NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

While the focus of this course is nursing theory, some nurses say that theory has no role in clinical practice. What are your thoughts? Does nursing theory have a role in clinical practice? How would you use nursing theory to improve or evaluate the quality of clinical practice?  Be sure to include an example that demonstrates your thoughts. Don’t forget to include a scholarly reference! See also discussion on nursing and non-nursing theories.

Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice Sample Discussion

It is my candid believe that those who say that nursing theories have no role in advanced clinical practice are terribly mistaken. However, the absence of consensus on various nursing  theories  has  tended  to  confuse nurses, sometimes leading to the outright dismissal of the relevance of nursing theories to our current practice climate (Colley, 2003). While theory is a notion or a set of concepts, nursing theory, in particular help in the optimization of health & abilities, and prevention of illness and injury. It provides the principles that underpin and assist in generating further nursing intervention (Colley 2003). NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

Overall Nursing theories are important because it helps nurses in determining what they need to know and what they should be closely familiar with (Rahim, 2016). They contribute in deciding what should form  the foundation of practice as they unequivocally describe the nursing role. The merit of having a clearly defined body of nursing theories include better patient care, the heightening of nursing expert standing, better-quality inter- communication between nurses, and leadership exploration (Im & Ju Chang, 2012). Furthermore, because the principal exponent of nursing – caring and compassion – cannot be directly and easily estimated or calculated, it is important to have the theory to more intimately investigate; study; and clarify what nurses do (Colley, 2003). By providing nurses with a sense of identity, the nursing theories can help patients, managers, and other healthcare professionals to recognize better the unique contribution that nurses make to the healthcare system (Im, 2015). Providing nurses with a definition of nursing theory also enables nurses to understand their purpose and role in our healthcare settings better.

Applying theory to nursing practice has many merits for nurses specifically and the profession as whole as they serve as the basis for making accurate health care judgments. For example, Madeleine Leininger’s of Transcultural Nursing Theory acts as the foundation for nurses to make decisions regarding respecting the cultural and religious beliefs of some ethnic or religious groups. This theory described the role of nursing as providing culturally congruent and specific care based on customs and beliefs (Philbrick, 2012). Nurses have to a do a better job understanding the unique relationship between offered patient management care plans and the patients’ cultural and religious values. For example, the Jehovah Witnesses believe that receiving a blood transfusion is bad and because of Leininger’s theory, nurses are better able to understand this group’s belief and therefore act as a better advocate for these groups penchants. NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

Orem’s Self-Care Theory provides nurses a rock solid foundation for helping patient and giving them the chance to demonstrate individuality and exercising control in caring for themselves. Orem Self-Care theory assumes that people should be self-reliant and responsible for their care and the care of others in their family (Philbrick, 2012). It emphasizes that patient’s knowledge of potential health problems is necessary for promoting self-care behaviors. Patient health education instructions on self-care in the setting of self-management goals (SMG) that are provided during patient discharges are founded on doctrines of self-care and concepts discussed in Orem’s theory.

As nurses seek for rationale in making patient care decision, they are stimulated to research more into looking for evidence-based information to supports their practice decision. This is where knowledge of nursing theories comes into play as they provide the guide in transitioning from mere ideas into practical application. Furthermore, Nursing theories offer nurses a sagacity of uniqueness and also helps  patients, administrators, and other care providers to understand better the exceptional impact nurses make on our the healthcare system (Smith & Parker, 2015). Furthermore defining nursing theories also offers nurses a  chance for greater  understanding  of their part in the current healthcare climate (Colley, 2003).

Finally, although the modern theories have, their limitations their unique benefit cannot be underemphasized as their comprehensive benefits have all proven to be very useful for implementation and sustainability of various nursing functions (Philbrick, 2012). These theories guide nurses in making better health care decision in their practice as it applied to following areas:

Valuation and appraisal of the nursing care that nurses provide (Smith & Parker, 2015).

Defining criteria that nurses need to measure in the course of providing nursing care (Smith & Parker, 2015).

Identifying, clarifying, and forecasting daily actions (Smith & Parker, 2015).

Improve nursing independence as  nursing theory helps in  facilitating the better definition of nursing independent function, particularly in the area of defining and streamlining different nursing terminologies that we use in health care communication with other medical providers.

NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice References

Colley,     S.    (2003).  Nursing theory: its importance to practice. Nursing Standard,  17(46), 33-37.

Im, E.-O. and Ju Chang, S. (2012), Current Trends in Nursing Theories. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44: 156–164. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01440.x

Im E.-O. (2015) The current status of theory evaluation in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 71(10), 2268–2278. doi: 10.1111/jan.12698

Philbrick, V. (2012). Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress. AORN Journal, 95(1), 174-175.

Rahim, L. (2016). Comparison between Two Nursing Theories: Rogers and Leddy. Journal On Nursing, 6(1), 1-5 Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.

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Dr. Rasmussen reply to Oluwakemi 

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Oluwakemi and Class,

You discussed the application of theory to nursing practice. How would you define/describe evidence- based practice, and why is it important to nursing practice?

Dr. Rasmussen

Oluwakemi E reply to Dr. Rasmussen

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Professor Rasmussen Thank you for the follow-up Question

Evidence-based practice AKA EBP is the careful use of existing finest data in constructing judgments about patient care decision (Straus, 2005). It involves a methodological review and serious evaluation of the most pertinent data to solve a burning medical inquiry. It is a problem-solving tactic to medical decision-making within a health care group. It incorporates the finest existing research data with the finest available practical evidence. EBP is important because it encourages serious thinking in the judicious application of available evidence by taking into consideration three main factors – the clinical expertise of the researcher, the best available evidence out there and the patient value and preference (Newhouse, Dearholt, Poe, Pugh, & White, 2005 NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice)


Newhouse, R., Dearholt, S., Poe, S., Pugh, L., & White, K. (2005). Evidence-based Practice. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 35(1), 35???40.

Straus, S. (2005). Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM (1st ed.). Edinburgh [etc.]: Elsevier.

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Jennifer M reply to Dr. Rasmussen

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Evidenced based practice is imperative to nursing practice because it provides the latest evidence to assist nurses with improving quality of care and healthcare outcomes. Without the use of evidenced-based practice, patients would not receive the best care to prevent health disparities. According to Karnick (2016), “evidenced based practice and nursing theory are vital to practice” (p. 283).

Nursing is more than just a task-oriented profession of following protocols, and administering medications and treatments (Karnick, 2016). Viewing the patients as individuals and offering support through communicating, listening and valuing patients’ perspectives are aspects of healing that patients should not be denied. Blackman and Giles (2015) suggested that nurses must combine evidence based practice and “clinical expertise” while addressing patient “preferences and values” to successfully practice in the profession (p.253). NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

It is imperative for nurses to integrate nursing theory to practice to obtain the best possible experiences and outcomes. For instance, without acknowledgement or integration of Orem’s self- care theory to practice, nurses may forego opportunities to promote self-care behaviors (Younas, 2017). It is crucial for patients to possess knowledge about their disease processes and the nurses’ responsibility to help them manage their disparities (Younas, 2017). As nurses, possessing awareness of both nursing theory and evidenced based practice helps deliver excellence in nursing care to promote positive healthcare outcomes. Utilizing theory and evidenced based practice in unison can contribute to improvements in clinical practice.

Jennifer M


Blackman, I., & Giles, T. (2015). Psychometric evaluation of a self-report evidence-based practice tool using rasch analysis. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 12(5), 253- 264. doi:10.1111/wvn.12105

Karnick, P. (2016). Evidenced-based practice and nursing theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, 29(4), 283-284. doi:10.1177/0894318416661107

Younas, A. (2017). A foundational analysis of Dorothea Orem’s self-care theory and evaluation of its significance for nursing practice and research. Creative Nursing, 23(1), 13-23. Retrieved from

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Dr. Rasmussen reply to Jennifer Mogus

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Jennifer and Class,

You discussed evidence-based practice (EBP). In order to implement EBP, someone must interpret the research findings and guidelines, and plan to put the new interventions into practice. Who in your workplace is responsible for the implementation of EBP? NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

Dr. Rasmussen

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Leah C. reply to Dr. Rasmussen

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Professor Rasmussen and class,

At my workplace there is a quality improvement department that evaluates our current practices and protocols to compare with the latest research.  They then make any necessary changes to our protocols in order to maintain that we are providing evidenced based practice into our own practice. Once the protocols are reviewed they are then brought to the department and it is the nurses responsibility to keep up on the changes. There is an educator that acts as a bridge between quality improvement team and the nursing staff. The educator keeps the staff updated on changes and presents the updated material in the department for the staff to read and sign that they understand the changes that have been made and they intend to follow the policy.

Not only is this the way things are done at my place of employment, but nurses in general can initiate a change in policy or share information that may be implemented in a care environment (Stausmire, 2014). This is why it is important for nurses to stay up to date on current practices and research so that they can advocate for their patients when a new treatment plan may provide for a positive outcome for their patient. NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice


Stausmire, J. 2014 Quality improvement or research-Deciding which road to take. Critical Care Nurse 34(6) 58-53 doi: 10.4037/ccn2014177

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Michele S. reply to Dr. Rasmussen

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Dr. Rasmussen and Jennifer,
In my institution, our quality department works closely with our nurse educators and nurse leaders to review and implement evidence based practice protocols. My institution has a strong shared governance model; so many items are brought forward to the CNO and leadership team during UPC’s and PNC meetings. These meetings are at the unit level up to the institutional level. A lot of change and improvement is made by these meetings. We also hold nursing blitz’s once every other month where the new policy and material can be reviewed by the bedside nurse and questions can be brought

forward. Our education department does a fantastic job of getting the necessary education out to the bedside nurse for improvement in care.

We also have process improvement programs where change is made on each unit. These are events that occur monthly but on a rotation for each unit. A lot of change and improvement has come from these events as well. NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

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Ancy P. reply to Dr. Rasmussen

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Dr Rasmussen and Class,

Evidence-based practice is a fundamental approach designed to provide nursing care efficiently. Nurses must be able to ask a clinical question,acquire best evidence for the practice,apply it appropriately and make sure to evaluate the outcomes.Evidence-based nursing practice is the consistent clinical application of the strongest, most current evidence from well-designed studies and practice guidelines to improve the quality of patient care and patient outcomes(Schub&Walsh,2016). I believe all the team members of health-care system must keep themselves updated about the relevant practices evolving patient care. Evidence-based practice links research and theory to practice, providing clinicians with up-to-date, reliable research-driven data to guide patient care decisions(Schub&Walsh,2016).Nurses must prepare themselves to integrate nursing research and evidence-based practice into their clinical practice to deliver safe, effective, efficient care and improve patient outcomes.


Schub,E.,Walsh,K. (2016).Evidence-BAsed Practice: Implementing. CINAHL Nursing Guide.T707822. Retrieved from

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Danitra G. reply to Dr. Rasmussen

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Professor Rasmussen,

Evidence based practice is how theories are tried out to assess their effectiveness. Evidence based practice entails selecting an intervention that one believes to be more effective than the current practice and goes through the necessary processes to test it out to confirm or deny its validity and effectiveness. Evidence based practice happens to be more reliable because before the proposed intervention is put into practice it is researched and measured accordingly.

Nursing practice in my opinion has improved because of all the efforts offered by evidence based practice because now there is reliable, researched, and measured evidence. Although theory is the foundation and set the tone for practice, evidence based practice provides the measurable data that makes certain nursing practices more valid than others. Therefore, when it comes to nursing theory versus evidence based you have the basis for practice versus the proof needed to determine if certain interventions are more beneficial for patients. NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

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Dr. Rasmussen reply to Danitra Glasper

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Danitra and Class,
You discussed the research, practice, and theory cycle. What examples can you find in the literature of the cycle beginning with research, with practice, or with theory?

Dr. Rasmussen

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Denise K. reply to Dr. Rasmussen

RE: Role of Nursing Theory in Advance Clinical Practice

Hello Dr. Rasmussen and Class,

5/24/2017 7:41:51 PM

Evidenced-based practice (EBP) is the process clinicians utilize to combine the best research findings available and apply it to the clinical setting while maintaining the patients’ values and dignity (Wallace & Vanhook, 2015). Nurses who acquire the knowledge to search for EBP studies and comprehend their meanings can apply these principles to advance their practice.

EBP is important to nursing because nursing has a responsibility to provide the highest quality of care for patients and achieve optimal outcomes. Ultimately, nurses want to care for patients in a compassionate, thoughtful manner and prevent any harm to them. Consequently, patients do experience unfavorable events in healthcare and less than favorable outcomes occur. The use of EBP in nursing can improve care and promote better outcomes for patients. Makic et al. (2013) state that nurses have a calling to change practices that is not beneficial to the patient. NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

For example, Makic et al. (2013) explained that one change that should occur is the unnecessary insertion of large gauge catheters in patients for blood administration as once thought necessary in the past. Current EBP research showed that smaller gauge catheters do not cause clotting of the blood and are as effective in blood administration if the vein is not under pressure (Makic et al., 2013). There are some patients who have very little choice for intravenous access and placing a smaller catheter can decreases the amount of intravenous attempts (Makic et al., 2013). Thus, patients are more comfortable with their care which affects their satisfaction levels with the staff (Makic et al., 2013).

Another reason EBP is significant to nursing is that it gives nurses a solid foundation to base their clinical decisions. The new era of nursing demands evidence for tasks performed in

the clinical setting and not accepting ideas for the simple reason that it was done in the past. For instance, students are looking to educators and preceptors to help them understand reasons for certain policies and procedures in the workplace (Lejonqvist, Eriksson, & Meretoja, 2012).

Nurses who are aware of current research practices can share their knowledge with students and substantiate reasons for their actions (Lejonqvist et al, 2012). Therefore, nurses are expanding their knowledge base by incorporating EBP to provide meaning to their practice and sustain the profession for the future.

In conclusion, nursing will continue to use EBP as a tool to deliver the best care possible for patients while striving to reach excellence in their profession.


Lejonqvist, G., Eriksson, K., & Meretoja, R. (2012). Evidence of clinical competence. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 26(2), 340-348.

Makic, M. F., Martin, S. A., Burns, S., Philbrick, D., & Rauen, C. (2013). Putting evidence into nursing practice: Four traditional practices not supported by the evidence. Critical Care Nurse, 33(2), 28-44. doi:10.4037/ccn2013787

Wallace, R., & Vanhook, P. (2015). The importance of evidence-based practice. Tennessee Nurse, 78(4), 11. Retrieved from url= direct=true&db=mdc&AN=26761990&site=eds-live&scope=site. NR 501 Week 4 Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice