NR6600 Discussion – Healthcare Globalization

NR6600 Discussion – Healthcare Globalization

NR6600 Discussion – Healthcare Globalization

Globalization has changed health care in America and the care we provide. When providing care for patients, healthcare professionals need to take into account many different factors and have constant awareness and knowledge to offer a holistic approach to care. Cultural competence is a needed awareness for the healthcare professional to provide adequate care to our diverse patient populations we serve. Cultural competence education for healthcare professionals provides the opportunity for them to obtain knowledge and acceptance, and a general understanding of different cultures (Young, 2016).

Camphina-Bacote framework for cultural competency looks at five domains cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, and cultural encounters (Young, 2016). The Camphina-Bacote framework can be utilized to provide education for healthcare professionals. It is a necessity for, especially nurses to have ongoing cultural competence education and training to be able to service the diverse patient populations.


NR6600 Discussion – Healthcare Globalization

My Practicum Project

My practicum project is a PowerPoint presentation that focuses on the rationale for cultural competence with a focus on religion. Through my observations over the past couple years, I feel that this education will help this agency move forward in providing culturally competent care to patients and will also align the home care and home hospice divisions with the inpatient’s hospitals of the organization.

The Need for Dissemination

As I review the literature, the need for education around cultural competence for health care professionals has shown to be warrant since the 1950’s. Young (2016) discuss how Dr. Leininger identified that nurses had an ethical and moral obligation to be sensitive and appropriate to the cultural needs of their patients. Dr. Purnell (2016) in his article “Are we Really Measuring Cultural Competence?” discuss that the American Nurses Association states” that cultural competence is how nurses demonstrate culturally congruent care “( p.124).

Having general and specific knowledge of different cultures and your own culture will not only improve patient outcomes, but it will also reduce disparities. In 2003, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published the Unequal Treatment Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare, this report made the healthcare industry realize something needs to change (Williams and Wyatt, 2015).

Address the cultural needs of patients not only will improve outcomes, but it can also improve patient satisfaction scores. McCurry, Revell, & Roy (2009) discuss how having nursing goals focusing on the good of an individual and society as a whole the nurse moral obligation to the profession of nursing can be achieved. Providing nurses with culturally competent education meets the need to improve the good of society and the ethical/moral obligation of a nurse.

Target Audience and Methodology

My target audience for this practicum project is all clinicians at Penn Care at Home and Hospice Services. The methodology, I will use to provide this education is through a PowerPoint presentation and written evaluations. The method of a PowerPoint Presentation will allow me as the presenter to provide the opportunity to offer nurses continue educational hour for the presentation.


Cultural Competence is a crucial factor in fighting racial and ethnic health disparities. Healthcare organizations providing Cultural competence education for their employees is one of the many strategies to fight health disparities. The inclusion of a cultural assessment and acknowledgment of a patient’s cultural beliefs has proven to be rewarding for both the patients/ families and healthcare professionals. The utilization of cultural competence as an intervention can assist with the elimination of health disparities and improve care for all patients.


Almutairi, A. F. (2015). Almutairi’s Critical Cultural Competence model for a multicultural

healthcare environment. Nursing Inquiry, 22(4), 317-325.

McCurry, M. K., Revell, S. M., and Roy, C. (2009). Knowledge for good of the individual and

society: linking philosophy, disciplinary goals, theory, and practice. Nursing Philosophy,

11, 42-52.

Purnell, L. (2016). Are we Really Measuring Cultural Competence? Nursing Science Quarterly,

29 (2), 124-127.

Williams, D. R., & Wyatt, R. (2015). Racial bias in health care and health: challenges and

opportunities. Jama, 314(6), 555-556.

Young, S. (2016). Cultural Diversity Training: The Necessity of Cultural Competence for Health

Care Providers and Nursing Practice. The Health Care Manager, 35 (2), 94-102.