HSA-319 Assignment: Healthcare Finance

HSA-319 Assignment: Healthcare Finance

HSA-319 Assignment: Healthcare Finance

Applied Research Paper –The length of the paper should be a minimum of 3000 words (not counting the title page, reference page, appendix or abstract), double spaced, typed on 8 ½ x 11 paper, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with a minimum of FIVE peer-reviewed references. The paper should be no less than 10 pages, and no more than 12 pages total, not including the Title, Abstract or Reference pages. References and quotations must be properly documented using APA publication standards. The paper MUST include a Title, Abstract and Reference pages. Examples of each are including in the online Canvas course shell.

The paper will include a summary Organizational Assessment based on the courses you had in the program and the issue/problem you select should be based on this assessment. The issue/problem addressed should be one that is relevant and has a potential impact on FINANCIAL performance. Choose a publically held healthcare company from the USA for the applied paper. The company can operate anywhere along the healthcare continuum, i.e. hospital, nursing home, home care agency, etc. It
can be a large chain company or a single entity, but it must be a publically traded entity.


Please be sure to incorporate the following sections into your paper. This is the
minimum required, you are free to add additional sections you deem appropriate.

2. Brief history about the company that you select (to be approved by the

5. Current Stock price or a plotting of the stock price

7. Financial strategy and/or overall strategy of the company (SWOT analysis)
8. Planning and budgeting concerns of the company
9. Future prospects of the company based on your own opinion or relevant research
such as Value line or other financial periodicals
10. Do you recommend this company as a buy, sell, or hold type of stock (WHY?)
11. Concluding thoughts – add additional research about the company
12. What you learned from the project
13. References (Cite all references in your paper using APA format)
14. Appendix (Include things you feel are relevant to your analysis, i.e. charts,
graphs, video links, etc.)