NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences:

NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

New practice approaches

Intraprofessional collaboration

Health care delivery and clinical systems

Ethical considerations in health care

Population health concerns

The role of technology in improving health care outcomes

Health policy

Leadership and economic models

Health disparities

NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Sample Paper

New Practice Approaches

This week has been overwhelming for me as this is the first time I will participate in a capstone project. I also find it very tasking because I would need to create an individual success plan, enter my clinical hours in the lope’s activity tracker, create capstone topics, and schedule a pre-conference call with my preceptor, instructor, and myself. The Individual Success Plan was the most tedious task I had to complete because I had to complete each week’s GCU critical and domain competencies. I also had to write their objectives, due dates, and the dates I would complete each assignment. This has been overwhelming and confusing to me as I do not have much knowledge of the ISP, but as I continue with this course, I hope to gain additional knowledge with the help of my preceptor, instructor, and peers.

I also had to complete my ten community clinical hours in a level 2 trauma acute care hospital. I would focus on a particular unit, the Neuro/Ortho Unit. When I met my preceptor, we had to see the unit manager to discuss the prevalent issues they undergo in the unit. Since it is a neurology and orthopedic unit, they have many traumas and patients with neurological problems. We identified issues such as falls, pressure sores, delirium among geriatric patients, hourly rounding, etc. We then used a need assessment to identify the most prevalent problem, and the plan was to utilize new practice approaches to tackle these problems. NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

Interprofessional Collaboration

This week, I had a couple of activities with my preceptor. With the help of my preceptor, I finally chose my Capstone topic, which was centered around hospital falls. The topic was to initiate fall prevention programs and determine their effectiveness among older adult patients. I created a capstone topic summary related to hospital falls and completed an essay on my capstone project topic. I logged in my ten leadership hours using the Lopes activity tracker, and my preceptor already approved those hours. I completed my two discussion posts and gave substantial responses to my peers. This week had lots of events, but I am starting to feel confident overall.

I chose my capstone topic because I discovered the high rate of falls in the unit where I would be doing my practicum. Interprofessional collaboration is one of the most effective strategies for reducing hospital falls. Preventing falls requires a multidisciplinary approach to developing a safe patient environment, including a fall prevention program and education for nurses (Ruby,2017). Nurses would have to work with healthcare team members to create a program to reduce the risk of in-patient falls, leading to improved clinical outcomes. NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

Practices of Culturally Competent Care

I am in the third week of my Capstone, and it has been interesting so far. I had a couple of activities this week, but I have completed my task for this week. I finished my PICOT Question, and it involves me creating an evidence-based nursing intervention. I also created my capstone project objectives and what seems to interest me was the importance of cultural assessment and how it can impact my capstone objectives. I also entered my community and leadership hours in my lope’s activity tracker. I completed my weekly discussion posts and replied to my peers.

I worked with my preceptor this week, and I discussed my weekly activities with him. We had to go through the unit’s policies and protocols for fall prevention. I showed him my evidence-based nursing intervention, and he seemed very excited about my progress. I talked about cultural assessment earlier, and I would like to emphasize it for this week’s journal.

The United States is expanding at an unprecedented rate, and by 2043, there would no longer be the minority. The number of ethnically and diverse groups is growing, and each has its cultural traits. There are ways nurses can provide culturally sensitive and competent care. This includes creating awareness, avoiding assumptions, learning about other cultures, building trust, overcoming language barriers, educating patients about medical practices, and practicing active listening (Every Nurse, 2019 NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective).

Ethical Considerations in Healthcare

I had an exciting week, and I am very excited that I am in the fourth week of my capstone. For this week, I did my Literature evaluation table, comprising eight peer-reviewed articles that would help me with my change project. I also did the capstone change project outcomes, entered my clinical leadership hours in my Lope’s activity tracker.

This week, my professor asked us what kind of change theory to apply for my change proposal. I want to use Lewin’s Change theory and apply it to my capstone change project. I worked with my preceptor during my clinical hours, and I was assigned to patients, I implemented fall prevention education for my patients. I am very optimistic about my capstone and happy with my progress. NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

For this week’s journal, I would want to address ethical considerations in healthcare. Ethical values are essential for any healthcare provider. These values are universal and provide a practical basis for identifying what kind of actions and motives. Ethics are essential within the healthcare system because healthcare professionals must recognize healthcare dilemmas and make sound judgments and decisions based on their values while keeping within the laws that govern them (Haddad & Geiger, 2020 NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective). Nurses should ensure they adhere to ethical standards and respect their patient’s decisions.

Healthcare Delivery and Clinical Systems.

This is the fifth week of this capstone, and I am excited to have come this far. I remembered how I started this capstone and am happy about my progress. This week was also eventful as my previous weeks. I communicated with my preceptor about the practice experience conference, midterm evaluation, clinical practice experience remediation, and my strategic plan summary. I logged in my community clinical hours into Lope’s activity tracker. During these hours, I worked with my preceptor to educate staff and patients on fall prevention. I also completed my posts and replied to my peers. For this week’s journal, I would be focusing on healthcare delivery and clinical systems.

New delivery systems are rapidly changing the face of healthcare and staying abreast of new developments can be a constant challenge. This includes managed care, concierge services, self-directed services, and telemedicine. A managed care setup includes agreements among a predetermined network of doctors, facilities, and healthcare providers to offer services at the lowest cost possible. The most common managed care plans include Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) that provide preventive care and other services for a monthly fee and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) that offer a fee-for-service system. NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective

Concierge medicine is a new healthcare delivery system that’s quickly gaining traction. This system is remarkably straightforward, requiring a flat monthly payment in exchange for medical services. Self-directed services typically apply to Medicaid and allow patients to make their own care-related decisions that would normally be left to an agency. A particularly innovative healthcare delivery system, telemedicine does not require patients to meet their doctors in person. Instead, telemedicine allows patients to use phone or video technology to interact with physicians. At the same time, telemedicine has long proven helpful in rural communities where the distance between patients and doctors can be an accessibility factor (USC, 2021 NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective).

Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

This is the sixth week of my capstone, and I am excited that I have come this far. I completed my literature review paper, participated in my discussion post, and replied to peers. I also completed my clinical leadership hours in my approved healthcare facility. I met with my preceptor, and we evaluated the effectiveness of fall prevention toolkits. I also met with the unit nurse leaders to encourage the implementation of the change proposal among the unit nurses. I provided both staff and patient education on fall prevention. After completing my clinical hours, I entered the hours into my lope’s activity tracker.

For this week’s journal, I would focus on ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of patients. Human dignity in inpatient care is a significant concept in clinical ethics with different definitions in the existing literature. Human dignity forms the essence of a patient’s care, and it is a humanistic concept based on respect for the integrity of human beings and their beliefs. It is influenced by cultural, spiritual, religious, and social factors. It emphasized the equality of all patients with its justice-based approach and extended patient care to every area of the society rather than restricting it to the hospital (Kadivar et al., 2018 NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective).

Population Health Concerns.

This week has been interesting so far, and I am happy about my success so far. I participated in the discussion posts this week and replied to my peers. I completed ten clinical community hours with my preceptor. I worked with my preceptor to create an evaluation plan for my change proposal. I was also assigned high fall risk patients, and my preceptor ensured I implement a fall prevention program for these high-risk patients. I logged in my clinical hours into my lope’s activity tracker. I’m optimistic about the impact of this change proposal in preventing falls among older adult patients. For this week’s practicum, I would be focused on is population health concerns. Population health is defined as the health outcome of groups of people, including the distribution of their outcomes.

There has been a shift from patient-centered healthcare to groups of people emphasizing primary and preventive care. The major population concerns occur in practice, education, research, and policy. Nurses are well-positioned to influence practice education and policy. Nurses must be prepared to improve population health by articulating nurses’ value propositions and active engagement in redesigning health data infrastructures to address current gaps that would impact cost and outcomes for individuals and the population (Ariosto et al., 2018 NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective).

The role of technology in improving healthcare outcomes.

I am very excited to be in the eight weeks of this course. This week has been eventful so far, as I had some plans to implement. I developed my capstone change proposal to address the issue of falls among hospitalized older adults. I also completed my discussion posts and replied to peers. I completed my ten clinical leadership hours for my practicum by working with my preceptor. I educated patients and staff nurses on fall prevention programs. I also checked the number of falls in the unit, and no fall was reported. I am very optimistic about this change proposal and would ensure that it would be implemented to create the desired change.

For this week, I would be looking at the role of technology in improving healthcare outcomes. Technology has improved one’s understanding of complex medical and physiological issues and decreased the barriers to healthcare delivery. The most prominent ways technology can impact today’s healthcare systems, including electronic health records, personalized treatment, such as devices, and wearable technology. Telehealth is another way technology improves the efficiency of communication between healthcare providers, clinics, and patients. Surgical technology and artificial technology can also improve healthcare outcomes (Scherman, 2019 NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective).

Health Policy

This week has been very interesting for me, and I am happy to be extremely close to my goal of getting the BSN degree. This week, I created my capstone project change proposal presentation for faculty review and feedback. I also completed my ten clinical community hours at my practicum with my preceptor. I reviewed the number of in-patients at high risk for falls and implemented fall precautions for these patients. I also discussed with my preceptor about my capstone change proposal presentation. I logged in my clinical hours into the lope’s activity tracker, completed my discussions, and replied to peers.

For this week’s journal, I will go through health policy and how it can shape our healthcare system. Healthcare policy can have a significant impact on well-being. Evidence-based health policies can help prevent disease and promote health. For instance, smoke-free policies can help stop smoking initiation and increase quit attempts. Similarly, policies requiring community water systems to provide fluoridated water can improve oral health. Establishing informed policies is key to improving health nationwide (Healthy People, 2020 NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective). Similarly, creating healthcare policies in hospitals can lead to increased quality care and positive clinical outcomes.

Leadership and Economic Model.

This is the final week of my capstone, and I have implemented the necessary change in the unit. I gave a presentation on my project, got feedback from my preceptor and the participants. It has been an exciting journey. For this last week of my capstone, I will be elaborating on healthcare disparities. Health disparities are differences in the burden of injury, disease, and violence to achieve a state of wellness experienced by socially disadvantaged individuals based on their race, ethnicity, population groups, and community, which are most times preventable.

These disparities affect all age groups (CDC, 2017). Nurses must understand these disparities to plan patient care effectively.


This journal has allowed me to talk about my experiences during my capstone. I can confidently say that I have met the competency aligned with this case. This is a wrap-up of my BSN program, and I would want to congratulate myself for a job well done because I have come this far in my program and I am excited to share the knowledge I gained in my program into my practice and I am sure that I would be a better nurse.

NRS490 Week 12 Assignment Benchmark Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective References.

Ariosto et al. (2018).Population health: a nursing action plan, JAMIA Open, Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2018, Pages 7–10,

Center for Disease Prevention and Control,  (2017). Health Disparities.

Every Nurse, (July,2019). Seven Steps to Become a More Culturally Sensitive Nurse.

Haddad LM & Geiger RA, (2020). Nursing Ethical Considerations. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan–. PMID: 30252310.

Kadivar M, Mardani HM, and Kouhnavard M, (2018). Concept analysis of human dignity inpatient care: Rodgers’ evolutionary approach. J Med Ethics Hist Med.; 11:4. PMID: 30258554; PMCID: PMC6150922.

Ruby CZ, (March 2017). Preventing in-patient falls, Nursing – Volume 47 – Issue 3 – p 24-30 DOI: 10.1097/01.NURSE.0000512872.83762.69

The University of Southern California, (2021). What You Need To Know About Four Delivery Systems.

Scherman, J. (2019). Five Ways Technology in Healthcare is Transforming the Way We Approach Medical Treatment.


Healthy People, (2020). Use Health Policy to Prevent Disease and Improve Health.