional and CAM therapies
D) Teaching hypertensive clients to monitor blood pressure



13. A nursing instructor is describing trends in maternal and newborn health care. The instructor addresses the length of stay for vaginal births during the past decade, citing that which of the following denotes the average stay?
A) 24–48 hours or less
B) 72–96 hours or less
C) 48–72 hours or less
D) 96–120 hours or less



14. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding women’s health care in today’s system?
A) Women spend 95 cents of every dollar spent on health care.
B) Women make almost 90% of all health care decisions.
C) Women are still the minority in the United States.
D) Men use more health services than women.



15. A nurse is educating a client about a care plan. Which of the following statements would be appropriate to assess the client’s learning ability?
A) β€œDid you graduate from high school; how many years of schooling did you have?”
B) β€œDo you have someone in your family who would understand this information?”
C) β€œMany people have trouble remembering information; is this a problem for you?”
D) β€œWould you prefer that the doctor give you more detailed medical information?”


NSG 201H -Family-Centered Community-Based Care

16. A nurse is developing cultural competence. Which of the following indicates that the nurse is in the process of developing cultural knowledge? Select all that apply.
A) Examining personal sociocultural heritage
B) Reviewing personal biases and prejudices
C) Seeking resources to further understanding of other cultures
D) Becoming familiar with other culturally diverse lifestyles
E) Performing a competent cultural assessment
F) Advocating for social justice to eliminate disparities.



17. A nurse is engaged in providing family-centered care for a woman and her family. The nurse is providing instrumental support with which activity?
A) Explaining to the woman and family what to expect during the birth process.
B) Assisting the woman in breathing techniques to cope with labor contractions.
C) Reinforcing the woman’s role as a mother after birth
D) Helping the family obtain extra financial help for prescribed phototherapy



18. A nurse is considering a change in employment from the acute care setting to community-based nursing. The nurse is focusing her job search on ambulatory care settings. Which of the following would the nurse most likely find as a possible setting? Select all that apply.
A) Urgent care center
B) Hospice care
C) Immunization clinic
D) Physician’s office
E) Day surgery center
F) Nursing home



19. A nursing instructor is presenting a class for a group of students about community-based nursing interventions. The instructor determines that additional teaching is needed when the students identify which of the following?
A) Conducting childbirth education classes
B) Counseling a pregnant teen with anemia
C) Consulting with a parent of a child who is vomiting
D) Performing epidemiologic investigations


NSG 201H -Family-Centered Community-Based Care

20. During class, a nursing student asks, β€œI read an article that was talking about integrative medicine. What is that?” Which response by the instructor would be most appropriate?
A) β€œIt refers to the use of complementary and alternative medicine in place of traditional therapies for a condition.”
B) β€œIt means that complementary and alternative medicine is used together with conventional therapies to reduce pain or discomfort.”
C) β€œIt means that mainstream medical therapies and complementary and alternative therapies are combined based on scientific evidence for being effective.”
D) β€œIt refers to situations when a client and his or her family prefer to use an unproven method of treatment over a proven one.”



21. While a nurse is obtaining a health history, the client tells the nurse that she practices aromatherapy. The nurse interprets this as which of the following?
A) Use of essential oils to stimulate the sense of smell to balance the mind and body
B) Application of pressure to specific points to allow self-healing
C) Use of deep massage of areas on the foot or hand to rebalance body parts
D) Participation in chanting and praying to promote healing.



22. A pregnant woman asks the nurse about giving birth in a birthing center. She says, β€œI’m thinking about using one but I’m not sure.” Which of the following would the nurse need to integrate into the explanation about this birth setting? (Select all that apply.)
A) An alternative for women who are uncomfortable with a home birth.
B) The longer length of stay needed when compared to hospital births
C) Focus on supporting women through labor instead of managing labor
D) View of labor and birth as a normal process requiring no intervention
E) Care provided primarily by obstetricians with midwives as backup care



23. A nurse practicing in the community is preparing a presentation for a group of nursing students about this practice setting. Which of the following would the nurse include as characteristic of this role?
A) Greater emphasis on direct physical care
B) Broader assessment to include the environment
C) Increased dependency on physician
D) Limited decision making and support



24. A nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a woman who is pregnant for the first time. Which of the following would the nurse incorporate into the teaching plan to foster the client’s learning? (Select all that apply.)
A) Teach “survival skills” first
B) Use simple, nonmedical language
C) Refrain from using a hands-on approach
D) Avoid repeating information
E) Use visual materials such as photos and videos



25. A group of nurses are reviewing the steps for developing cultural competence. The students demonstrate understanding when they identify which of the following as the final step?
A) Cultural knowledge
B) Cultural skills
C) Cultural encounter
D) Cultural awareness