HLT600 Week4 Health Care Policy Analysis Paper

HLT600 Week4 Health Care Policy Analysis

HLT600 Week4 Health Care Policy Analysis


You are a health care policy analyst for the local health department. You have been tasked with identifying a policy relevant to health care (e.g., obesity, smoking, asthma, etc.) from your state health department. Once identified, you are to conduct a critical analysis of the policy using the six steps of policy analysis:

1) Verify, define, and detail the problem.

2) Establish evaluation criteria.

3) Identify alternative policies.

4) Evaluate alternative policies.

5) Display and distinguish among alternative policies.

6) Monitor the implemented policy.

Present the analysis in a PowerPoint presentation (12-15 slides); make sure to include speaker notes.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

HLT600 Week4 Health Care Policy Analysis Paper

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. HLT600 Week4 Health Care Policy Analysis

HLT 600 GC Week 5 Social Ecological Model Latest

1) After reviewing “Social Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention,” found at http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/overview/social-ecologicalmodel.html, complete the “HLT 600 Social Ecological Model: Obesity Table.”

2) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Social Ecological Model: Obesity Table

Directions: Complete the table below addressing the issue of obesity at each level.

Level 1: Individual Level 2: Interpersonal Level 3:Organizational Level 4: Community Level 5: Public Policy
Influencing Factors or Characteristics
Prevention Strategies for:

HLT600 Public Health Policy Ethics Assignment

HLT 600 GC Week 7 Public Health Policy Ethics Latest

This assignment will be a collaborative learning team project. The instructor will assign each student to a CLC group.

Scenario: You are in a committee of legislators reviewing the Universal Health Care Act presented by former President William Clinton, located at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-103hr3600ih/pdf/BILLS-103hr3600ih.pdf

After reviewing the Universal Health Care Act, the committee is tasked with providing an analysis of the ethical considerations of the Act and the implications for accessibility of health care to all American citizens. The analysis should encompass:

1) The history and social context of the Act.

2) Viewpoints for and against the enactment of this act including supporting evidence for both sides.

3) Major frameworks in public health ethics that could be applied to this issue.

4) Recommendations the committee would suggest to strengthen the policy.

The analysis should be presented in a PowerPoint presentation (12-15 slides).

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

At the time of submission of the assignment, each member will also complete the “HLT 600 Committee Peer Review.” This document will be used in determining individual group participation as well as successful management and completion of project deadlines. HLT600 Public Health Policy Ethics Assignment

HLT 600 GC Week 7 Discussion 1 Latest

Why is an interdisciplinary approach important in addressing global health issues? How do organizations currently work together to solve important global health issues. Support your response with specific examples. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.

HLT 600 GC Week 7 Discussion 2 Latest

What factors influence the development and implementation of health care policy in developing countries? Explore the impact of these factors on the health care system of these countries in your answer. Respond to three other peers and provide additional insight and/or constructive comments. One-sentence posts or peer responses are not appropriate and will not receive full credit.

HLT600 Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Health Essays week 9 mod 7


This assignment will be a collaborative learning team project The instructor will assign each student to a CLC group

Scenario: You are in a committee of legislators reviewing the Universal Health Care Act presented by former President William Clinton, located at gpogov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-103hr3600ih/pdf/BILLS-103hr3600ihpdf”>http://wwwgpogov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-103hr3600ih/pdf/BILLS-103hr3600ihpdf

After reviewing the Universal Health Care Act, the committee is tasked with providing an analysis of the ethical considerations of the Act and the implications for accessibility of health care to all American citizens The analysis should encompass:

1) The history and social context of the Act

2) Viewpoints for and against the enactment of this act including supporting evidence for both sides

3) Major frameworks in public health ethics that could be applied to this issue

4) Recommendations the committee would suggest to strengthen the policy

The analysis should be presented in a PowerPoint presentation (12-15 slides)

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

This assignment uses a grading rubric Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment

At the time of submission of the assignment, each member will also complete the “HLT 600 Committee Peer Review” This document will be used in determining individual group participation as well as successful management and completion of project deadlines

Week 10 mod 8

1) Complete this assignment as outlined in “HLT 600 Establishing My Academic and Career Path”

Establishing My Academic and Career Path

As you begin the transition from academic courses to career opportunities, reflect on how the strategies already discussed can help to guide you through the process Consider the degree path you have chosen and what additional skills or activities you should engage in beyond the academic learning in your courses to be successful What initiatives and goals do you have for this career? Begin and continue to establish your academic journey and career goals

Individual courses within the program will offer opportunities through assignments that develop particular skills pertinent to specific career requirements and transfer of acquired knowledge Other courses and specific assignments such as interview, practicum, and capstone projects provide opportunities for students to be exposed to relevant problems and creative activities in health care These opportunities will require students to apply techniques acquired from the classroom to active investigation with experienced mentors in the field

Research where to find career openings in your chosen field, select a position you might be interested in, and identify the qualifications and experience required Identify these requirements as you progress through the coursework provided in your program Take initiative to inquire and explore as you make connections with your coursework and career goals Some items to consider further are membership in a professional association, the use of Internet job boards for research into future trends, licensure compliance throughout the country/world, and occupational conditions such as location, shifts worked, required equipment, or safety standards

Listed below are some suggestions related to the types of information that you may want to include in this section of the document:

1) Who? Who would make up my network (eg, peers, instructors, professionals, colleagues) essential to success in my chosen field in relation to this particular course?

2) What? What are my findings from researching competencies and/or certification requirements for my specific job role in relation to this course?

3) When? When should I begin to make the connection between my course of study and my career goals?

4) Where? Where does this course fit in my career goals? Where could I schedule an interview or internship to bridge the theory in my course with the practice of a job in the field?

5) Why? Why are peer-reviewed articles important and what is the significance of them in a career in health care?

6) How? How does this course relate to the requirements of my career goals? How can I make a link between the course and career experience that I need?

Focus on the concepts and skills learned from this course and spend time reflecting on Who, What, When, Where, Why,or How, in establishing your academic and career path Examples are provided below The table will continue to expand as you progress through the course

Date Category(Who, What, When, Where, Why, or How) Comment Required Follow-Up
1/21/2011 Who EXAMPLE: Donald Duck – Current manager of the T&D department at ABC hospital He has agreed to act as a professional mentor as I complete this program We discussed the capstone project deliverable and steps required for approval
1/29/2011 What EXAMPLE: Read an article entitled, “Health Care Delivery Dynamics” This may be my target topic for project: <name of topic>
2/10/2011 When EXAMPLE: Obtain evidence of research project approval from ABC hospital (5/31/2010)
2/17/2011 Where EXAMPLE: Professional health care association – ACHE (American College Health Care Executives) Made contact and inquiries
2/24/2011 Why EXAMPLE: Based on recent readings, identify five reasons the project would be beneficial to my organization (eg, improve patient care, enhance hospital efficiency, save money, make money, improve quality, etc)
03/02/2011 How EXAMPLE:Tour health care setting (hospital, nursing home, home health agencies, or insurance company) facility and interview IT security officer to gain understanding in the field (04/12/2010)

HLT600 Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Health Essays Week 10 Assignment


1) Generate a policy brief (750-1,000 words) which targets a contemporary issue in public health policy that has global implications (eg, smoking, obesity, infant mortality, etc)

2) Refer to the “HLT 600 Policy Brief Guide”

3) While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center

4) This assignment uses a grading rubric Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment

Policy Brief Guide

Legislators seldom have the time to read through all the literature related to a specific health care policy question To make well-informed decisions, they rely on short, tightly written briefs that quickly and cogently relay the important policy facts, questions, and arguments about an issue

An effective policy brief will advance a persuasive argument in a concise, clearly organized fashion A policy brief does not include a lengthy analysis or review of the literature.

Policy Brief Assignment Template


  • Begin with a brief overview and state the health care problem
  • Include the history and social context of the public health condition


  • Clearly state your recommendations for addressing the issue up front


  • Outline the history or background relevant to the global prevalence of the condition and health disparities related to the condition
  • Describe the population(s) most affected by the conditions
  • Describe the major agencies responsible for enforcement of public health related to this issue along with outlining their roles


  • Constructively criticize arguments, ideologies, and the quality of current actions being taken to address the condition
  • Use evidence from literature and other sources to support your perspectives and advance your recommendations


  • Conclude with a persuasive argument and summary statement
  • Summarize the major points and provide recommendations for the implementation of specific policies to address the health care issue. HLT600 Week4 Health Care Policy Analysis