NR 224 Sterile Field Certification Assignment

NR 224 Sterile Field Certification Assignment

NR 224 Sterile Field Certification Assignment

Contact (direct and indirect) no mask, only gown and gloves, normal room (MRSA, VRE,
Shigella and C. diff)
• Droplet: particles greater than 5 microns (flu, pneumonia in infants, strep in infants,
rubella, mumps, pertussis) need a regular mask, gown and gloves, in a regular room
• Airborne: particles less than 5 microns; need N95 respirator mask, gown and gloves;
needs a negative pressure flow room (Ebola, TB, varicella, measles)
• Protective Environment: you do not want the patient to get sick because they are
immunocompromised (positive pressure) need a gown, mask and gloves
Wound Assessment
• Serous= clear, watery plasma
• Purlent= yellow/brown, thick
• Serosanguineous= mixture of plasma and a little bit of blood
• Sanguineous= red; active bleeding

• Inflammatory= redness and swelling
• Proliferative= wound is filled with granulation tissue (scar tissue, NOT COLLAGEN)
• Remodeling= maturation of the new skin
• Dehiscene= total or partial separation of wound layers (BAD)
• Evisceration= protrusion of visceral organs through a wound opening
• Tissue Ischemia= reduced sensation
Factors Influencing Pressure Ulcers or Wound Healing:
• Nutrition
• Tissue perfusion
• Infection
• Age
• Psychosocial impact of wounds


Assessing the Wound:
• Palpate it
• Edges should be clean and well approximated
• Crusts can form on edges due to exudate
• Inflammation after 2-3 days is abnormal
• At 7-10 days the edges should close
• Infection= inflamed and swollen and has a bad odor
• Assessing for odor, color, and the amount/consistency of the drainage

To determine amount of drainage= weigh the bandage that’s dirty compared to a clean
bandage (1 gram of weight = 1 mL of drainage
Putting on PPE Order:
• Gown
• Mask
• Eyewear
• Gloves
Taking off PPE Order:
• Gloves
• Eyewear
• Gown
• Mask
Medical vs. Surgical Asepsis:
• Surgical= sterile technique (removes spores)
• Medical = clean technique
Collecting a Specimen:
• Blood
• Stool
• Urine
• Wound drainage (can be cultured)
Chain of Infection:
• Infections agent/pathogen
• Reservoir for it to grow
• Port of exit
• Mode of transmission
• Port of entry
• Susceptible host
HAI= Hospital Associated Infection (MRSA, VRE, C. diff, etc)
• Lactogenic- infection from a procedure
• Exogenous- infection from outside of the body (ex. salmonella)
• Endogenous- overgrowth of normal flora
Localized infection= in one area (ex. wound)
Systemic infection= impacts the entire body
Inflammation= protective, vascular reaction that delivers fluid, blood products, and nutrients to an area of injury

This study …
