MN552 SOAP Note With Genogram

MN552 SOAP Note With Genogram

MN552 SOAP Note With Genogram

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SOAP Note Section I and Genogram

  1. Please select a volunteer friend or family member to interview and gather data to complete this Assignment.
  2. This section of the SOAP note will include the chief complaint, history of present illness, and family/social/personal history data.
  3. Click here for the written guide for this Assignment.
    1. The guide will assist you in gathering subjective data in an organized, systematic manner to prevent omission of important components of the health history.
    2. Make sure you address all content as noted in the written guide.
    3. Include the genogram together with this Assignment as one document.
    4. You may search the Web to locate a suitable genogram diagram to input data. Only include three generations in the genogram depiction.


MN552 SOAP Note With Genogram

Differences between Expected outcome and Actual outcome There should be appositive noticeable change with therapeutic of Zoloft 50mg, a decrease in depression symptoms with and no adverse reaction that indicate otherwise that patient is tolerating the therapeutic medication adjustment well. 1 Since at this level, there is no difference between the expected result and the actual result therefore the patient will continue with the Zoloft 50mg. Patient should be monitoring continue, and the next schedule appointment.

Decision Point Three Maintain current dose of Zoloft 50mg orally daily Reason for Selection When the patient shows improvement, we have to keep schedule medication especially when there is no side effect of medication. My patient has shown great degree of improvement, and there is no side effect to this patient with the dose of Zoloft 50mg. 1 The monitoring of the side effect will include suicidal thought (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017).

Expected Results Treatment of depression, and monitoring is a continues process. 1Patient improvement should daily, and the signs of depression will be eliminated gradually with dosage of Zoloft 50mg. Patient peer interaction, sleep, appetite, should gradually improve.

Differences between Expected Results and Actual Results Choosing Zoloft 50mg on my African American child patient seems to be working, with no problem. Patient is responding well to therapy. I will continue patient with current dose. With this gradual improvement, I have no reasons to change medication or dosage. I will schedule an appointment and the dose might be increase if depression increases. 1 The expected result would be in treating any side effect to the medication so that maximum therapeutic effects can be achieved. The actual result is that there is an achievement in medication therapeutic effect that is needed by the patient (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017).