M8D1: Contextual Fear Conditioning and Treating Depression With Brain Stimulation

M8D1: Contextual Fear Conditioning and Treating Depression With Brain Stimulation

M8D1: Contextual Fear Conditioning and Treating Depression With Brain Stimulation

Watch TED Talk Ben Goldacre – What doctors don’t know about the drugs they prescribe.

(Links to an external site.) [Video file,13:29] Retrieved from: https://www.ted.com/talks/ben_goldacre_what_doctors_don_t_know_about_the_drugs_they_prescribe

1. What’s your reaction to this TED Talk? Were you surprised by anything, or not? Write about why you were or weren’t surprised.

2. In yourwebtext, Zivin (discussed in Chapter 18) suggests that clinical trials can be trustworthy, fast, or cheap – but that in any one trial, only two of the three are possible? After watching this TED Talk, what do you think he means?

3. Finally, describe the scientific reasoning that should be used when determining if drugs are effective in treating psychiatric disorders.


Paper 2

Part I: Describe the role of the hippocampus in contextual fear conditioning.

Can you think of an instance where you have been subjected to contextual fear conditioning? Describe that instance. In your answer, describe the role of the hippocampus in contextual fear conditioning.

Part II: Describe two forms of treatment for depression that utilize brain stimulation.

There are many other treatments for depression that aren’t discussed in this module. Name at least two you know of. What is the evidence for their efficacy? Remember to properly cite and reference your sources in APA format.