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Knowledge Builder Behavior Therapies
1. What two types of conditioning are used in behavior modification?
______________________ and ______________________
2. Shock, pain, and discomfort play what role in conditioning an aversion? a. conditioned stimulus b. unconditioned response c. unconditioned stimulus d. conditioned response
3. If shock is used to control drinking, it must be ___________________ contingent.
4. When desensitization is carried out through the use of live or filmed models, it is called a. cognitive therapy b. flooding c. covert desensitization d. vicarious desensitization
5. The three basic steps in systematic desensitization are: constructing
a hierarchy, flooding the person with anxiety, and imagining relaxation. T or F?
6. In EMDR therapy, computer-generated virtual reality images are used to expose clients to fear-provoking stimuli. T or F?
7. Behavior modification programs aimed at extinction of an undesirable behavior typically make use of what operant principles? a. punishment and stimulus control b. punishment and shaping
c. nonreinforcement and time out d. stimulus control and time out
8. Attention can be a powerful ______________________ for humans. 9. Tokens basically allow the operant shaping of desired responses or “target behaviors.” T or F?
REFLECT Think Critically
Knowledge Builder Behavior Therapies
10. Alcoholics who take a drug called Antabuse become ill after drinking alcohol. Why, then, don’t they develop an aversion to drinking?
1 1. A natural form of desensitization often takes place in hospitals. Can you guess what it is?
Can you describe three problems for which you think behavior therapy would be an appropriate treatment?
Knowledge Builder Behavior Therapies
A friend of yours has a dog that goes berserk during thunderstorms. You own a CD of a thunderstorm. How could you use the CD to desensitize the dog? (Hint: The CD player has a volume control.)
Have you ever become naturally desensitized to a stimulus or situation that at first made you anxious (for instance, heights, public speaking, or driving on freeways)? How would you explain your reduced fear?
See if you can give a personal example of how the following principles have affected your behavior: positive reinforcement, extinction, punishment, shaping, stimulus control, and time out.
Answers: 1. classical (or respondent), operant 2. c 3. response 4. d 5. F 6. F 7. C 8. reinforcer 9. T 10. Committed alcoholics may actually “drink through it” and learn to tolerate the nauseating effects. 11. Doctors and nurses learn to relax and remain calm at the sight of blood and other bodily fluids because of their frequent exposure to them.
9781285519517, Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews, Thirteenth Edition, Coon/Mitterer – © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization.
Somatic therapy
Any bodily therapy, such as drug therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, or psychosurgery.
The use of drugs to treat psychopathology. Anxiolytics Drugs (such as Valium) that produce relaxation or reduce anxiety. Antidepressants Mood-elevating drugs.
Antipsychotics (major tranquilizers)
Drugs that, in addition to having tranquilizing effects, also tend to reduce hallucinations and delusional thinking.