NR 526 Week 3 Clinical Questioning Assignment

NR 526 Week 3 Clinical Questioning Assignment

NR 526 Week 3 Clinical Questioning Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to provide educator students with a tool for working with nursing students and staff members when they are caring for complex healthcare cases.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

CO 3 Integrate pathophysiologic mechanisms with advanced assessment and pharmacologic concepts to maximize patient outcomes in complex disease states. (PO 1, 4)

CO 5 Analyze risk factors associated with complex disease states in individuals, aggregates, and populations to devise effective disease management and/or health promotion strategies that reflect pertinent psychosocial, cultural, legal, ethical, and safety considerations. (PO 4, 6)

CO 7 Examine mechanisms and processes of homeostatic, adaptive, and compensatory physiological functions in complex disease states with an emphasis on appropriate assessment strategies and pharmacologic interventions. (PO 1, 4)

CO 8 Determine clinical data essential to identifying specified pathophysiologic or psychologic problems and the best plan of care. (PO 1, 4)

CO 10 Correlate changes and disruptions in major physiological systems and pathophysiological mechanisms with clinical data resulting from physical examination, laboratory data, and diagnostic test data with anticipated pharmacologic treatment. (PO 1, 4, 11)

Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3

Total Points Possible:250


NR 526 Week 3 Clinical Questioning Assignment


In this assignment you are the nursing professional development specialist (NPD specialist, formerly called the “staff educator”) assisting your assigned new graduate nurse in applying the nursing process. In the role of NPD specialist, you will not only take care of your patient at an advanced level, incorporating advanced physical assessment findings, associated pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the presenting disease, and the appropriate pharmacologic treatment approach, you will also consider the educational needs of your orientee.

1. Review Charles Gibson’s electronic health record, which provides information that is necessary to care for him in Second Life (SL) in the Emergency Department.

2. Meet and greet Charles Gibson and his wife, obtaining pertinent health history information as prompted.

3. Take special note of the objective and subjective data obtained, including the National Institute of Health (NIH) Scale for Stroke score and the prescriber’s orders.

4. As you develop this assignment, remember that you need at least two peer-reviewed references.

5. Be sure that your assignment has a cover page and a reference list with proper APA formatting.

Preparing the paper

While your patient, Charles Gibson, is in CT scan, you are to take some time to reflect with your orientee. This assignment requires you to develop five reflective questions that pertain to your mutual case, Charles Gibson. Use the NR526_W3_Clinical_Questioning_Templatefound in “Course Resources” to complete this assignment.

1. Develop a question that pertains to the first five minutes that you spent with the patient. Stop and consider what would be obvious to you as an expert clinician, but would not be obvious to the developing graduate nurse. Your question can be a two-part question or a one-part question. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, and adequate detail to support a comprehensive answer.(The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

2. Develop a question that addresses the prescriber’s orders. Is there an order that exemplifies a treatment approach for “brain attack”? How would you promote critical thought for a new graduate in order to support his or her analysis and evaluation of new orders? Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, and adequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

3. Develop a question that stimulates the graduate nurse to think about the pathophysiologic basis for the patient’s presenting disease. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, and adequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

4. Develop a second question that has the graduate nurse think about the pathophysiologic basis for the patient’s presenting disease. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, and adequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

5. Develop a question of your choice about this case. Consider where you were on the learning curve as a graduate nurse. Consider how you would promote critical thought and developing knowledge for a graduate nurse. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, and adequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)


Instructor Feedback Table

Category Potential Points Points Awarded Feedback
Questions 75
Answers 75
Applies Advanced Pathophysiology, Physical assessment and Pharmacology 75
Grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation 15
APA title page, citations, and reference page 10
Total Potential Points=


Ponts Awarded =

NR 526 Week 3 Clinical Questioning Assignment

Grading Rubric



Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance



Points = 250


75 Points

66 Points

60 Points

29 Points

0 Points

Five questions are presented that are reflective of the guidelines for this assignment. The questions promote critical thinking about the case.

Five questions are presented that are mostly reflective of the guidelines for this assignment.

Five questions are presented that are partially reflective of the guidelines for this assignment.

Five questions are presented that are not reflective of the guidelines for this assignment.

Questions are missing.


75 Points

66 Points

60 Points

29 Points

0 Points

Five answers to the proposed questions are presented that are approximately 100 words. The answers are accurate, specific to the question that was asked and presents sufficient detail. Answers are based on at least two peer-reviewed nursing articles.

Five answers to the proposed questions are presented that are approximately 100 words. The answers are mostly accurate, mostly specific to the question that was asked and presents some detail.

Answers are based on only one peer-reviewed nursing articles.

Answers to the proposed questions are presented that are partially inaccurate, OR does not address the question specifically enough OR does not provide sufficient detail

Articles are applied but they are not peer-reviewed.

Answers to the proposed questions are inaccurate, do not specifically address the question that was asked and/or presents insufficient detail or no nursing articles are provided.

Answers to the proposed questions are missing.

Applies Advanced Pathophysiology, Physical assessment and Pharmacology

75 Points

66 Points

60 Points

29 Points

0 Points

The three Ps that are relevant to this patient’s case are incorporated into the questions and related answers.

The three Ps that are relevant to this patient’s case are mostly incorporated into the questions and related answers.

The three Ps that are relevant to this patient’s case are partially incorporated into the questions and related answers.

The three Ps that are relevant to this patient’s case are minimally incorporated into the questions and related answers.

The three Ps that are relevant to this patient’s case are NOT incorporated into the questions and related answers.

Grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation

15 Points

13 Points

12 Points

6 Points

0 Points.


Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used, with no more than1-2 errors.

Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used, with no more than3-4 errors.

Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are used to some extent, with no more than 5-6 errors.

Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are not used; assignment contains 7-9 errors.

Proper grammar, spelling syntax, and punctuation are not used; assignment contains 10 or more errors.

APA title page, citations, and reference page

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Proper APA format is used, with no more than1-2 errors.

Proper APA format is used, with no more than 3-4 errors.

Proper APA format is used to some extent, with no more than with 5-6 errors.

Proper APA format is not used, with no more than 7-9 errors.

Assignment contains 10 or more errors in APA format..

Total Points:

_____of 250 points