NR 501 Week 6 Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model

NR 501 Week 6 Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model

NR 501 Week 6 Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model

Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model Sample

Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) originated in 1982 when Nola J. Pender started extensively examining health and nursing, “including defining the goal of nursing care as optimal health” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 446). Pender’s HPM was influenced by two theories: Bandura’s social learning theory (1977) which proposed the idea of self-efficacy as an individual’s motivation to change behavior, and Fishbein’s expectancy-value theory (1967), which states that people will invest effort in expectation of beneficial and attainable results (Khoshnood et al., 2018).

This model was created utilizing inductive reasoning with existing research (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 450) and emphasizes assisting people to reach elevated levels of well-being through the identification of background elements that impact health behavior to not only counteract illness but also to pursue optimal health (Khoshnood et al., 2018 NR 501 Week 6 Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model).

Pender’s HPM includes three major categories. The first is the individual’s unique characteristics and experiences, including prior related behavior and personal factors (biological, psychological, and sociocultural (Butts & Rich, 2018, pp. 446-447). The second category is behavior-specific cognitions, including perceived benefits of action, perceived barriers to action, perceived self-efficacy, activity-related affect, interpersonal influences, and situational influences (Khoshnood et al., 2018). The third category is the behavioral outcome (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 447).

Pender designated and defined the major concepts of nursing as a person, environment, health, illness, and nursing (Khoshnood et al., 2018). The HPM has seven main conjectures that “emphasize the patient’s active role in shaping and maintaining healthy behaviors and in modifying the environmental context for health behaviors” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 449). Pender’s model centers around 14 theoretical relationship propositions that present a foundation for research on health behaviors (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 449 NR 501 Week 6 Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model).

Pender’s HPM was labeled a middle-range integrative theory because “it portrays the multidimensionality of persons interacting with their interpersonal and physical environments as they pursue health while integrating constructs from expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory with a nursing perspective of holistic human functioning” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 446).

Pender’s HPM has a logical structure of concepts and statements where the conclusion rationally results from the antecedent reasoning (Khoshnood et al., 2018). Multiple studies have been completed in the decades since Pender formulated her theory, supporting its predictive ability, and its concepts can be easily applied to nursing practice and research (Khoshnood et al., 2018).

Using well-known jargon to nurses allows them to comprehend the linked factor relationships, which “are identified and consistently defined” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 450). Khoshnoon et al. (2018) concluded that Pender’s HPM can be utilized in various settings, “including workplaces, homes, and health centers.” The HPM has high testability because hypotheses can be produced from the theory, research can be completed, and the theory has been validated by robust empirical evidence.

An article by Valek et al. (2015) provides an example of how Pender’s HPM can be used to improve the quality of the practice of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). Identifying obesity as a highly problematic and concerning health condition in the United States, Valek et al. were able to use the HPM as a framework to address the six psychological factors associated with weight loss maintenance. The FNP evaluates “the patient’s internal drive for weight maintenance, the status of self-monitoring, flexibility, mood and emotions, goal-setting, and management of external stimuli” (Valek et al., 2015).

Using this data, the FNP can implement the concepts of the HPM to generate weight management behavioral therapy approaches, healthy weight proposals, and interventions that promote enduring patient accomplishment (Valek et al., 2015). Pender’s HPM is highly applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner because the idea of health promotion is prevalent in nursing practice and is consequently a functioned theory for advanced practice nurses to utilize (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 450).

NR 501 Week 6 Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model References

Butts, B. J. & Rich, L. K. (2018). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Khoshnood, Z., Rayyani, M., & Tirgari, B. (2018). Theory analysis for Pender’s health promotion model (HPM) by Barnum’s criteria: a critical perspective. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health.

Valek, R. M., Greenwald, B. J., & Lewis, C. C. (2015). Psychological Factors Associated with Weight Loss Maintenance: Theory-Driven Practice for Nurse Practitioners. NURSING SCIENCE QUARTERLY, 28(2), 129–135. https://doi-

NR 501 Week 6 Assignment: Application of Nursing Theory Paper – Application of Nola Pender s Health Promotion Model Theory v-2.


The purpose of this assignment is to use nursing theory as a way to resolve a problem or issue occurring within nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, health policy, or advance clinical practice.

Due Date: Week 6

Description of the Assignment:

One nursing theory will be presented as a framework to resolve a problem occurring within one of the professional areas of leadership, education, informatics, healthcare policy or advance clinical practice. The same nursing theory selected in Assignment One may be used to resolve the identified problem.

A specific nursing theory must be used. No non-nursing theories are permitted. A category of nursing theory (grand, middle range, practice) may not be used—only a specific, published nursing theory is to be selected and applied to the issue or concern important to the profession of nursing as documented in the nursing literature. Please note: Do not rely on .com sites to identify the nursing theory as they do not provide accurate information in all cases.


1. Introduction: The introduction for this paper includes:

A nursing theory is required; non-nursing theories may not be used.

General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice. You do not need to go into the specialty area of practice in-depth as this will be covered in another section of the paper.

A one-paragraph summary of the selected specific nursing theory is required.

Information identifying the sections of this assignment.

References from nursing literature are required.

2. Description of Issue or Concern:

The selected issue or concern must be clearly identified as being significant to the professional area of either leadership, education, informatics, healthcare policy or advance clinical practice. The issue or concern must be presented comprehensively, but concisely by answering each of the following questions.

What is the specific issue or concern being presented?
Why should the nursing profession care about this issue or concern?

What does the nursing literature have to say about this issue or concern including its frequency of occurrence?
Who are the stakeholders or the people affected by the issue or concern?
References from nursing literature are required.

3. Application of Selected Nursing Theory to Issue or Concern:

This section of the assignment focuses on using the selected nursing theory to resolve the described issue or concern. Required information includes:

Restating the selected nursing theory to be used
Identification of one strategy useful in resolving the identified issue or concern.
The strategy should be presented in depth with the following information being required:
A specific description of how the selected nursing theory can help to resolve the issue or concern
A specific and detailed description of the strategy to be used
A specific and detailed description of how the strategy can be implemented
A specific and detailed description of one suggestion for future research into either the selected nursing theory or selected issue or concern.
References from nursing literature are required.

4. Conclusion:

This section provides a summary or review of the key elements of the assignment including theselected nursing theory and its application to the issue or concern. The concluding statements include self-reflection on the new knowledge gained about applying nursing theory to a professional issue or concern.

Preparing the Assignment

A nursing theory is required; non-nursing theories are not allowed to be used. Paper length: 6 pages minimum; 8 pages maximum, excluding title page and reference page. Points will be deducted for not meeting these requirements. A minimum of 6 (six)scholarly references are required. References must be current – not older than 5 years, unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them. Consult with the course instructor about using an older source.

A dictionary, required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. For additional information regarding scholarly references, please review “What is a scholarly source?” located in the Course Resource tab. Information from .com websites may be incorrect. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page(s) must be in APA format as presented in the 6th edition of the manual.