Milgram Experiment and Asch Experiment DQ

Milgram Experiment and Asch Experiment DQ

Milgram Experiment and Asch Experiment DQ

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Module 3 Project Instructions


Your chapters on critical thinking refer to two major psychology experiments which show the lack of critical thinking on the part of humanity – the Milgram experiment and the Asch experiment.

Choose one of the experiments and watch the following video to learn more about the experiment:

Milgram Part 1:

Milgram Part 2:

Milgram Part 3:

Asch Part 1:

Asch Part 2:


After watching either set of videos, answer the following questions in a 500 word essay:

A) Explain the experiment and what the results were of the experiment.

B) Explain the critical thinking errors made by the participants of the experiment.

C) Describe what you think you would have done if you were in the experiment.

D) Describe the significance of this experiment as related to your perception of people in general – what does the research mean about people in general?

You should include direct references to your textbook at least twice, and one quality outside resource (website or library source).

Milgram Experiment and Asch Experiment DQ

Grading tips

Remember, 500 words is the minimum you need to pass the assignment, assuming a well rounded assignment.  Students shooting for A’s should write significantly more and thoroughly explore the issue.

Remember, 2 textbook uses and one outside reference is the minimum you need to pass the assignment.  Students shooting for A’s should use more resources as they thoroughly explore the issue.

Remember, be sure you apply the experiment to the readings on critical thinking (common errors) AND apply it to your life.  Bring in examples from your life to make the assignment more well-rounded and personalized toward you – have you ever conformed or been obedient to something, and in retrospect, now understand the factors leading you to do it?  Would you do it again now with this new knowledge?

Do not hesitate to email me with any questions you might have.