MIN 7561 -A Brief Introduction from One Dying

MIN 7561 -A Brief Introduction from One Dying

MIN 7561 -A Brief Introduction from One Dying

MIN 7561 MIN/7561 MIN7561 Week 1 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq A Brief Introduction from One Dying -South University


Share a brief synopsis of your personal background and discuss your interest in the field of thanatology:

  • What has been your experience with death, dying, bereavement, grief, and mourning?
  • What are the particular objectives, tasks, and concerns you have in providing and/or receiving pastoral care related to these issues?


Read all your classmates posts and respond to at least two of them in a substantive way by addressing issues brought up in their posts. Please note that simply registering one’s agreement with another student’s post is not considered a substantive response. Ask questions, offer ideas, and build onto the discussion in meaningful ways.


MIN 7500 MIN/7500 MIN7500 Week 7 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq The Soul of Ministry Reflection -South University

Review Anderson, The Soul of Ministry. Post three quotes from the book with a comment/explanation of ca. 150 words each.

  • The first quote should be one that in your view sums up a key insight you have learned from the book that has helped you understand ministry in a new way.
  • The second quote should be one that challenges your thinking about ministry directly (this does not have to be a point that you either agree or disagree with).
  • The third quote should be a point that you are not sure you understand. In your comment, offer what you think is the most plausible explanation.

Be sure to include the quotation and page number(s) in your post. And where necessary, the relevant link

Post your contribution at the Discussion Area by Week 7, Day 2. Read all posts from your classmates and interact substantively with at least two posts by Week 7, Day 7.