NR 500 Week-2 Assignment: Artistic Expression of Concept Caring

NR 500 Week-2 Assignment: Artistic Expression of Concept Caring

NR 500 Week-2 Assignment: Artistic Expression of Concept Caring

Nursing practice is both an art and a science with caring as a central concept to nursing practice and the profession of nursing. Caring is influenced by the nurse’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes formed through lifelong learning and experiences. The purpose of this assessment is to explore definitions of caring in nursing. Students will create a definition of caring and an artistic expression of their perception on caring.

Take a moment to reflect on how you demonstrate caring in your current professional practice.

Create an artistic representation of your perception on caring in nursing. The artistic expression can be a drawing, sculpture, collage, poem, short story, or dance.
Videos are to be 1 to 3 minutes in length.
Poems and short stories should not exceed one-page, double-spaced wording.
Drawings, pictures, or collages should be formatted on an 8 x 10 document.
Sculptures submitted as a jpg.
In a one- to two-page written paper, address the following.
The importance of caring to nursing practice and the profession
A personal definition of caring; include principles of holistic care
Definitions of caring found in nursing literature that support your perspective on caring
An explanation of the artistic expression you chose and how it represents caring
Summary of key concept presented in the paper
Preparing the Paper
Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013™ to create the written component of this assessment.
The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least one but no more than two pages.

Artistic representation:

Poem or short story submitted as a Word document not to exceed one-page, double-spaced wording
Drawing or college submit as an 8 x 10 pdf
Sculpture submit as a jpeg
Song or dance should be at least 1 but no more than 3 minutes in length. Submit as an MP4
A minimum of three (3) scholarly literature references must be used.

Submission: Submit your files.