NR 506 -Healthcare Policy Assignment

NR 506 -Healthcare Policy Assignment

NR 506 -Healthcare Policy Assignment Sample Solution

Overview of Healthcare Policy

Healthcare today encompasses an intricate level of understanding. Healthcare policy incorporates …

Identification of Elected Official


Nurse Practitioners are essential advocates for healthcare policy. Family Nurse Practitioners are nurses with a graduate degree who care for medically stable patients across the lifespan, from infants to geriatric patients. Just like a primary care physician, FNPs provide continues, comprehensive care in a diverse number of settings. As NPs it is important to use one’s knowledge and power to influence a positive change in the community.

They should be involved and informed of current healthcare policy issues and contribute in revolutionizing healthcare. The opioid crisis concern that affects residents in New Jersey and all over the nation needs to be addressed by political officials. The Senator of New Jersey plays an important role in our community and can bring about positive change and awareness of prescription drug monitoring programs available.

Problematic concerns of opioid addiction are the lack of programs, causes, risk factors, solutions, and implementing a strategy. It is important to understand how effective the program is and reasons to mandate prescription drug monitor programs throughout not only New Jersey but the country. New Jersey can provide nurses with more involvement in policy concerns. The comprehensive drug monitoring program will aid various healthcare providers into improving the opioid crisis.

This health care policy paper helped me gain knowledge on the role of advocacy and how it impacts healthcare policy. I was also able to gain a keen understanding of the opioid epidemic by researching this crisis, finding various solutions, and identifying an elected official concerning this issue. This assignment increased my knowledge in regards to the role of the state senator and other elected officials as well as their commitment to improving public health issues. It is important to be assertive, opinionated, and knowledgeable to make a positive change in public health.



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