NR 500 Week 1 Strategies for Success

NR 500 Week 1 Strategies for Success

NR 500 Week 1 Strategies for Success

NR 500 Week 1 Discussion 1: Strategies for Success in the Online Learning Environment (graded)

Barriers to Success in the Online Learning Environment and the Strategies to Overcome the Barriers

In this discussion, I will talk about barriers to success in the online education, and the strategies to overcome them. Online learning is acquiring knowledge electronically, through the use of information technology (Alkoudmani & Elkalmi, 2015). One of the major differences between online learning and traditional learning is that there is no physical or interpersonal interaction between instructors and students. Despite the fact that online learning is more flexible in terms of the time students attend classes, there are some barriers to success, and some of these are technology challenges, poor communication, lack of self-motivation, just to mention a few. To overcome these barriers, online educators have to be properly trained and be up to date with technology being used, students must follow instruction given to them, such as completing the orientation before classes begin, they must know the help resources provided to them, be self-determined and lastly manage their time appropriately.

Technology challenges may include failure to use technology. Technology challenges may apply to students, as well as instructors. In regard to instructors, they have to be very knowledgeable about technology; otherwise they will not be able to deliver the intended education. For example, if an instructor is not able to use grade book, then it will be impossible for that instructor to post grades for students. In supporting this argument, Gutman (2012) said that online educators have to be trained how to use, integrate technology in teaching and that continuing in-services have to be offered so that they can be up to date with evolving technology. In regard to students, they have to be able to use technology; otherwise it will be a big challenge to keep up with learning and all the assignments associated with it. In accordance to this, Alkoudmani and Elkalmi (2015) argue that “online education is not easy for learners whose information technology (IT) skills are weak” (p. 42). Before I started this assignment, I had to post a discussion on introduction, I wrote my introduction but it took me some time to post it.

This was the case because I was figuring out how to post my discussion. I was fortunate because I managed to do it, otherwise it could have looked like I did not do this assignment. To avoid such problems, all students are required to go through the orientation before classes start and whenever there is a new thing that they are not familiar with.

While using IT to deliver online education, poor communication may exist. This could be because of technology failure, for instance, failure to communicate with instructors, because of computer server failure at the university. Another example is that a student may need immediate help, and then decides to email the instructor, that student will only get the requested help, only after the instructor reads that email, this may take a longer period of time than expected. In this case, real time communication or feedback may not exist.

With online learning, students do not get to see what fellow students are doing. I remember when I was going to a community college; I used to be motivated to study upon seeing other nursing students studying in the library. Seeing what other students are doing can be a motivating factor; however this is might not be the case with online. Additionally, with online learning, students have to find their own time to do their school work, and if they are not disciplined, even if they have the time, it can be a challenge to use that time effectively.

Although barriers to online education exist, there are several ways to overcome them. In terms of technology challenges, online educators have to be trained before being involved in online education and they also have to keep up with ongoing in services to keep up with evolving technology (Gutman, 2012). Students need to follow instructions provided to them, to do the orientation before classes begin, and know resources that are available to them.

For instance, Chamberlain University has Technical support assistance that is available throughout day and night, and it has also help desk; these are some of the resources that are there to eliminate technology challenges and other barriers to online learning. In regard to self-motivation, students need to know why they are in school, must have good time management and also have a good balance of school, work and family life (Morgenthaler, 2009). Lastly and most important is for students to have a positive attitude about online education (Alkoudmani & Elkalmi, 2015).

In conclusion, despite some advantages that online learning has, there are some barriers to success. These barriers include technology challenges, poor communication, and lack of self- motivation. These barriers can be eliminated if educators are well trained and up to date with evolving technology. As for students, they need to follow instructions, do orientation before classes and know all the resources that are available to them. Additionally students have to know why they are in school; this in turn will promote self-determination and boost their motivation. Lastly, students need to manage their time properly by having a good balance of and prioritize their school work, family life and work responsibilities.


Alkoudmani, R. M., & Elkalmi, R. M. (2015). Challenges to web-based learning in pharmacy education in Arabic language speaking countries. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 6(3), 41-47.

Gutman, D. (2012). Six barriers causing educators to resist teaching online, and how institutions can break them. Distance Learning, 9(3), 51-56

Morgenthaler, M. (2009). Too old for school? Barriers nurses can overcome when returning to school. AORN Journal, 89(2), 335-345. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2008.09.004

NR 500 Week 1 Discussion 1 Latest

Strategies for Success in the Online Learning Environment (graded)

Identify barriers to success in the online learning environment and the strategies to overcome the barriers. Please cite the sources used to support your response.

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Scholarly Discussion (graded)

What are the principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment? How does this differ from a social network? Please cite the sources used to support your response.

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Scholarly Writing (graded)

Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis? Search a scholarly database such as CINAHL, which is available in the CCN online library. Choose a topic of interest to you and your practice and find a scholarly article. Write a short paragraph about what you learned in the article and include a properly formatted citation in APA format.

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NR 500 Week 2 Assignment: Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to explore the roles and competencies of the advanced practice nurse (APN).

Requirements: The Roles in Advance d Nursing Practice paper is worth 150 points and will … graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization … on the required components as … in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. Submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the … format at Chamberlain University.

You are … to use APA Academic Writer and Grammarly when creating your assignment. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty. The length of the paper is to be 3-6 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.

Support ideas with a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 2 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas. You may use first person voice when describing your rationale for choosing the CNP role and your plans for clinical practice.

APA (2010) format is … with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, bold, centered): Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing (introduction) Four APN Roles Rationale for Choosing CNP Role Plans for Clinical Practice Role Transition Conclusion

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Compare and contrast the AACN Essentials of Master’s Education with the CCN mission, philosophy, and MSN Program Outcomes.

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Conducting a Library Search (graded)

The choice of Boolean terminology can markedly affect your search returns. Select a topic related to your area of practice, and select two scholarly databases to find information on the topic. Describe the search. What key words did you use? How many articles did your initial search yield? How did you narrow or expand the search? How many articles did you find once you narrowed or expanded the search? Summarize the results from the search.