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Lab 4 Assignment: Correlational Study
¨ Planet Money podcast episode about the limitations of correlations ¤ Check out the link in Isidore Announcements
Lab 4
¨ On Monday you filled out a questionnaire ¤ Asked about ways you tend to think and act (read: your personality) ¤ Asked about your academic performance (read: Grade Point Average) ¤ Are these things related? If so, how? What can that tell us?
Lab 4
¨ People’s grades vary. What accounts for this variability? ¤ Intelligence? ¤ Work ethic? ¤ Maybe personality?
n If we know something about a person’s personality, can we predict (with some degree of confidence) their grades?
Earlier Study
¨ Lounsbury et al., (2003): correlation between certain characteristics and grades ¤ General intelligence predictive of variance in grades ¤ Work drive predictive of variance in grades ¤ Some aspects of personality
n Of “Big 5” personality traits n Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism,
openness) only some predictive of variance in grades
Our Study
¨ Is personality correlated with GPA ? ¤ Big-5 Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999)
n Standardized measure of 5 personality traits/dimensions n Extraversion: 9 items n Agreeableness: 8 n Conscientiousness: 9 items n Neuroticism: 8 items n Openness: 10 items
n Total of 44 items
Our Study
¨ Is personality correlated with GPA ? ¤ Big-5 Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999)
n About half of items were negatively worded and had to be reverse-coded
n Ex: extraversion n (1:disagree strongly to 5: agree strongly)
n I see myself as someone who is… talkative à 4 n I see myself as someone who is… sometimes shy, inhibited à 2
BUT reverse-code by subtracting score from 6 = 4
Our Study
¨ Is personality correlated with GPA ? ¤ Big-5 Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999) n Compute mean score for each of the five personality traits n Ex: extraversion n Sum of positively worded ratings and reverse-coded negatively worded ratings, divided by total items (9) n Extraversion “score” represents how outgoing (or introverted) a person: lower number = more introverted; higher number = more extroverted
Our Study
¨ Is personality correlated with GPA ? ¤ Big-5 Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999)
n Other measures we could have used: IASR-B5, NEO-PI, PSI
¤ Self-reported GPA
Earlier Study Vs. Our Study
¨ Personality/work drive/Intelligence
¨ Grade in one course
¨ Personal Style Inventory
¨ Successive Ind. Samples Design
¨ Personality
¨ Big-Five Inventory
¨ Successive Ind. Samples Design
Lounsbury et al., (2003) Our Study
Lab 4
¨ Prediction: some personality traits correlated with GPA (personality can predict GPA, to some extent) ¤ Correlation between personality trait & GPA
n H1: ?? 0 n H0: ?= 0
Lab 4
¨ Prediction: conscientiousness and GPA are correlated ¤ + correlation between conscientiousness, GPA
n H1: ? > 0 n H0: ? ? 0
¨ Prediction: openness and GPA are correlated ¤ + correlation between openness, GPA
n H1: ? > 0 n H0: ? ? 0
¨ May be correlations between personality traits, but we’re not interested in those
Lab 4
¨ Correlation coefficients = r ¤ Regression analyses looks at how several different variables (personality traits) contribute to the variability in an outcome variable (grades)
¤ Are correlations statistically significant?
¨ Coefficient of determination = R2
¤ Proportion of 1 variable (GPA) that is predictable from another variable (personality trait)
¨ Correlation table ¨ Scatterplot of conscientiousness and GPA
Lab 4
¨ Title Page ¨ Abstract ¨ Introduction ¨ Method ¨ Results ¨ Discussion ¨ Table ¨ Figure (scatterplot)
Lab 4
¨ Method ¤ All 3 subsections:
n Participants n Even though you were participant, write as the researcher; number of participants and basic demography n Materials n Describe questionnaire (cite John & Srivistava, 1999) n Describe types of items, response scale, sample items n Describe positively and negatively worded items n Procedure: n Describe how survey was administered to participants
Lab 4
¨ Results ¤ Follow the recipe from Lab 3 ¤ Describe how we computed mean score for each
personality trait ¤ Refer to tables and figures rather than cite all means ¤ BUT, must describe and report significant correlation
n r = ____, p = _____
¤ Include on own pages n Table (correlations) n Figure (scatterplot depicting conscientiousness and GPA)
Lab 4
¨ Write objectively as a researcher ¤ Write objectively as a researcher ¤ Pretend you weren’t also the participants; write about
the participants as a separate group
¨ APA style throughout ¤ Refer to the sample paper ¤ Refer to the feedback from Lab 3 (coming to you soon)