NR 602 Week 7 STI Discussion

NR 602 Week 7 STI Discussion

NR 602 Week 7 STI Discussion

Week 7: Sexually Transmitted Disease Health People 2020 Discussion


The purpose of this assignment is for learners to:

  • Have the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout all core courses in the FNP track and previous clinical courses using the Healthy People 2020 goals.
  • Demonstrate an advancing understanding of Sexual Transmitted Infections (STD’s)
  • Demonstrate the ability to create an action plan that can be implemented as an FNP
  • Demonstrate professional communication and leadership, while advancing the education of peers.

Course Outcomes

  1. Integrate current evidence based clinical practice guidelines in the care of childbearing and childrearing families.
  2. Appropriately apply anticipatory guidance and health promotion in the care of childbearing and childrearing families.
  3. Assess growth and developmental milestones in the care of childbearing and childrearing families.
  4. Construct an evidence based reproductive health management plan.
  5. Identify and address healthcare needs of marginalized childbearing and childrearing families

Due Date: Sunday at 11:59 pm MT Week 7

Total Points Possible: 110 points


For Week 7 Discussion, you will discuss an action plan that can be disseminated to your patient population as an FNP. This action plan will be developed on the assigned STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) standard that is assigned to you by your instructor. The STD Standards are based on the Healthy People 2020 Goals: Promote healthy sexual behaviors, strengthen community capacity, and increase access to quality services to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their complications.

Initial Presentation:

By Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT, List the STD Standard that you were assigned and give a complete background of your STD,  signs and symptoms, treatments per current clinical guidelines, follow-up, and possible psychological issues that may present. Also include any side effects of medication or the disease itself. You will also go to the CDC website and find your local statistics for the STD.

Interactive Dialogue with Peers:

  • By Friday 11:59 p.m. MT,post to two peer’s discussions. Post should For each peer response, Discuss local statistics (from your area) for your peer’s assigned STI
  • offer at least one evidence based action plan that is measurable and could be implemented in the community to decrease the incidence of that STI.
  • Discuss at least one opposition or barrier they may come across with the proposed action plan.

Interactive Dialogue with Faculty:

  • By Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT, Respond to faculty question(s) posted to your initial posting andto two faculty questions that are posted to a peer’s initial post and questions posted in general to the class . Use references to support all of your responses.

NR 602 Week 7 STI Discussion

Clinical Case Presentation Summary Criteria:

By Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT, post a summary reply to your initial post. You will create three (3) evidence based action plans that you can apply in your practice/community that will help to decrease the incidence of the STD you were assigned. You may create all three evidence based action plans or you may create one on your own and use two of the evidence action plans that were recommended to you by your peers.


Criterion Exceptional

Outstanding or highest level of performance


Very good or high level of performance


Satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement

Poor or failing level of performance


Unsatisfactory level of performance

Total Points Possible = 110

NR 602 Week 7 STI Discussion

Application of Course Knowledge




30 Points 26 Points


24 Points 12 Points 0 Points
STD presentation contributes unique perspectives/insights applicable to the results from the physical exam and data.

Initial presentation in paragraph format using the following elements:

·        Background information about the disease

·        Local statistics

·        Signs & Symptoms

·        Side effects of medication

·        Treatments

·        Follow-Up Care

·        Long-term health outcomes

·        Psychosocial


STD presentation contributes unique perspectives or insights, but may lack some applicability to presentation:

Initial presentation is missing ONE of the following:

·        Background information about the disease

·        Local statistics

·        Signs & Symptoms

·        Side effects of medication

·        Treatments

·        Follow-Up Care

·        Long-term health outcomes

·        Psychosocial


STD presentation contributes unique perspectives or insights, but may lack some applicability to presentation:

Initial presentation is missing TWO of the following:


·        Background information about the disease

·        Local statistics

·        Signs & Symptoms

·        Side effects of medication

·        Treatments

·        Follow-Up Care

·        Long-term health outcomes

·        Psychosocial



STD presentation contributes unique perspectives or insights, but may lack some applicability to presentation:

Initial presentation is missing THREE of the following:

·        Background information about the disease

·        Local statistics

·        Signs & Symptoms

·        Side effects of medication

·        Treatments

·        Follow-Up Care

·        Long-term health outcomes

·        Psychosocial


STD presentation offers no insight or application to the case presentation.


Four or more elements of expectations are missing or not met.


Support from Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)


20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
STD initial presentation discussion is supported by evidence from four (4) appropriate sources –One from an EBP Clinical Guidelines and three from Peer Reviewed Journal Articles from Chamberlain Online Library published within the last 5 years.

In-text citations and full references are provided.


STD initial presentation discussion is supported by three (3) scholarly sources: at least one from an EBP Clinical Guidelines and two from Peer Reviewed Journal Articles from Chamberlain Online Library published within the last 5 years. 

In-text citations and full references are provided.




STD initial presentation STD initial presentation discussion is partially supported with one (1) scholarly source or include citations to non-scholarly/evidence based websites as support.

Reference(s) listed and cited but does not fully support – STD’s and plan of actions(s).

3 or more References used published over 5 years.

In-text citations and full references are not provided. discussion is supported by two (2) scholarly sources: at least one from an EBP Clinical Guidelines and one from Peer Reviewed Journal Articles from Chamberlain Online Library published within the last 5 years.

In-text citations and full references are provided.




STD initial presentation discussion is partially supported with one (1) scholarly source or include citations to non-scholarly/evidence based websites as support.

Reference(s) listed and cited but does not fully support – STD’s and plan of actions(s).

3 or more References used published over 5 years.

In-text citations and full references are not provided.

STD initial presentation posts contain no evidence-based practice reference or citation from appropriate sources.

*Students should note that fictitious  sources, sources that are clearly not read by the student and used, or sources that have incorrect dates will result in an automatic ZERO (0) for this section for the week.

Interactive Dialogue with Peers 30 Points 26 Points


24 Points 12 Points 0 Points
Responds substantively to at least two topic-related posts of a peer including evidence from appropriate sources by due date Friday, 11:59 p.m. MT.

·        For each peer response, Discuss local statistics (from your area) for your peer’s assigned STI

·        offer at least one evidence based action plan that is measurable and could be implemented in the community to decrease the incidence of that STI.

·         Discuss at least one opposition or barrier to the proposed action plan.

NR 602 Week 7 STI Discussion

Responds substantively to at least two topic-related posts of a peer including evidence from appropriate sources by due date but is missing one (1) of the following elements:

·        For each peer response, Discuss local statistics (from your area) for your peer’s assigned STI

·        offer at least one evidence based action plan that is measurable and could be implemented in the community to decrease the incidence of that STI.

·         Discuss at least one opposition or barrier to the proposed action plan.


Responds substantively to one (1) student peer’s initial post with evidence from appropriate sources to support response.

·        For each peer response, Discuss local statistics (from your area) for your peer’s assigned STI

·        offer at least one evidence based action plan that is measurable and could be implemented in the community to decrease the incidence of that STI.

·         Discuss at least one opposition or barrier to the proposed action plan.


And respond to faculty/student question(s) posted to the student’s initial post and questions posted in general to the class by the Sunday deadline.

Responds to one (1) student peer’s initial post but missing two (2) or more of the following elements:

·        For each peer response, Discuss local statistics (from your area) for your peer’s assigned STI

·        offer at least one evidence based action plan that is measurable and could be implemented in the community to decrease the incidence of that STI.

·         Discuss at least one opposition or barrier to the proposed action plan.


Does not respond to any topic-related peer post and does not respond to peer question(s) posted to the student’s initial post
Interactive Dilogue with Faculty 15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points
Responds to faculty questions posted to the student’s own post and at least two questions posted by faculty under peer’s post. Responds to faculty questions posted to the student’s own post and at least one question posted by faculty under a peer’s post Responds to faculty questions posted to the student’s own post. Does not respond to at least one question posted by faculty under a peer’s post. Responds to at least one faculty questions posted to under a peer’s post but does not respond to faculty question under own initial post. Does not respond to faculty questions posted to the student’s initial post and does not respond to at least one question posted by faculty under a peer’s post


Summary 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Presents STD summary in a logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence.

Summary post is submitted by due date and includes all of the following required elements:

·        Includes 3 evidenced based action plans for the STD you were assigned (at least one must be yours, but you may include two of your peer’s receommendations)

·        Each action plan must include an evidence based in-text citation

·        Includes at least one opposition or barrier to each action plan

Includes a summary of your peers responses to your initial post

Presents STD summary in a logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence. However, summary post only includes two (2) action plans and/or is missing one (1) of the following elements:

·        Each action plan must include an evidence based in-text citation

·        Includes at least one opposition or barrier to each action plan

Includes a summary of your peers responses to your initial post

Presents STD summary in a logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence.  However, Summary post only includes one (1) action plan and/or is missing one (1) of the following elements:

·        Each action plan must include an evidence based in-text citation

·        Includes at least one opposition or barrier to each action plan

Includes a summary of your peers responses to your initial post

Summary post contains one (1) or more action plans and is missing two (2) or more of the following elemants:

·        Each action plan must include an evidence based in-text citation

·        Includes at least one opposition or barrier to each action plan

Includes a summary of your peers responses to your initial post

STD summary is absent from the discussion.
Grammar, Syntax, APA


5 points 4 points 3 points 2 point 0 points
APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one errors. Two to four errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Five to seven errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Eight to nine errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Post contains ten or greater errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation or repeatedly makes the same errors after faculty feedback.
Participation Initial Presentation, Peer Responses and Summary   No Credit
Initial STD presentation submitted after Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT (5 points deduction)

Peer responses submitted after Friday, 11:59pm MT (5 points deduction)


Students will not receive credit for work in the threads submitted after Sunday 11:59pm MT.