Impaired Tissue Perfusion Assignment

Impaired Tissue Perfusion Assignment

Impaired Tissue Perfusion Assignment

A Potential Problem Related To This Procedure Includes Impaired Tissue Perfusion Related To Haematoma Formation Or Bleeding.

The simulation scenario involved Mr Bright who had just undergone an angioplasty. A potential problem related to this procedure includes impaired tissue perfusion related to haematoma formation or bleeding. 

You are required to find five (7) contemporary, valid research journal articles (no older than 7 years) relating to the care of the

patient undergoing angioplasty. Read the articles focusing on the assessment elements of care required post procedure.     (Don’t forget to link your assessment reasoning to anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology).


Impaired Tissue Perfusion Assignment

Case Study Posting Requirements

Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
Cite at least three sources—journal articles, textbooks or evidenced-based websites to support the content.
All sources must be within five years.
Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.
Case Study 1

Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System

Jennifer belongs to a women’s rugby team. At 23 years old, she has been playing for five years and trains daily to keep up her strength and stamina. During one game, she was injured. Unable to walk, she was carried off the field supported by her coach and an athletic therapist. At the hospital, after an examination and MRI of her right knee, she was given her diagnosis. Jennifer suffered what is often termed the “O’Donoghue triad”: a ruptured medial collateral ligament, a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament, and tear of the medial meniscus.

Jennifer’s injury involved the complete tearing of two ligaments. What are the similarities and differences between the anatomy and function of ligaments and tendons?
Jennifer’s rehabilitation will include techniques that will increase her joint proprioception. What is proprioception, and what will occur if this neural function is not restored?
The knee joint exemplifies a diarthrodial joint. What are the anatomy of the synovial membrane and the importance of synovial fluid in such a joint?