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v.1 — 3/4/19
PSYS 054 Spring 2019 – Questionnaire List
Gender identity*
Romantic relationship status (current: yes/no)
Class year
Major (Psych Science vs. Neuroscience vs. other)
Self-reported GPA
*these variables will each have several response options. However, to prevent identification of individual participants, some categories
may be combined for analysis after data entry. Please check with your TA if you are considering an analysis based on category
comparison on these variables.
Attitudes Towards Women Scale (25-item version)
Big Five Inventory (BFI) (generates 5 scores)
Brief COPE (28 item version, generates 14 scores!)
Grit Scale
Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale
Interaction Anxiousness Scale
Need to Belong Scale
Perceived Stress Scale
Procrastination Scale (20-item version)
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)
Sleep Quality Scale
Smartphone Addiction Scale
UCLA Loneliness Scale
Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire (USQ)
Please also note that some questionnaires (e.g., USQ) may have specific items removed if they relate to self-harm,
alcohol, drugs, sex, or illegal behavior, as the IRB does not allow us to assess these topics. This will generally not change
the scoring of questionnaires, but be sure you do not propose a research question that requires any of these questions.
NOTE! You will need to research any
questionnaires you choose for your project
so you know what scores are provided and
how you might analyze them.
Questionnaires will be scored for you.