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NR 503 Week-8 Final Exam Study Guide: Definitions
Objectives of epidemiology
Define, compare, calculate, and interpret Measures of Morbidity
Understand why incidence data are important for measuring risk.
Define, compare, calculate, and interpret Measures of Mortality
Assess the Validity and Reliability of Diagnostic and Screening Tests
Epidemiologic transition
Study designs (case-control, cross sectional, prospective and retrospective cohort, clinical trial)
Causal Inferences
Identify causal association verses confounding in case control and cohort study designs.
Understand the guidelines for determining if an observed association is causal (Bradford-Hill criterion)
Estimating Risks (risk measures)
Attributable Risk
Randomized trials
Evaluating Screening Programs
Considerations when evaluating individual data
Calculations and interpretations
Criteria Actual/Possible points
Introduction (2.5 points each): 5 /5
__x Cited Attention Getter __ Not cited Attention Getter
_x_ Clear Thesis statement __ No or Unclear thesis statement
Body(5 points each): 6 /10
__x Clear topic sentence __ Unclear topic sentences
__ Effective transitions x__ No transitions
Conclusion (2.5 points each): 5 /5
x__ Paraphrases Central Idea __ Exact C.I. restatement or nothing
x__ Explicitly ties back to A.G. __ no tie back
Analysis (10 points each): 20 /40
__x ‘ism’ thoroughly described __ unclear/ perfunctory description
_ Rhetorical appeals Analyzed x_ unclear analysis
__ Target Audience analyzed x__ No/inaccurate audience analysis
_x_ Critical cultural elements __ No analysis of critical cultural elements
NR 503 Week-8 Final Exam
Writing: 10 /10
_x_ Grammar/ spelling Correct __ Grammatical/ spelling errors
Within constraints:
1,000-1,500 words/ word count included after the works cited/references 15 /15
Cites following APA (references) or MLA (works cited) 15 /15
Others, also available upon request:
NR 500, NR 501 Theoretical Basis for Advance Practice Nursing,
NR 503 Population Health, Epidemiology & Statistical Principles,
NR 504 Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development,
NR 505 Advanced Research Methods: Evidenc e-Based Practice,
NR 506 Health Care Policy,
NR 507 Advanced Pathophysiology,
NR 508 Advanced Pharmacology,
NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment,
NR 510 Leadership and Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse,
NR 511 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Practicum,
NR 512 Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics,
NR 531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations,
NR 534 Healthcare Systems Management,
NB: From NR 601 Week 3 Assignment -Psychiatric Disorders