NR 508 Week-2 Quiz Questions

NR 508 Week-2 Quiz Questions

NR 508 Week-2 Quiz Questions

Azithromycin, erythromycin, and clarithromycin belong to which class of drug
The primary mechanism of antibacterial action of the penicillin’s involves inhibition of
A 75 y/o pt who has cardiovascular dz reports insomnia and vomiting for several weeks. The      primary care NP orders thyroid function tests. The tests show TSH is decreased and T4 is increased. The NP should consult with an endocrinologist and order:
In every state, Prescriptive authority for NPs include the ability to write prescriptions:
Which is the drug clinically useful in the tx of systemic infections caused by Aspegillus, Blastomyces, Candida Albicans, Histoplasma, & Cyptoccus?
NR 508 Week 2 Quiz One: Possible Questions

Be familiar with prescriptive authority for nurse practitioners
Nurse practitioner prescriptive authority is regulated by: ____________
The benefits to the patient of having an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) prescriber include:  ____________
Clinical judgment in prescribing includes:  ____________
Know Contraindications of oral contraceptive pills (OCP)
While reviewing a patient’s history, the nurse identifies what finding as a contraindication to the administration of oral contraceptives? ____________.
Know  the uses of Tetracycline antibiotics
Your patient is a teenager taking tetracycline for acne. He asks your how the medication works. Which of the following is your best response? ____________.
Your patient has been diagnosed with syphilis. He states that he is allergic to penicillin. You would anticipate which of the following drugs being prescribed for his treatment? ____________
Your patient was given tetracycline as a young child. You can tell this by changes in__________
Know  the mechanisms of action of Tetracyclines
The mechanism of action of the Tetracyclines (Tetracycline & Doxycycline) is: ____________
tetracyclines are effective against which type of organisms? ____________  ……………Document continue


NR 508 Week 2 Quiz One: Study Guide

Be familiar with prescriptive authority for nurse practitioners ( ch 2, pg 10)
Know  the mechanisms of action of Tetracyclines (ch 61, pg 683)
Know the uses of Tetracycline antibiotics ( ch 61,pg 684)
Know Contraindications of oral contraceptive pills (OCP) (ch55, pg 634 )
Know Extended cycle monophasic pills, Transdermal and Vaginal Ring contraception. (Ch 54 pg 621)
Know how to prescribe a Nuva Ring for contraceptive management ( ch 54 pg, 616)

know how to prescribe oral contraceptive pills ( 54, pg 617)
Know how to read a T score or how to interpret a T score greater than 2.5 ( ch 39, pg 431)
Know Indications for progestin only contraception. Ch 54 pg 621 and 627)
Know Mechanisms by which pneumococci become resistant. TX of P. Falciparum.
Know the education regarding missed contraceptive management and what the patient would do if they did miss their management ( ch 54,pg 605)
Know the first steps to take when opioid abuse is suspected Physical assessment and labs?

Know the mechanism of action of penicillin ( ch 59,pg 672)
Know the treatment for systemic infections caused by Aspegillus, Blastomyces, Candidia albicans, Histoplasma & Cryptoccoccus ( ch 67pg 722)
Know the treatment of meningitis in AIDS patients ( ch 67, pg 722)
Know the usage of vancomycin and it’s mechanism of action ( ch 58,m pg 668)
Know the vitamin-K Dependent clotting factors ( ch 25,pg 310)
Know Uses of the different generations of Cephalosporins.( 60,pg 677)
Patient education necessary when prescribing Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills (COCPs). (ch 54 pg 617)