MIN 7500 -Final Project Proposal Peer Review

MIN 7500 -Final Project Proposal Peer Review

MIN 7500 -Final Project Proposal Peer Review

MIN 7500 MIN/7500 MIN7500 Week 10 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq Final Project Proposal Peer Review -South University

Your instructor has divided the class in half, the first group presented their draft proposals last week, so this week the second group will present their proposals. All students will review all of the proposals posted by their classmates.

If you are part of the group presenting your proposals this week, upload your final project proposal to the Discussion Area by Week 10, Day 2. See the DMIN Final Project Handbook for specific information regarding the format of the proposal.

Review all of the proposals carefully and offer substantive feedback by Week 10, Day 7.


  • For a dissertation: is the thesis clear and compelling? Does the proposed dissertation fill an identifiable gap/weakness in ministry research? Is the proposed line of research achievable?
  • For a ministry project. Is there enough information provided to give a clear idea of the project’s scope and impact? Is anything in danger of being omitted? Are there aspects of the project that are extraneous or irrelevant?
  • For Supervisory CPE. Is the focus of the program clearly identified? Location? Supervisor? Timetable?

Chapter outline. Are all the chapters included in the proper sequence? Are the sub-headings in the chapter consistent? Do they indicate a logical progression of the presentation in each chapter?

Bibliography. Are the titles appropriate to the topic? Are there titles that have been omitted? Are there titles that are not relevant to the topic?


MIN 7561 MIN/7561 MIN7561 Week 1 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq A Brief Introduction from One Dying-South University


Share a brief synopsis of your personal background and discuss your interest in the field of thanatology:

  • What has been your experience with death, dying, bereavement, grief, and mourning?
  • What are the particular objectives, tasks, and concerns you have in providing and/or receiving pastoral care related to these issues?


Read all your classmates posts and respond to at least two of them in a substantive way by addressing issues brought up in their posts. Please note that simply registering one’s agreement with another student’s post is not considered a substantive response. Ask questions, offer ideas, and build onto the discussion in meaningful ways.