NR511 W1-W8 Learning Agreement

NR511 W1-W8 Learning Agreement

NR511 W1-W8 Learning Agreement Directions:

For Week 1, complete the learning agreement with self-identified goals to meet course outcomes (the course outcomes are located in the course syllabus) and initial plans to meet those self-identified goals. Discuss your goals and plans with your preceptor. Your preceptor must sign the Learning Agreement for your Week 1 submission.

The agreement should be revised and updated each week to reflect completed goals, additional goals, and changes to the plan dictated by the actual experience or revisions suggested by faculty or the preceptor. At the end of the practicum experience, evaluate achievement of the goals and completion of the required 125 practicum hours with your preceptor and obtain the preceptor’s signature at the bottom of agreement. Save this form as a Word document and enter required information directly onto it; submit the completed Learning Agreement, signed by your mentor by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. of Week 8.

The Learning Agreement consists of three sections.

  1. Student Learning Outcomes Table (Week 1)
  2. Signatures approving plan (Week 1)
  • Signatures and preceptor verification (Week 8)


Due Dates:

  1. Completed and signed Learning Agreement is submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT, Sunday at the end of Week 1.
  2. Completed and signed Learning Agreement is submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT, Wednesday of Week 8.

NR511 W1-W8 Learning Agreement

A minimum of 125 hours of practicum experience is required for the completion of this course.

  1. Student Learning Outcomes


Course Outcomes

(located in the syllabus)

Student Identified Practicum Goals to Meet Course Outcomes Plan to Meet Student Identified Practicum Goals Narrative Description of Attainment of Student Identified Goals
Practice safe, high-quality advanced nursing care based on concepts and knowledge from nursing and related disciplines. Assess the impact and common effects of acute illness and known chronic health problems in adolescents and learn which treatments are safe for each age group I plan to research the effects of certain treatment modalities on different ages and monitor dosages of prescriptions for accuracy. I feel that I not reach every population age group at this point. The population that I have worked with included the young adult and the elderly. Safe and quality standard were met.
Construct processes for leading and promoting quality improvement and safety in advanced nursing practice and healthcare delivery. Preform and accurately document complete, system, or symptom-specific physical examinations on the adult population Perform as many assessments available to build up experience. I have had many opportunities to perform healthcare assessments to improve my experience level however, I would want to continue to learn as I progress through out the program clinical rotations.
Use contemporary communication modalities effectively in advanced nursing roles. Develop a supporting partnership with the patient and families and Communicates effectively. Build a rapport with patient. Address concerns and to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Building a rapport with the patient has not been an issues thus far. I address their concerns and educate based on their needs. I provide them with resources to help them to understand their illness or concerns.
Evaluate the design. Implementation and outcomes of strategies developed to meet healthcare needs. Assess conditions related to disease process and help to develop a learning plan to promote/manage their healthcare needs. Include health goals to help develop educational plans for their healthcare needs. This area of developing healthcare plans will need to continue as I gain more confidence and experience to provide the highest quality of care through my learning experience.
Develop a plan for lifelong personal and professional growth that integrates professional values regarding scholarship, service, and global engagement. Verbalizes comprehensive differential diagnoses, seeing epidemiology, environmental and community characteristics, and life stage development Research different reviewed journals to help with understanding  Keeping up with new trans in healthcare is a must in order to provide the needs of every healthcare population. Research and up to date technology. This clinical rotation have provided me the opportunity to meet with drug representatives and other providers.
Apply legal, ethical, and human-carrying principles to situations in advanced nursing practice. Learn the procedure on how to Activate adult protection services and other resources on behalf of patient Research the cues of physical abuse and neglect in order to recognize when to activate adult protection services I had the opportunity to see first- hand the obligations & duty of the healthcare provided to act in the interest of the patient when neglect is the concern.
Design patient-centered care models and delivery’s systems using the best available scientific evidence. Learn how to apply evidence based practice when treating illness. Research articles related to the diagnosis that are seen




Research articles and information has been provided to help with understanding of diagnosis based on evidence based practices.
Manage human, fiscal, and physical resource to achieve and support individual and organizational goals. Provide patients and families assistance programs when needed. Research the different assistance programs available with the qualifications This clinical site is involved in research trails and studies. I have help to collect information and document finding as it relates to the trails.
Compose a plan for systematic inquiry and dissemination of findings to support advanced nursing practice, patient-care innovation, and the nursing profession. Adapt and performs the history and screening procedures according to the disease specific DX Monitor for obesity, provide eye exams, screens for mental disorders healthcare needs. Maintaining a healthy life style is the key to good health. I have been provided the opportunity to listen to my preceptor educate patients to where I feel comfortable to provide knowledgeable information and teaching needs as they arise.
Collaboration inter-professionally in research, education, practice health policy, and leadership to improve population health outcomes. Learn when referrals to different specialties are needed Reviews policies and procedures for referral process.


I have not mastered all the policies and procedures but I have been given the resources to find information as it is needed to better serve and improve on my learning experience.
Apply principles of informatics to manage data and information in order to support effective decision making Learn how to use electronic systems to notate assessments and research. Spend time reviewing electronic programs that are utilized in the clinic. I have had the experience in reviewing electronic records to insure information is accurately placed on the electronic record for bills and future issues that may arise.

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