MMPI-2-RF PowerPoint Presentation

Address and include the following in your PowerPoint:

  1. A title, introduction, and conclusion slide.
  2. What is the MMPI-2-RF and what does it measure?
  3. What are the legal and ethical requirements for a professional to administer, interpret, and/or report the results of an MMPI-2-RF?
  4. How would information gathered from the MMPI-2-RF assist in the intake and treatment planning process?
  5. Describe potential treatment strategies that would likely be incorporated into a treatment plan based on results from an MMPI-2-RF.
  6. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50 words.
  7. A reference slide with a minimum of four scholarly references in addition to the textbook.The counselor must provide a rationale as to why this group is being created. In writing a proposal one should strive toward explaining what type of group is being proposed along with why this group will be important or worthwhile. Such an explanation might include a perceived client need, a particular social trend, neglected issues, or recent research that suggests that a particular type of group intervention is of preference.

    Objectives for the Group – What are you hoping to accomplish by running this group? Your objectives need to be congruent with the rationale for the group detailed in the previous. For example, if your rationale states that you are starting a group to address issues of loss and grieving because there are eight clients at your agency who had just loss a significant other, it would not be appropriate to have objects that were geared toward reducing symptoms of bulimia. You must ask yourself, “What do I most want the people in this group to gain from being a member of the group?” It is also important to make you objectives specific and measurable. For example, in a personal growth group an objective might be as follows: Each member will share and express of feelings toward others in the group using a here-and-now frame of reference. This objective is specific and it is measurable in that you can observe the number of times a member engages in the stated form of group interaction.