NR453 Week 1 Assignment: Information Workflow Diagrams

NR453 Week 1 Assignment: Information Workflow Diagrams

NR453 Week 1 Assignment: Information Workflow Diagrams


The purpose of this assignment is to

· Familiarize the student with the concept of workflow,

· Identify potential workflow issues that have implications for the practice of nursing informatics

· Acquaint the student with the concept of “stakeholder” in information system design.

· Map current and proposed information workflow using flowchart diagrams.

Due Date: Submit to the Dropbox basket bySunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 1.

Total Points Possible: 125 points


Description of the Assignment

This assignment requires the student to examine an information workflow ideally from their current work environment although if the student is not currently employed they can discuss alternatives with their faculty for approval. Some examples of information workflow might include, but are not limited to, the following:

• allergy information;

• advance directives;

• organ donor status;

• past medical history details;

• past surgical history details;

• medications;

• use of vitamins and/or supplements;

• functional living status;

• list of providers;

· Insurance claims processing;

· Antibiotic resistant infection status

· Other as identified by student (subject to faculty approval). NR453 Week 1 Assignment: Information Workflow Diagrams



Map a particular piece of information from its collection and use throughout your organization. Identify what information you have chosen. Include verbal, written, and physical practices (e.g., how information is acquired, stored, distributed, and discarded). Map information workflow using a diagram. The diagram may be drawn using business process modeling notation figures available in Word, Visio, or other software. This assignment should be include a cover sheet, a one page explanation of the chosen workflow and rationale for its selection and a detailed map of current information workflow.

Preparing the Assignment

1. Required texts may be used as additional references.

2. The paper includes a coversheet, one-page description of the selected information workflow that includes the organization represented, rationale for selection and two actual or potential issues identified in the process of mapping the current information workflow, and a map of the current and proposed information workflow to improve safety/efficiency

3. Workflow maps must represent original work of the submitting student.

4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.

5. References are not required for this assignment but appropriate credit should be given for the ideas and work of others when used.

Assignment Criteria

Overview and explanation

Provides a one-page explanation of the selected workflow, its location or origin, rationale for selection, and two actual or potential problems identified


Current Workflow Diagram

Labels all persons involved in the current information workflow, all processes, directionality of flow, and areas where problems occur, or potentially occur, using business process diagrams


Proposed Workflow Diagram

Labels all persons involved in the PROPOSED information workflow, all processes, directionality of flow, and areas where problems occur, or potentially occur, using business process diagrams


Professional Presentation/APA format

APA format- submits assignment with a cover sheet/title

Correct spelling

Free of typographical errors


Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria



Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points = Points


Provides a one-page explanation of the selected workflow, its location or origin, rationale for selection, and two actual or potential problems identified

30 Points

X Points

X Points

X Points

0 Points. NR453 Week 1 Assignment: Information Workflow Diagrams

Clearly provides a one-page explanation of the selected workflow, its location or origin, rationale for selection, and two actual or potential problems identified provides a one-page explanation but one of the following items is missing or unclear.

· selected workflow

· location or origin of the workflow

· rationale for selection

two actual or potential problems with the current information workflow

provides a one-page explanation but two of the following items are missing or unclear

· selected workflow

· location or origin of the workflow

· rationale for selection

· two actual or potential problems with the current information workflow

provides a one-page explanation but three of the following items are missing or unclear

· selected workflow

· location or origin of the workflow

· rationale for selection

· two actual or potential problems with the current information workflow

Fails to provide an explanation of the selected workflow, its location or origin, rationale for selection, or actual or potential problems

Labels allpersons involved in the current information workflow, all processes, directionality of flow, and areas where problems occur, or potentially occur, using business process diagrams

38 Points

X Points

X Points

X Points

0 Points

Clearly labels allpersons involved in the current information workflow, all processes, directionality of flow, and areas where problems occur, or potentially occur, using business process diagrams

Diagram provided but may lack clarity or is missing one of the following

· Identification of persons involved in input/use of information

· directionality of flow

· where problems or potential problems occur

· no use of business process diagrams or inconsistent use of diagram symbols

Diagram provided but may lack clarity or is missing two of the following

· Identification of persons involved in input/use of information

· directionality of flow

· where problems or potential problems occur

· no use of business process diagrams or inconsistent use of diagram symbols

Diagram provided but lacks clarity or is missing three of the following

· Identification of persons involved in input/use of information

· directionality of flow

· where problems or potential problems occur

· no use of business process diagrams or inconsistent use of diagram symbols

No diagram provided or diagram maps other types of workflows

Labels allpersons involved in the PROPOSED information workflow, all processes, directionality of flow using business process diagrams

38 Points

X Points

X Points

X Points

0 Points

Clearly labels allpersons involved in the proposed information workflow, all processes, directionality of flow, and areas of proposed change using business process diagrams

Diagram provided but may lack clarity or is missing one of the following

· Identification of persons involved in input/use of information

· directionality of flow

· where change(s) improve flow or eliminate steps

· no use of business process diagrams or inconsistent use of diagram symbols

Diagram provided but lacks clarity with/is missing two of the following

· Identification of persons involved in input/use of information

· directionality of flow

· where change(s) improve flow or eliminate steps

· no use of business process diagrams or inconsistent use of diagram symbols

Diagram provided but lacks clarity with/is missing three of the following

· Identification of persons involved in input/use of information

· directionality of flow

· where change(s) improve flow or eliminate steps

· no use of business process diagrams or inconsistent use of diagram symbols


No diagram provided or diagram maps other types of workflows




Content Subtotal________of XXX points


Possible Points = Points


APA format – submits assignment with a cover sheet /title page that is consistent with APA format

19 Points

X Points

X Points

X Points

0 Points


cover sheet /title page and document consistent with APA format

cover sheet /title page

provided but contains1-2 errors in APA format

cover sheet /title page

provided but contains multiple errors

No cover sheet


Submission free from spelling or grammar error

9 Points

X Points

X Points

X Points

0 Points

0 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.

Paper meets page restrictions.

1-2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.

Paper meets page restrictions.

3-5 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing.

Paper meets page restrictions.

6-9 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing or paper does not meet criteria/page restrictions.

10 or more errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other aspects of formal academic writing


paper does not meet criteria/page restrictions.

Format Subtotal

_____of XX points

Total Points

_____of XXX points