MGMT-302 Individual Assignment #2 Winter 2016

Self-Assessment: The MBTI Personality Profiles, Parts 2 & 3

2nd Part: Your Myers-Briggs/Keirsey/MMDI/Jungian Typology Profile. Once you develop the self-portrait described in Part 1 of the assignment, look at the video located at the URL link below. The video describes the Keirsey version of the MBTI personality test and the 16 personality profiles that the MBTI generates. You can look at the entire video and follow the instruction it provides to calculate your MBTI profile but the MMDI version can be completed online and you can still compare the profile descriptions provided by both versions of the MBTI. To complete the MMDI go to the 2nd URL link below and click on the button that states, “Personality Test MMDI.”

URL and hyperlink to the You-Tube video describing the Keirsey personality test and its procedures:

URL and hyperlink to the MMDI Intro Page and the MMDI Questionnaire:

Personality Test (MMDI)

You will receive feedback about your profile as well as instructions for saving your feedback. It will also offer you complete reports for prices ranging from $6 to $15; you do not have to purchase these reports. To access the different descriptions and interpretations of your profile, you can visit the URL below or the hyperlink with the four-letter profile generated from your answers to the MMDI personality test. The corresponding profiles from the Keirsey version of the MBTI can be accessed from the folder posted adjacent to this assignment on blackboard.

Jungian Typology Profile Descriptions:

















3rd Part: The Reflective Essay. Please submit a copy of the items indicated for parts 1 & 2 along with a one-page, typewritten reflective essay based on your initial self-profile and the feedback you received from the MBTI/Keirsey/MMDI/Jung Typology inventories. Your reflective statement should summarize the profile and related feedback you received as well as your personal views of the MBTI personality inventory. In specific terms, how accurately does it describe you and your initial self- portrait? Your reflective statement should also address the following questions:

? Do you think this assessment provides an accurate and useful profile of your personality archetype? (Explain)

? In retrospect, did you gain any insights about yourself from the exercise? (Describe insights and/or critique the MBTI)

? Can you suggest a preferable personality assessment or an alternative method or approach to assess personalities?

? What are some benefits/liabilities of giving managers access to the MBTI profiles of employees & job applicants?

? Was this exercise a worthwhile investment of your time?

? Do you have suggestions that may lead to a more meaningful personality self-assessment exercise?

? Be sure to include your name and the course number om the top-right section of the 1st page of your reflective statement

This assignment is due at the beginning of the course session on Thursday, February 11th