MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

MN551 Quiz # 2

Which of the following patients is most likely to benefit from transportation of thymic tissue or major histocompatibility complex ( MHC) – compatible bone marrow?

As part of his diagnostic workup, a 77 yo man nurse practitioner has ordered blood work that includes ferritin levels. The man is very interested in the details of his health care is unfamiliar with ferritin and it’s role. Which of the following explanations by the nurse practitioner is most accurate?

The blood work of a 44 yo male with a diagnosis of liver disease secondary to alcohol abuse indicates low levels of albumin. Which of the following phenomena would a clinician be most justified in anticipating?

A 14 yo boy has been diagnosed with infectious Mono. Which of the following pathophysiological phenomena is most responsible for his symptoms?

Which of the following phenome would be least likely to result in activation of the complement system?

Following a course of the measles a 5yo girl developed scattered bruising over numerous body surfaces and was diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP). Diagnostic workup, blood work was performed. Which results is most likely to be considered unexpected by the health care team

A patient presented to the ED with a swollen, reddened, painful leg wound , diagnosed with MRSA cellulitis. The nurse practitioner ordered a CBC and white cell diff. Which of the following blood components would the nurse anticipate to be elevated? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

A nurse practitioner is explaining to a 40 yo male pt the damage that Mycobacterium tuberculosis could do to lung tissue. Which of the following phenomena would underlie the NP explanation?

A 29 yo construction worker got silver under his fingernail 4 days ago. The affected finger is reddened, painful, swollen, and warm. Which of the following hematological processes is most likely occurring in response to the infection?

Which of the following patients would the student recognize as being least likely to have a diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome in his or her medical historory?

A couple who are expecting their first child have been advised by friends to consider harvesting umbilical cord blood in order to have a future source of stem cells. The couple have approached their NP with this request and are seeking clarification of exactly why stem cells are valuable. How can the nurse practitioner best respond to the couple’s inquiry?

A 16 yo female has been brought to her primary NP by her mother due to perisistent sore throat and malaise. Which of the following facts revealed in the girl history and exam would lead the NP to r/o infectious mono

A 60 yo woman is suspected of having non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Which of the following aspects of her condition would help to r/o Hodgkin lymphoma?

A NP is providing prenatal care and eduction for a first-time expectant mother, 22 wks gest, who has a diagnosis of a STD. Which of the following statements by the expectant mother demonstrates an adequate understanding of vertical disease transmission and congenital infections?

A 71 yo male pt w/ a hx of MI and peripheral vascular disease has been advised by his NP to begin taking 81 mg of ASP once daily. Which of the underlying rationale for the NP suggestion?

Which of the following statements most accurately conveys an aspect of lymphatic system activity?

A 23 yo man has received a recent dx of appendicitis following 24 hrs of acute abd pain. The NP providing care for the man is explaining that while it is unpleasant, the inflammation of his appendix is playing a role in his body’s fight against the underlying infectious process. Which of the following teaching points should the NP eliminate from his teaching for the patient?

A 66yo female pt has presented to the ED w/ several months of intermittently bloody stools that has recently become worse. The woman has since been diagnosed w/ a GI bleed secondary to overuse of NSAIDs that she takes for her arthritis. The health care team would realize that which of the following situations is most likely?

A 40 yo woman experiences severe seasonal allergies has been referred by her family physician to an allergist for weekly allergy injections. The woman is confused as to why repeated exposure to substances that set off her allergies would ultimately benefit her. Which of the following phenomena best captures the rationale for allergy desensitization therapy?

A 44 yo female patient presents to the ED with abnormal bleeding and abd pain that is later attributed to gallbladder disease. Which of the following diagnoses would the medical team be most justified in suspecting as a caus of the patient’s bleeding? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

A NP is teaching her colleagues about the role of cytokines in a variety of pathologies. Which of the following teaching points best captures an aspect of the functions and nature of cytokines? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

A 24 yo woman presents with fever and painful, swollen cervical lymph nodes. Her blood work indicates neutrophilia with a shift to the left. She most likely has:

A tourist presented to a primary care health clinic complaining of malaise, fever, and headache. She has been diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, a pathology caused by Rickettsiaceae. Which of the following statements best captures a characteristic trait of Rickettsiaceae?

A 22 yo female who adheres to a vegen diet has been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Which of the following componets of her diagnostic blood work would be most likely to necessitate further investigation?

Sputum samples from a pt with pneumonia contain an infective agent that has a peptidoglycan cell wall, expresses endotoxins, replicates readily in broth and on agar, grows in clusters, has pili, and does not stain when exposed to crystal violet. This pneumonia is most likely:


MN551 Quiz # 3 & 4 Cardiovascular.

3 – structure and function of the cardiovascular system

4 – structure and function of the respiratory system

Question 1. The nurse practitioner for a cardiology practice is responsible for providing presurgical teaching for patients who are about to undergo a coronary artery bypass graft. Which of the following teaching points best conveys an aspect of the human circulatory system?

Question 2. Which of the short term and long term compensatory mechanisms is least likely to decrease the symptoms of his heart failure?

Question 3. A physical assessment of a 28-year-old female patientindicates that her blood pressure in her legs is lower than that in her arms and that her brachial pulse is weaker in her left arm than in her right. In addition, her femoral pulses are weak bilaterally. Which of the following possibilities would her care provider be most likely to suspect? (Points : 3) MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Question 4. As part of the diagnostic workup for a male patient with a complex history of cardiovascular disease, the care team has identified the need for a record of the electrical activity of his heart, insight into the metabolism of his myocardium, and physical measurements, and imaging of his heart. Which of the following series of tests is most likely to provide the needed data for his diagnosis and care? (Points : 3)

Question 5. An older adult female patient has presented with a new onset of shortness of breath, and the patient’s nurse practitioner has ordered measurement of her BNP levels along with other diagnostic tests. What is the most accurate rationale for the nurse practitioner’s choice of blood work? (Points : 3)

Question 6. A patient in the intensive care unit has a blood pressure of 87/39and has warm, flushed skin accompanying his sudden decline in level of consciousness. The patient also has arterial and venous dilation and a decrease in systemic vascular resistance. What is this patient’s most likely diagnosis? (Points : 3)

Question 7. A number of patients have presented to the emergency department in the last 24 hourswith complaints that are preliminarily indicative of myocardial infarction. Which of the following patients is least likely to have an ST-segment myocardial infarction (STEMI)? (Points : 3) MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Question 8. A 54-year-old man with a long-standing diagnosis of essential hypertension ismeeting with his nurse practitioner. The patient’s nurse practitioner would anticipate that which of the following phenomena is most likely occurring? (Points : 3)

Question 9. A 66-year-old obese manwith a diagnosis of ischemic heart disease has been diagnosed with heart failure that his care team has characterized as attributable to systolic dysfunction. Which of the following assessment findings is inconsistent with his diagnosis? (Points : 3)

Question 10.Which of the following assessment findings in a newly admitted 30-year-old male patient would be most likely to cause his nurse practitioner to suspect polyarteritis nodosa? (Points : 3)

Question 11. A 6-year-old boyhas been brought to the emergency department by ambulance after his mother discovered that his heart rate was “so fast I couldn’t even count it.” The child was determined to be in atrial flutter and his mother is seeking an explanation from the health care team. Which of the following points should underlie an explanation to the mother? (Points : 3)

Question 12. A patient has suffered damage to his pericardium following a motor vehicleaccident. Which of the following consequences should the nurse practitioner be most likely to rule out? (Points : 3)

Question 13. Which of the following situations related to the transition from fetal to perinatal circulationwould be most likely to necessitate medical intervention? (Points : 3)

Question 14. A 70-year-old malepatient presents to the emergency department complaining of pain in his calf that is exacerbated when he walks. His pedal and popliteal pulses are faintly palpable and his leg distal to the pain is noticeably reddened. What would his care provider’s preliminary diagnosis and anticipated treatment most likely be? (Points : 3)

Question 15. A patient is experiencing impaired circulation secondary to increased systemic arterial pressure.Which of the following statements is the most relevant phenomenon? (Points : 3)

Question 16. A nurse practitioner is providing care for several patients on a medical unit of a hospital. In which of the following patient situations would the nurse practitioner be most likely to rule out hypertension as a contributing factor? (Points : 3)

Question 17. A formerly normotensive woman, pregnant for the first time, develops hypertension and headaches at 26 weeks’ gestation. Her blood pressure is 154/110 mm Hgand she has proteinuria. What other labs should be ordered for her? (Points : 3) MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Question 18. A nurse practitioner is instructing a group of older adults about the risks associated with high cholesterol.Which of the following teaching points should the participants try to integrate into their lifestyle after the teaching session?

Question 19. An autopsy is being performed on a 44-year-old femalewho died unexpectedly of heart failure. Which of the following components of the pathologist’s report is most suggestive of a possible history of poorly controlled blood pressure? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Question 20.A nurse practitioner has ordered the measurement of a cardiac patient’s electrolyte levels as part of the patient’s morning blood work. Which of the following statements best captures the importance of potassium in the normal electrical function of the patient’s heart? (Points : 3)

Question 21.In which of the following patient situations would a nurse practitioner be most justified in preliminarily ruling out pericarditis as a contributing pathology to the patient’s health problems?

Question 22. During a routine physical examination of a 66-year-old woman, her nurse practitioner notes a pulsating abdominal mass and refersthe woman for further treatment. The nurse practitioner is explaining the diagnosis to the patient, who is unfamiliar with aneurysms. Which of the following aspects of the pathophysiology of aneurysms would underlie the explanation the nurse provides?

Question 23. A 66-year-old patient’s echocardiogramreveals a hypertrophied left ventricle, normal chamber volume, and a normal ejection fraction from the heart. What is this patient’s most likely diagnosis?

Question 24.A nurse practitioner is teaching a student NP about the physiologic basis for damage to the circulatory and neurological systems that can accompany hypotension. Which of the following responses by the student would warrant correction by the nurse practitioner?

Question 25. An 81-year-old femalepatient of a long-term care facility has a history of congestive heart failure. The nurse practitioner caring for the patient has positioned her sitting up at an angle in bed and is observing her jugular venous distention. Why is jugular venous distention a useful indicator for the assessment of the patient’s condition?

Question 26. A 22-year-old male is experiencing hypovolemicshock following a fight in which his carotid artery was cut with a broken bottle. What immediate treatments are likely to most benefit the man?

Question 27. A 68-year-old malecomplains to his NP when he tests his blood pressure using a machine at his pharmacy, his HR is always low. He feels his heart racing and it seems to pause at times. He is lightheadedness and a recent syncopal episode. What is the patient’s diagnosis and the phenomenon underlying it?

Question 28. A 77-year-old woman with a recent onset of syncopal episodeshas been referred to a cardiologist by her family physician. As a part of the patient’s diagnostic work-up, the nurse practitioner conducting the intake assessment has ordered a Holter monitor for 24 hours. Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of Holter monitor? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest



MN551 Quiz 4

1. Which of the following patients who presented to a walk-in medical clinic is most likely to be diagnosed with a rhinosinusitis rather than a common cold? Fever and facial pain are more commonly associated with rhinosinusitis rather than the common cold. The other noted symptoms are indicative of the common cold rather than rhinosinusitis.

A man complaining of general fatigue, a headache, and facial pain with a temperature of 100.9° pg 929-930

A woman presenting with malaise, lethargy, and copious nasal secretions

A man with a dry, stuffy nasopharynx, a sore throat, and temperature of 98.9°F

A woman complaining of generalized aches who has a hoarse voice and reddened, painful upper airways

MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Question 2.2. A 44-year-old woman developed calf pain during a transatlantic flight followed by acute shortness of breath upon arrival at her destination. She was subsequently diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (PE), which resolved with anticoagulant therapy. Which of these statements best characterizes the underlying problem of her PE? Ventilation was occurring, but perfusion was inadequate causing shortness of breath. Impaired blood flow to a portion of the lung, such as with a PE, is associated with ventilation without perfusion, rather than perfusion without ventilation. The situation is not related to an anatomic shunt or impaired diffusion across alveolar membranes.

She was short of breath because ventilation was occurring but perfusion was inadequate. Pg 984-985

The combination of normal perfusion but compromised ventilation caused hypoxia.

She developed a transient anatomic shunt resulting in impaired oxygenation.

Impaired gas diffusion across alveolar membranes resulted in dyspnea and hypoxia.

Question 3.3. A premature infant on mechanical ventilation has developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and is showing signs and symptoms of hypoxemia, low lung compliance, and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Which of the following is the most likely contributor to the infant’s present health problem? (Despite the administration of corticosteroids in utero to hasten alveolar maturation, premature infants suffering respiratory distress syndrome often must be treated with supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation. However, overly forceful positive-pressure ventilation (barotrauma) can lead to the chronic lung impairment of BPD. Surfactant therapy is a first-line defense against the development of RDS and is also used to treat cases of BPD; additional time on a ventilator is often required as well.

High inspired oxygen concentration and injury from positive-pressure ventilation. Pg 952

Failure to administer corticosteroids to the infant in utero

Insufficient surfactant production and insufficient surfactant therapy

Insufficient supplemental oxygen therapy

Question 4.4. Which of the following residents of a long-term care facility is most likely to be exhibiting the signs and symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? Productive cough and recurrent respiratory infections are associated with COPD, while pain, fever, and increased white cells are not common signs and symptoms of COPD. Acute shortness of breath and bronchoconstriction are associated with asthma.

A 79-year-old lifetime smoker who is complaining of shortness of breath and pain on deep inspiration

An 81-year-old smoker who has increased exercise intolerance, a fever, and increased white blood cells

An 81-year-old male who has a productive cough and recurrent respiratory infections. pg 975

An 88-year-old female who experiences acute shortness of breath and airway constriction when exposed to tobacco smoke/

5.5. A 66-year-old male presents to the emergency department accompanied by his wife who claims that he has been acting confused. The man is complaining of a sudden onset of severe weakness and malaise and has a dry cough and diarrhea. His temperature is 102.8°F and his blood work indicates his sodium level is 126 mEq/L (normal is 135 to 145 mEq/L). What will be the assessing nurse practitioner’s most likely suspicion? Confusion, dry cough, diarrhea, and hyponatremia are associated with Legionnaire disease and less so with bronchopneumonia, Mycoplasma pneumonia, or pneumococcal pneumonia.


Mycoplasma pneumonia

Legionnaire disease Pg. 938

Pneumococcal pneumonia

Question 6.6. A 51-year-old female patient who is 2 days postoperative on a surgical unit of a hospital is at risk for developing atelectasis as a result of being largely immobile. Which of the following teaching points by her nurse practitioner is most appropriate? (Atelectasis is characterized by incomplete lung expansion and can often be prevented by deep breathing and coughing. Pleural effusion, not atelectasis, is associated with fluid accumulation between the lungs and their lining, and neither chest tube insertion nor bronchodilators are common treatments for atelectasis. MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

“Being in bed increases the risk of fluid accumulating between your lungs and their lining, so it’s important for you to change positions often.”

“You should breathe deeply and cough to help your lungs expand as much as possible while you’re in bed.”

“Make sure that you stay hydrated and walk as soon as possible to avoid our having to insert a chest tube.”

“I’ll prescribe bronchodilator medications that will help open up your airways and allow more oxygen in.”

MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Question 7.7. Due to complications, a male postoperative patient has been unable to mobilize for several days following surgery and has developed atelectasis. Which of the following processes would his care team anticipate with relation to his health problem? Regional hypoxia, such as with a diagnosis of atelectasis, is associated with vasoconstriction and redirection of blood away from, not toward, the affected area of the lung. This also contributes to an increased workload for the right side of the heart.

Vasodilation in the alveolar vessels in the affected region of his lung

Increased workload for the left side of the patient’s heart

Increased blood flow to the area of atelectasis

Redirection of blood flow away from the lung regions that are hypoxic

Question 8.8. Which of the following clinical findings would be most closely associated with a patient who has interstitial lung disease rather than COPD? (Because it takes less work to move air through the airways at an increased rate than it does to stretch a stiff lung to accommodate a larger tidal volume, interstitial lung disease is commonly associated with an increased respiratory rate but decreased tidal volume. Wheezing and decreased expiratory flow rate are more closely associated with COPD.

Audible wheezing on expiration

Diminished expiratory flow rates

Increased respiratory rate with decreased tidal volume

Normal compliance of alveolar tissue

Question 9.9. A male lifetime smoker has died as a result of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Which of the following phenomena regarding his alveoli would his care team have most reasonably expected in the weeks prior to his death? Smokers often retain large numbers of carbon-filled macrophages in their septal connective tissue. NK cell proliferation is not a noted phenomenon in the alveoli, and tubercles are associated specifically with tuberculosis infection. Type I alveoli are incapable of regeneration.

Proliferation of natural killer (NK) cells in the alveolar lumen

Large numbers of alveolar macrophages in septal connective tissue

The presence of tubercles in the intra-alveolar spaces

Compensatory regeneration of type I alveolar cells

Question 10.10. A 21-year-old male patient has suffered a head injury during a crash on his motorcycle, and a deficit that assessments have revealed is an impaired swallowing mechanism. He has also developed aspiration pneumonia. Which of the following statements most accurately capture an aspect of his condition? (The vocal folds contribute to blocking of the airways during swallowing; compromise to this function is likely to allow food to enter the lungs. The epiglottis is performing its normal, protective role against aspiration when it covers the larynx, and the vocal folds contribute to sound enunciation, not swallowing or protection against aspiration. Tracheobronchial obstruction would not contribute to aspiration.

His oropharynx is obstructed.

His epiglottis is covering his larynx

His vocal folds have been compromised.

His tracheobronchial tree is intermittently obstructed

Question 11.11. A short, nonsmoking middle-aged man presents to the emergency department with left-sided chest pain and a cough. He says that the pain started abruptly, just after lunch, and that breathing and coughing make it worse. He denies recent injury. He is breathing shallowly and rapidly and expresses fear that he may be having a heart attack. Breath sounds are normal, and he is not cyanotic. Which condition is most likely causing his symptoms? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Pleuritis, which frequently accompanies infections that cause cough, is unilateral, starts abruptly, and is worsened by coughing or deep breathing. The client’s shallow, rapid breathing may be due to anxiety but also is a way of maintaining adequate air intake while avoiding deep breathing, which exacerbates the pain of pleuritis. His cough may be an indication of infection, especially as he is not a smoker. The pain of myocardial infarction is not worsened by deep breathing or coughing. Spontaneous pneumothorax would be very unlikely in a short, nonsmoking middle-aged man. Tachypnea might indicate obstructive atelectasis, but normal breath sounds and lack of cyanosis argue against it.

Myocardial infarction

Spontaneous pneumothorax

Pleuritis related to infection

Obstructive atelectasis

Question 12.12. Which of the following statements best conveys an aspect of the respiratory pressures that govern ventilation? Negative intrapleural pressure holds the lungs in place against the chest wall and prevents their natural elastic properties from causing them to collapse. Intrapleural pressure is negative in relation to the inflated lung, and the chest wall exerts negative pressure on the lungs that keeps them from contracting and contributes to inspiration. Intrapulmonary pressure oscillates between positive and negative relative to atmospheric pressure with expiration and inspiration.

Intrapleural pressure slightly exceeds that of the inflated lung

The chest wall exerts positive pressure on the lungs that contributes to expiration

The lungs are prevented from collapsing by constant positive intrapulmonary pressure

Negative intrapleural pressure holds the lungs against the chest wall

MN551 Unit 6 Quiz

1. A 35­year­old female patient is seen in the clinic complaining of abdominal pain. Which of the following should be included in the history and physical exam?

Digital rectal exam

Pelvic exam

Sexual history

All of the above

Hiatal hernia – protrusion of the stomach or regurgitation of the stomach contents into the esophagus

2. A patient is seen in the office and is complaining of constipation. The patient lists all of the following medications. Which drug could be responsible for the constipation?


Magnesium hydroxide


3. A patient with complaints of diarrhea is seen. Which of the following should be included on the differential diagnosis list for a patient with diarrhea?

Inflammatory bowel disease

Lactase deficiency

All of the above

4. Mr. J. K., 38 years old, is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 189 pounds. He reports that he has had intermittent heartburn for several months for which he takes Tums with temporary relief. He has been waking during the night with a burning sensation in his chest. Which additional information would lead you to believe that gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the cause of his pain? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

The pain seems better when he smokes to relieve his nerves.

Coffee and fried foods do not bother him.

He awakens at night coughing with a bad taste in his mouth.

All of the above


MN551 – Quiz 7 Pathophysiology across the life span

Question 1. A 4-year-old boy has had otitis media with effusion (OME) for several weeks and his condition has recently progressed to acute otitis media (AOM). Which of the following factors could have contributed to his AOM?

Reflux of fluid from the boy’s nose into his middle ear

A deficiency in immunoglobulin G

Accumulation of cerumen in the external acoustic meatus

Sensorineural deficits in the auditory control apparatus

Exposure to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

Question 2. Which of the following statements best captures the role of the adrenal cortex in maintaining homeostasis?

The adrenal cortex is responsible for the production of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are part of the sympathetic nervous system.

The adrenal cortical hormones are primarily steroids and sex hormones.

Redundant, secondary production of adrenal cortical hormones can compensate for the loss of the adrenal glands.

Normal sexual function is dependent on adequate adrenal cortical function.

Question 3. A 29-year-old woman has been diagnosed with otosclerosis after several years of progressive hearing loss. What pathophysiologic process has characterized her diagnosis?

New, sclerotic / spongy bone has been formed around her stapes and oval window.

Her incus, malleus, and stapes have become disconnected from her normal neural pathways.

Her temporal bone is experiencing unusually rapid resorption.

Her tympanic cavity is becoming filled with bone due to inappropriate osteogenesis.

Question 4. A three-year-old girl has just been diagnosed with type 1A diabetes and her parents are currently receiving education from the diabetes education nurse at the hospital where their daughter is receiving treatment. How can the nurse best explain the etiology of their daughter’s health problem to her parents?

“The problem that underlies her diabetes is that her own body has destroyed the cells in her pancreas that produce insulin.”

“It’s not known exactly why your daughter has completely stopped making insulin, and treatment will consist of your rigidly controlling her diet.”

“This tendency to produce insufficient amounts of insulin is likely something that she inherited.”

“Environmental and lifestyle factors are known to play a part in the fact that her pancreas secretes and withholds insulin at the wrong times.”

Question 5. An endocrinologist is providing care for a 30-year-old male who has lived with the effects of increased levels of GH. Which of the following teaching points about the patient’s future health risks is most accurate?

“It’s not unusual for unusually high GH levels to cause damage to your hypothalamus.”

“GH excess inhibits your pancreas from producing enough insulin.”

“The high levels of GH that circulate in your body can result in damage to your liver.”

“When your pituitary gland is enlarged, there’s a real risk that you’ll develop some sight deficiencies.

MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Question 6. Following a long history of fatigue, weakness, and poor appetite, a 39-year-old male has been diagnosed with hypopituitarism. Which of the following clinical findings would most likely cause his care team to suspect that the man has an additional endocrine disorder from a different source?

The man has a low sperm count and has been unable to have children.

The man has a chronic platelet deficiency and is occasionally anemic.

The patient is 5 feet 2 inches tall and was consistently short for his age as a child.

The man displays the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Question 7. Which of the following questions is most likely to be clinically useful in the differential diagnosis of sensorineural versus conductive hearing loss?

“What medications do you currently take?”

“What effect is this hearing loss having on your quality of life?”

“Has your hearing loss developed quickly or more slowly?”

“Do you ever hear a persistent ringing in your ears?”

Question 8. As part of the diagnostic workup for a patient’s long-standing vertigo, a clinician wants to gauge the patient’s eye movements. Which of the following tests is the clinician most likely to utilize? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

Romberg test

Rotational tests

Electronystagmography (ENG)

Caloric stimulation

Question 9. A 51-year-old woman has been experiencing signs and symptoms of perimenopause and has sought help from her nurse practitioner. Doctors have confirmed a deficiency in estrogen levels as a contributing factor. Which of the following phenomena could potentially underlie the woman’s health problem?

Sufficient synthesis of estrogen but inadequate vesicle-mediated release

Inadequate synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of her ovarian cells

Insufficient estrogen production within the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the relevant cells

A lack of prohormone precursors needed for estrogen synthesis and release

Question 10. A woman with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes has been ordered by her primary care provider to have a hemoglobin A1C test for the first time. The woman states, “I don’t see why you want to test my blood cells when it’s sugar that’s the problem.” What aspect of physiology will underlie the care provider’s response to the patient?

The amount of glucose attached to A1C cells reflects the average blood glucose levels over the life of the cell.

Hemoglobin synthesis by the bone marrow is inversely proportionate to blood glucose levels, with low A1C indicating hyperglycemia.

The high metabolic needs of red cells and their affinity for free glucose indicate the amount of glucose that has been available over 6 to 12 weeks.

Insulin is a glucose receptor agonist on the hemoglobin molecule, and high glucose suggests low insulin levels.

13. A 21-year-old female is suspected of having inadequate function of her hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid system. Her care provider is planning to inject thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and then measure her levels of TSH. Which of the following diagnostic tests is being performed?

A)Suppression test

B)Radioimmunoassay (RIA) test

C)Stimulation test

D)Metabolite excretion test

MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

14. Following a meal, a woman’s blood glucose level has increased. In addition, her pancreas has increased the amount of insulin produced and released. Which of the following phenomena has occurred?

A) Increased hormone level according to a negative feedback mechanism

B) Adjustment according to the level of the substance a hormone regulates

C)Hormone production and release via the positive feedback cycle

D)Hypothalamic–pituitary control of hormone levels

15.Whichof the following statements best captures the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland as it relates to endocrine function?

A) The hypothalamus directly measures the levels of most hormones throughout the body and inhibits or stimulates the pituitary accordingly.

B) The pituitary gland coordinates and dictates the release of hormones from the hypothalamus that act on their intended target cells.

C) The pituitary gland and hypothalamus have two-way communication that mediates the signals from neuronal inputs.

D)The hypothalamus receives input from numerous sources throughout the body and directs the pituitary to then control many target glands and cells.

8. An endocrinologist is providing care for a 30-year-old male who has lived with the effects of increased levels of growth hormone (GH). Which of the following teaching points about the client’s future health risks is most accurate?

A)“It’s not unusual for high GH levels to cause damage to your hypothalamus.”

B)“GH excess inhibits your pancreas from producing enough insulin.”

C)“The high levels of GH that circulate in your body can result in damage to your liver.”

D)“When your pituitary gland is enlarged, there’s a real risk that you’ll develop some sight deficiencies.”

Question 1.1.A three-year-old girl has just been diagnosed with type 1A diabetes and her parents are currently receiving education from the diabetes education nurse at the hospital where their daughter is receiving treatment. How can the nurse best explain the etiology of their daughter’s health problem to her parents?

“The problem that underlies her diabetes is that her own body has destroyed the cells in her pancreas that produce insulin.”

“It’s not known exactly why your daughter has completely stopped making insulin, and treatment will consist of your rigidly controlling her diet.”

“This tendency to produce insufficient amounts of insulin is likely something that she inherited.”

“Environmental and lifestyle factors are known to play a part in the fact that her pancreas secretes and withholds insulin at the wrong times.”

Question 2.A 60-year-old man has presented to his nurse practitioner because of an earache that has become progressively more painful in recent days. After giving his history and having an examination with an otoscope, the man has been diagnosed with otitis externa. Which of the nurse practitioner’s following statements to the man is most accurate?

“You’ll need to avoid getting any water in your ear until you finish your course of antibiotic pills.”

“I’m going to instill some warm water into your ear to flush out debris and bacteria.”

“I’ll prescribe some ear drops for you, and in the meantime it’s important not to use ear swabs.”

“This likely happened because your ears aren’t draining like they should, but antibiotics that you’ll put in your ears will resolve this.”

Question 3.A patient with a new diagnosis of an endocrine disorder is unclear about how the body can control the levels of different hormones over time. Which of the following statements most accurately underlies the dominant regulation process of hormone levels in the body?

A positive feedback cycle ensures that stable levels of hormones exist in the body over time.

With input from various sensors, hormone production and release are adjusted based on existing hormone levels.

The hypothalamus ensures that hormone levels correspond accurately to the diurnal cycle.

The pituitary gland is genetically programmed to stimulate and inhibit hormone production and/or release based on needs at different points in the life cycle.

Question 4.What does a high level of thyroid-stimulating hormone indicate?




Thyroid nodule

MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

5. Following the identification of low levels of T3 and T4 coupled with the presence of a goiter, a 28-year-old female has been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis. In light of this diagnosis, which of the following assessment results would constitute an unexpected finding?

The presence of myxedema in the woman’s face and extremities

Recent weight gain despite a loss of appetite and chronic fatigue

Coarse, dry skin and hair with decreased sweat production

Increased white cell count and audible crackles on chest auscultation

6. A stroke affecting which of the following areas of the brain would be most likely to leave an individual’s vestibular system intact and posture and balance maintained?

The brain stem

The thalamus

The temporal and parietal cortex

The limbic system of the

Question 7. A care aide at a long-term care facility has informed a resident’s nurse practitioner that the 80-year-old woman’s eyes appear to be inflamed and her eyelids are caked with sticky secretions. The woman subsequently has been diagnosed with posterior blepharitis. Which of the following treatments is the nurse practitioner likely to initiate?

Surgical repair of the woman’s blocked meibomian glands

Warm compresses to be applied regularly to her eyes in addition to oral antibiotics

Regularly scheduled cleansing of the woman’s eyes with normal saline

Intravenous steroids coupled with topical antibiotic ointment

Question 8.An endocrinologist is providing care for a 30-year-old male who has lived with the effects of increased levels of GH. Which of the following teaching points about the patient’s future health risks is most accurate?

“It’s not unusual for unusually high GH levels to cause damage to your hypothalamus.”

“GH excess inhibits your pancreas from producing enough insulin.”

“The high levels of GH that circulate in your body can result in damage to your liver.”

“When your pituitary gland is enlarged, there’s a real risk that you’ll develop some sight deficiencies.

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Question 9. A 46-year-old male has presented to the emergency department because of the eye pain, severe headache, and blurred vision that have followed an eye exam at an optometrist’s office earlier in the day. The patient tells the triage nurse that he received eyedrops during the exam “to keep my pupils wide open.” What differential diagnosis will the care team first suspect?

Infectious conjunctivitis


Corneal trauma

Angle-closure glaucoma

Question 10. A patient with a history of an endocrine disorder exhibits signs and symptoms of hormone deficiency. Which of the following processes would the patient’s care team most likely rule out first as a contributing factor?

The patient’s target cells lack sufficient receptors for the hormone in question.

Hormone production is sufficient, but affinity on the part of the target cells is lacking.

The process of down-regulation has resulted in decreased hormone sensitivity.

Up-regulation has increased the sensitivity of the body to particular hormone levels.

Question 11. A 51-year-old woman has been experiencing signs and symptoms of perimenopause and has sought help from her nurse practitioner. Doctors have confirmed a deficiency in estrogen levels as a contributing factor. Which of the following phenomena could potentially underlie the woman’s health problem?

Sufficient synthesis of estrogen but inadequate vesicle-mediated release

Inadequate synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of her ovarian cells

Insufficient estrogen production within the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the relevant cells

A lack of prohormone precursors needed for estrogen synthesis and release

12. Which of the following hormones are derivatives of cholesterol?

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Insulin and glucagon

Aldosterone and testosterone

Eicosanoids and retinoids

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Question 13. A 32-year-old man is complaining of burning, itching, photophobia, and severe pain in his right eye after swimming in the ocean. To determine that the eye condition is corneal rather than a conjunctival disease, which of the following would be the distinguishing symptom?




Severe pain

Question 14. 14. As part of the diagnostic workup for a patient’s long-standing vertigo, a clinician wants to gauge the patient’s eye movements. Which of the following tests is the clinician most likely to utilize? (Points : 0.4)

Romberg test

Rotational tests

Electronystagmography (ENG)

Caloric stimulation

Question 15. 15. A woman with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes has been ordered by her primary care provider to have a hemoglobin A1C test for the first time. The woman states, “I don’t see why you want to test my blood cells when it’s sugar that’s the problem.” What aspect of physiology will underlie the care provider’s response to the patient? (Points : 0.4)

The amount of glucose attached to A1C cells reflects the average blood glucose levels over the life of the cell.

Hemoglobin synthesis by the bone marrow is inversely proportionate to blood glucose levels, with low A1C indicating hyperglycemia.

The high metabolic needs of red cells and their affinity for free glucose indicate the amount of glucose that has been available over 6 to 12 weeks.

Insulin is a glucose receptor agonist on the hemoglobin molecule, and high glucose suggests low insulin levels.

Question 16. 16. A patient with a new diagnosis of an endocrine disorder is unclear about how the body can control the levels of different hormones over time. Which of the following statements most accurately underlies the dominant regulation process of hormone levels in the body? (Points : 0.4)

A positive feedback cycle ensures that stable levels of hormones exist in the body over time.

With input from various sensors, hormone production and release are adjusted based on existing hormone levels.

The hypothalamus ensures that hormone levels correspond accurately to the diurnal cycle.

The pituitary gland is genetically programmed to stimulate and inhibit hormone production and/or release based on needs at different points in the life cycle.

Question 17. 17. Large amounts of glucagon were recently released into an individual’s circulation, but glucagon circulation has now ceased. Which of the following situations could have led to this inhibition of glucagon release?

A sharp decrease in blood glucose concentration

Recent strenuous physical activity

Recent intake of large amounts of protein-rich food

A decrease in cellular metabolic needs and an increase in glucose levels

Question 18. 18.Following a long history of fatigue, weakness, and poor appetite, a 39-year-old male has been diagnosed with hypopituitarism. Which of the following clinical findings would most likely cause his care team to suspect that the man has an additional endocrine disorder from a different source? (Points : 0.4)

The man has a low sperm count and has been unable to have children.

The man has a chronic platelet deficiency and is occasionally anemic.

The patient is 5 feet 2 inches tall and was consistently short for his age as a child.

The man displays the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Question 19. 19. Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of the role of hormones in the body?

Some chemical substances can function as either hormones or neurotransmitters.

Hormones directly initiate many of the processes that contribute to homeostasis.

Control of body processes is ensured by the fact that a single hormone can only exert one effect on one specific system or tissue.

Each hormone that exists in the body is produced by only one specific endocrine gland.

Question 20. 20.Which of the following hormones are derivatives of cholesterol? (Points : 0.4)

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Insulin and glucagon

Aldosterone and testosterone

Eicosanoids and retinoids

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Question 21. 21. A 21-year-old female is suspected of having inadequate function of her hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid system. Her care provider is planning to inject thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and then measure her levels of TSH. Which of the following diagnostic tests is being performed?

Suppression test

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) test

Stimulation test

Metabolite excretion test

Question 22. 22. An endocrinologist is providing care for a 30-year-old male who has lived with the effects of increased levels of GH. Which of the following teaching points about the patient’s future health risks is most accurate? (Points : 0.4)

“It’s not unusual for unusually high GH levels to cause damage to your hypothalamus.

“GH excess inhibits your pancreas from producing enough insulin.

“The high levels of GH that circulate in your body can result in damage to your liver.”

“When your pituitary gland is enlarged, there’s a real risk that you’ll develop some sight deficiencies.

Question 23. 23. A three-year-old girl has been diagnosed with amblyopia. Which of the following pathophysiologic processes is most likely to underlie her health problem?

The child may have a congenital deficit of rods and/or cones

The girl may have chronic bacterial conjunctivitis

She may have been born with infantile cataracts

The child may have a neural pathway disorder

Question 24. 24. A 60-year-old man has presented to his nurse practitioner because of an earache that has become progressively more painful in recent days. After giving his history and having an examination with an otoscope, the man has been diagnosed with otitis externa. Which of the nurse practitioner’s following statements to the man is most accurate? (Points : 0.4) MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest

“You’ll need to avoid getting any water in your ear until you finish your course of antibiotic pills.”

“I’m going to instill some warm water into your ear to flush out debris and bacteria.”

“I’ll prescribe some ear drops for you, and in the mean time it’s important not to use ear swabs.”

“This likely happened because your ears aren’t draining like they should, but antibiotics that you’ll put in your ears will resolve this.”

Question 25. 25. Which of the following statements best describes an aspect of the normal process of glucose metabolism? (Points : 0.4)

a. Blood glucose levels are primarily a result of the timing, quantity, and character of food intake.

b. Ingested glucose that is not needed for cellular metabolism circulates in the blood until it is taken up to meet cellular needs.

c.Blood glucose levels are kept in a steady state by selective excretion and reuptake by the kidneys.

d.Glucose that exceeds metabolic needs is converted and stored by the liver.

A 45 yo woman with a diagnosis of shingles is experiencing an acute onset of severe neuropathic pain. Which state of Selye’s characterization of stress response is the woman most likely experiencing at the moment ?

A 30 yo woman has sought care because of her recurrent photophobia, tearing and eye irritation. During assessment, her care provider asks about any history of cold sores or genital herpes. What is the rationale for the care provider’s line of questioning?

B) HSV infection of the cornea is a common cause of corneal ulceration and blindness.

Which of the following statements best captures the role of the adrenal cortex in maintaining homeostasis?

B) The adrenal cortical hormones are primarily steroids and sex hormones.


MN551 Unit 8 Quiz

Question 1. A 40-year-old woman has been found to have a deficiency in estrogen. Which of the following physiological phenomena is most likely to remain unaffected?

Parathyroid hormone antagonism and the rate of bone resorption

The regulation of uterine endothelial development

The maintenance of normal skin and blood vessel structure

The synthesis and release of adrenal glucocorticoid

Question 2. During a group prenatal class, the nurse teaching the course is explaining the thinning of the cervix that accompanies the stages of labor leading up to delivery? A participant admits that she is not familiar with either the location or normal role of the cervix. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be most appropriate?

“Your cervix is just the term for the lowest part of your uterus, and it is tightly shut at all times except in woman who are giving birth.”

“The cervix is the opening between the uterus and the vagina, and so it opens wide during the lead-up to birth.”

“Your cervix is the part of your uterus where the fallopian tubes join in and the baby has to pass through it to the vagina.”

“The cervix is the soft lining of your uterus that has to expand greatly to accommodate your baby during delivery.”

Question 3. A 14-year-old boy has been brought to the emergency department by his mother in excruciating pain that is radiating from his scrotum to his inguinal area. The boy’s heart rate is 122 beats/minute, and he has vomited twice before arrival at the hospital. Examination reveals that his scrotum is reddened and slightly swollen, and the testes are firm to touch and tender, with extensive cremaster muscle contraction noted. What is the boy’s most likely diagnosis? MN551 Week Quizzzes Latest



Testicular torsion


Question 4. A 40-year-old male patient with multiple health problems has been diagnosed with a testosterone deficiency. Which of the following – he nurse knows that which of the following assessment findings would correlate with a testosterone deficiency? Select all that apply.

A high-pitched voice

Long-lasting chronic hip dysplasia

Complaints of multiple upper respiratory infections

A low muscle mass in proportion to his total body weight

Hot flashes and diaphoresis

Question 5. A long stretchy cervical mucus that exhibits ferning on a microscope slide is characteristic of which of the following?

High LH levels

Low estrogen levels

High progesterone levels

Low human chorionic gonadotropin level

Question 6. A 29-year-old woman has been trying for many months to become pregnant, and fertilization has just occurred. Following her most recent ovulation. What process will now occur that will differentiate this ovulatory cycle from those prior?

Human chorionic gonadotropin will be produced, preventing luteal regression.

The remaining primary follicles will provide hormonal support for the first 3 months of pregnancy.

The corpus luteum will atrophy and be replaced by corpus albicans.

The basal layer of the endometrium will be sloughed in preparation for implantation

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Question 7. After a long and frustrating course of constant vaginal pain, a 38-year old woman has been diagnosed with generalized vulvodynia by her gynecologist. What treatment plan is her physician most likely to propose?

Alternative herbal therapies coupled with antifungal medications

Antidepressant and antiepileptic medications

Lifestyle modifications aimed at accommodating and managing neuropathic pain

Narcotic analgesia and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication